A Mother’s Love, Valentine’s Day 1973

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It was Valentine’s Day 1973, she was 17 and about to give birth. So young and all joking aside, quit Nieve and very scared. She was in love with the father of her baby yet no one but him, really understood and shared that love for this child that would soon be born, than the two of them, as well as young love for one another. But, it was not to be, her parents were against it from day one, the baby, him, and the shame it brought shame on them. They refused to let her keep her own child. It was a firm no but, she really thought when the time came they would change their minds, bur they did not. Yet, she had no choice but to managed to make it through all that was put before her at the age of 17 and to this day, Lovers Day, the day her baby girl was born she has not and never will forget that day. It was an easy birth, she was born at 1:56 PM Valentine’s Day weighing in at 5 lbs 3 oz, with a head full of black hair big eyes the size of quarters, and a button nose, she was the most beautiful thing ever. As she held her close it was as if she could feel the love, that connection between them so strong in her heart, all the way through to her soul.

It was just for a few minutes and then off she went, taken from the arms of that young Mother, to be placed in a private adoption with a family that would love her as if she were their own. But, she wasn’t theirs, she had a Mother, one that wanted her very much, and loved her for 9 months and now today she saw that face and knew what real love was. But, at 17 in 1973 that young Mother had no rights, what her parents thought was best And that was what would be, and so it was. After holding her child for the first and last time she cried herself to sleep, when she woke up she saw both parents there, she asked for a drink, and as her Mother went to get her a glass of water from the table beside her bed, she saw the beautiful single white rose in a glass bud vase. Yet no one knew what it came from, white Roses and white tulips became her favorite to this very day!

Year after year weeks before  Valentine’s Day she was sadder than usual it was a hard day for her, harder than every other day during the years, and they were bad enough at times. Valentine’s Day was not a day she ever looked forward to, yet she kept it all inside, year after year, after year so that others didn’t know, but,  she and her parents knew, how could they ever forget?

It was not until she had grown children years later that she could bring herself to finally tell them, to let it out, she wanted to scream, yes scream, you have a sister, I have a daughter, one she never got to see again, and will never know. She was so thankful for the children she had her 2 boys were her heart. the was blessed with, now grown men with children of their own. She and her parents never mentioned it after that, it was hush, hush, don’t talk don’t tell, it’s over let it go but, for her, it would never be over always in her heart.

Yet there came a time when she had to talk about it or it was going to eat her alive, literally. When her parents were older and not well, and her children had grown up, and she herself was now a Grandmother, one afternoon they had a deep conversation about that Valentine’s Day in 1973. They assured their daughter it had also eaten at them all those years too, but, they never wanted to bring it up since she had not done so in over 30 years. They said, that if they had known she would have grown up so fast and become the Mother, hard worker, and the fine young lady that she had become, they would not have done things the way they did.

It was time to cry, and tell them all the years that she held it in had almost destroyed her, and let them know she did understand finally why they did what they did, she had finally found some peace in it all. In the end, she knew what her parents did all those years ago was done out of love for their daughter and their first grandchild. They thought they were giving them both the life they needed, the best life possible for them both. Valentine’s Day 2024 will mark the 51st year she became a Mother for the first time, and every day that goes by she remembers that Valentine’s Day like it was yesterday. She hopes, dreams, and prays that the life of her firstborn is one of love, joy, happiness, and grace. When a Mother loves, she loves with everything in her, no matter what the outcome or circumstances.

Adoption is a wonderful, and beautiful thing when a child is loved and taken care of, she was privy enough to know that was the case for her daughter, but not until many years later. It is an act of selflessness, yet there is heartbreak that comes with that to give to another person that precious gift of life. You have to let go and do the best you can, that is your only choice, until that day when God introduces you both, once again in Heaven.

If you have a child you love dearly due to the love of a Mother who did not have the choice nor the chance to raise her child and gave you that chance to have that love in your life, I know you praise God every day. If you are a Mother who gave your child to someone without that chance to see them, to know they were ok period, or it took many years to find out about your baby that is now an adult with children and grandchildren of her own, I hope you know there is a special place in my heart for you.

Enjoy your Valentine’s Day, and know that God is love, He is the one that loves you no matter what, just as a loves her child no matter what. Unconditional love lasts a lifetime. She never forgets ever. Happy 51st Birthday to Kennedy, she stole my ❤️ 51 years ago today!

