Prayers for Mr. Shabby

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I have a prayer request that I will not share on FB I said that my life stories would take place only on the blog now. In a way, I feel selfish coming to you with this same request when so many others are in fear, sick, or have passed away from this Pandemic in our country and all across the globe. My prayers go out to them, to our ill people with cancer and other deadly diseases. So, if you subscribed you should get emails when I post. Some have said they subscribed but do not get the emails. You will get an email in your spam folder once you subscribe confirming that you did want the emails. If you do not see or click that link you will not get the emails. Just so you know.

I come to you once again for prayers over Mr. Shabby, at this time I will not go into details. I will say this much and leave it here. He will always be apart of our family no matter what. We love him, God loves him, and he is struggling right now. All I can do is pray, and I am asking that you too pray for him, his life, that he can find some peace away from the demons that call out to him and his addiction. Thank you, my son and I appreciate your prayers for him, for us.

God bless each of you, please say in and stay safe only go out when you must, together we can get through this. Prayer for the ones that are alone, elderly and need help that they will get that help, all of them!

50 thoughts on “Prayers for Mr. Shabby”

  1. Debbie, you are so precious to me ❤️
    We always keep Mr. Shabby and you in our prayers. But even more right now in his deepest need. Praying for protection and that the Lord will convict his heart enough to pull him away from the grip of addiction once and for all ! There’s nothing that is impossible with God and we’ll just keep praying 🙏🏻❤️

  2. Debbie, you loved Mr. Shabby a long time. You don’t just turn off those kinds of feelings even when you have decided not to stay together. I am so sorry he is having a really rough time right now and of course I will pray for him. No matter what he may or may not have done in his life, he is still one of god’s children and he is deserving of our prayer and compassion. I hope things turn out well.

  3. Prayers for Mr. Shabby and you and your son. The Devil is a mighty force…with the drugs. It not easy to watch our loves…all we can do is pray for them. Love, Marianna

  4. Prayers for Mr. Shabby and you and your son. The Devil is a mighty force…with the drugs. It not easy to watch our loves…all we can do is pray for them. Love, Marianna

  5. Debbie I am so sorry about Mr. Shabby. I have family that are in the grips of addiction, and also have shared a relationship I had off and on for 5 years. Satan’s job is to kill, steal, and destroy. Our God is more than able to bring them out of the darkness. I can’t imagine the torture some go through. I don’t think they woke up one day and said, Oh, I want to be an addict. It goes much deeper I think in trauma they may have suffered early on in life. Anyway, I will keep Mr. Shabby, and you and your family in my prayers. Love and blessings to you!

    1. Debera, I recall that, and it has been 38 plus years for us. over 3/4 of my life and it still hurts as much today as it did then just in a different way. Thank you, for the prayers, God hears them all, I know that.
      Have a blessed day.

  6. Prayers for Mr Shabby, you and the rest of your family. I know addiction is a tough thing to beat and I wish him well.

  7. Prayers for Mr Shabby and your family. God will guide the way. Prayers for our country as we all weather this pandemic together. God Bless

  8. May Jesus’s light shine through the darkness of addiction. We can do all thing thru the strength of Christ’s anointing. I know he knows Jesus and I pray that he turns back to him in this time of temptation.

  9. Dear Debbie, I just want you & son to know that I am praying much for you all. The demon problem that Mr. Shabby is going through in his life special prayers for him too. I do know we are not a perfect people and we all go through bad times in our lives. I see that in the midst of you are showing continued compassionate God’s love. God bless you.

    1. Oh, Darlene, I thank you for your kindness. I do get down, I do worry, I do cry, I do stay awake some nights. But, I also go to God in prayer and when I am overwhelmed I ask Him to just listen to my heart until I can find the words. I pray for others even those that have done me wrong. I try to help everyone that I can with what they ask of me when I can. God has done so much for me all my life and I have shared that right here in many stories. Have a blessed evening.