43 thoughts on “A Mother’s Love, Valentine’s Day 1973”

  1. I am so sorry to just now commenting on this heart wrenching writing from you. I’m just now seeing your story! You are such a strong and brave woman! Made my heart hurt for you sweet friend! I pray you two will meet soon!
    I have a story to tell you about adoption, but will send it in messenger Wednesday.

      1. What a sad, but beautiful story of a Mother’s love. It hurt my heart to read, but I pray that sweet girl had a wonderful life with her adoptive parents. We, as parents, make mistakes raising children and at the time of stressful situations feel like we are making the “best” decisions for them. It’s hard being a parent! Love and hugs.
        Barbara Bennett Branch
        Tallahassee, FL

  2. That was a beautiful story…thank you for sharing with us…no one can understand unless they have lived it❣ God Bless you always!

  3. Debbie – Thank you for sharing what’s in your heart. I pray that you will meet up with your girl in this life or the next and it will be wonderful. Sending ❤ your way 😘

  4. Debbie, what a sad but beautiful story. I’m so sorry. I hope you meet your daughter again this side of Heaven. You are so strong and brave and everything you’ve been through has made you who you are today, helping other women! I’m sorry you went through this when you were so young.
    My mom’s birthday is Valentine’s Day. She passed away right before Christmas a year ago at age 89. It’s hard to think of the day as anything except mom’s birthday!
    Thank you for sharing your story! I’m praying for you and I know I won’t forget next year when it rolls around again. I’ll be saying extra prayers for you, sweet friend!❤️

    1. Thank you for being so open and honest Debbie. I felt the emotions in your words and believed the young Mom was you. Your beautiful and heartbreaking story brought me to tears. May God bless you, today and always.

    1. Debbie, you are a beautiful and atrong woman. This was both a heart-breaking and heart touching story. You have a beautoful family. God has always had you angel friend. He still does. Much love sent your way. I hope you had a good Valentines Day.❤️

  5. Thank you for sharing this beautiful yet heartbreaking story, Debbie. A Mother and her child have a soul connection that lasts forever. If they don’t reunite here, , they will in heaven.

  6. Debbie you and I have talked about this before and my heart broke again just like before. I am so sorry that you went through that. I can’t imagine how hard that was. I’m thankful that you have your sons and all of your grandchildren. You are a very strong woman. ❤️❤️❤️

  7. Oh, the love in a Mother’s heart. It is God given. You are such an inspiration to me. Your posts touches my heart in someway every time. God bless all the mothers that have to make such a decision. Hope you have had a wonderful Valentine’s Day. Love and hugs.

  8. What a beautiful heart breaking story. I am so very sorry and will pray that they shall meet one day soon. Valentine’s Day is hard for me also. My son was born 38 years ago today. He died when he was 8 years old. It is bittersweet.
    Big big hugs to you.

  9. A beautiful and heartbreaking love story. Yet, a story of a selfless gift to and by all parties. Blessing this Valentine Day.

  10. Well written Debbie it’s coming from the heart…I have read this story before!! I have follower you for 8 years…..Prayers….Love, Marianna

    1. Oh Marianna, thank you! Yes, you have been with me several years now it was 8 years last month that I started the original, Oh So Shabby By Debbie Reynolds. Boy have I shared somethings and grown in that time. We all have in ways, I know that I get emails daily from people sharing the changes they have been through with me and the changes they see in me. Have a wonderful weekend my friend.

  11. My firstborn is an adoptive momma. She is aware every single day of the sacrifice that allowed her to fill the desires of her heart. She is mom to a boy and a girl. My grandkids are fortunate, they’re able to know their birth moms. And their birth moms are fortunate to have my daughter raising their precious children because of her love for them and gratitude for their sacrifice. My father was adopted and never knew his birth family or why he was given up for adoption. I pray as my grandchildren grow up and realize what it means to be adopted they will recognize the genuine love of both mothers and how blessed they are

  12. I sense a very personal post that might be part of your own life. It reads like a story the writer personally experienced. Extremely well written Debbie.

  13. so heartbreaking. I hope the mother finally got a chance to see her daughter, to hold her and tell her how much she was loved.

  14. A heartbreaking decision on the young Mother’s heart was a joyous occasion for the parents that had longed for a baby in their arms…I heard a message the other day, that said even babies born unexpectedly was a gift from God, because He knows how many have a longing for a child and are not able to conceive…thought that was an awesome perspective ❤️😘

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