  10. Oh, Debbie, bless his heart! I pray that whatever he is running from, trying to bury, he will face it and overcome his darkness!
    Seems like the alcohol problem is getting worse with my husband as well! I don’t say much about my life here, but you have been an inspiration to me, Debbie!
    I will definitely pray for peace and freedom for Mr. Shabby and you too, sweet friend! Love and blessings!🙏❤️

  11. Debbie, I love and admire you for asking for prayers for Mr. Shabby. At this time, I pray for you, your son, his wife and your new grandson who will soon be born. I’m so sorry for what Mr Shabby is going through and hope he can break this habit. May God continue to bless you and I know that He will. Prayers continuing for y’all. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

    1. Thank you, not all understand that sickness of addiction. Many people can stop, want to stop and do. Others want to badly but there is something that drives them, actually tortures them. I can it that Satan stronghold, and when that devil sinks his teeth into some they never break free, God help them all, please.

  12. Such a hard time for all of us but even worse for those suffering from depression and addiction. A pray for Mr Shabby that he will find strength. Also to you and your son Debbie. Worrying about a loved one is a tough journey. Jan

  13. My prayers are with you and Mr Shabby, Debbie. I pray that he can find the strength to resist the temptations that haunt him and I also pray that you can continue to make a life for yourself and find the happiness you so deserve. God is with you both and He loves you.


    1. Kathy, thank you. I know that God is able, I have resided to the fact that he may use until he no longer can. I have not given up on HOPE, and I pray for him daily. We have a grandson due very soon in the midst of all this coronavirus, and will not be able to be there for my youngest son this is his 1st child. So much going on right now there are days I could just run far far away if I could leave my home lol

  14. Dearest Debbie and family
    Prayers for you all; especially your Mr. Shabby as he struggled with his addiction…,
    Know that all of us out here care for your Mr. Shabby, you, and your family
    I was the daughter of an alcoholic; he passed away at 58
    Married a wonderful man that loved to drink, married, had 2 beautiful children; then the drinking and insanity became more and more crazy until a time when me and my children could no longer live with in insanity… as much as we loved the man… my husband… my children’s father…
    My younger brother fought valiantly with his demons and addictions to both drugs and alcohol; I believe he and my youngest brother were born physiological addicted to alcohol; sadly he took his life at 36
    I say all this because there is no ‘black and white’… no easy answers… ‘one fix cures all’… there just isn’t
    Know that I care
    Know that you are all in my prayers; especially your Mr. Shabby
    God bless and keep you safe
    Sweetest of blessings
    Victoria BC 🦀🐳🦀
    Canada 🇨🇦

    1. Annie, thank you. God bless you for your kind words. Prayer is the best thing I can do for Mr. Shabby, and I do, daily. Sometimes several times a day as the coronavirus grows more and more with him out and about and none of us know his whereabouts. You are right there are no one size fixes all for addiction, it is a battle many face every day.

  15. Prayers for Mr Shabby. Addiction is an awful thing. Destroying not only themselves but also the ones they love. A stronghold like I’ve never seen. But nothing is too big or hard for the God we serve. Love and prayers for you and your son also Debbie.

    1. Yes, Martha, some have described it as being in prison daily, for the addict. Please know we thank you, for your prayers as they are needed and heard by our Heavenly Father.

  16. Prayers for all of you.
    Addiction and rehabilitation do not always end when and how we want. Some can use what they learn in rehab and make a better life while others need more times in rehab. It has nothing to with us and everything to do with their addiction. And sometimes what looks like success is really what is known in AA as being a dry drunk and that can be true with drugs as well. We families need to have a solid life once rehab has been completed and we are like detectives looking for a problem. Life after rehab doesn’t always result the way we expected it to. Some people can live with this and stay with the addict and others can’t. God will give us the answer, we just have to listen.

  17. Prayers for Mr. Shabby that he has the desire and strength to face his demons and sent them back to the pit. And for protection and peace of his loved ones. And protection from the COVID-19 virus for each of us here and those Debbie loves. Amen.

      1. I do get your emails then I come here to read. I like this format better. I will be praying for you and Mr.Shabby. Prayers that you both see the right thing to do and the strength to do it. Prayers that you are not touched by the COVID-19 virus and that this will soon be in the past.

        1. Lola, yes, I pray daily for a cure for this virus as is continues to run through each state in America. It is awful and I am doing my best to stay home away from others.. Just going out for food and medication. Stay safe, thank you so much for your prayers for Mr. Shabby and I.

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