Asking for healing prayers

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It has been a minute since I have posted here. I’ve also not posted much on the FB page. You may or may not know that already. Well, it started with Jackson I asked for prayers over a month ago for him. I noticed at the pool when his shoes were off his big toes were going towards his second toe BIGTIME. He can’t be seen by a pediatric orthopedist until July, our healthcare system is broken. My daughter-in-law Jackson’s mom, had a lemon size nodule come up on her thyroid in a matter of weeks today she was supposed to get a biopsy and they said biopsy test and she’ll have it removed and see where they go from there. I haven’t been feeling well for several years I’ve had problems with my left hip, occasionally getting up and down downstairs etc. etc. so, I asked my internist to let’s get an x-ray and I have osteoarthritis and a bone spur. They’re talking about a hip replacement. the good Lord knows that I don’t want that surgery. I know I’ll hear from a lot of you say oh it’s no big deal maybe not, but I would rather not so they to physical therapy for six weeks and then I go back to the orthopedic doctor and we’ll just go from there I guess. We’ve had a lot going on. so I’ll be in and out on the Facebook page. Not really sure how all of this is gonna play out I know God knows, so we’re just trusting him.. Just thought I would let you guys know why I haven’t been posting a lot. I will draw a winner tomorrow for the bird house.. That will possibly be the last giveaway for a while. I don’t know it just depends on how I feel. You guys have a wonderful evening God bless, and you guys take care. We certainly would appreciate some healing prayers.

35 thoughts on “Asking for healing prayers”

  1. No wonder you have been on my mind so much lately! You certainly have a lot going on in your life now. I will be praying for you, sweet little Jackson, and his mom. Take care and don’t be too concerned about posting on fb. We all understand. Love, Susan

  2. Sweet friend, you have so much going on that I know you feel overwhelmed. But keep your eyes on the Lord and your faith in Him and His provision for all of you. God will see you through. You are all in our prayers here and I’m just a call or text away so please do let me know if you need anything at all. You are such a precious person and always encouraging to others so it’s our turn to encourage and pray healing over you and your family.
    Love you 🙏🏻😍🙏🏻

    1. Amen ~ well said! you have the take good care of yourself and family, or you can’t help others!
      We all understand and hold you all up in your prayers, it’s so hard when there are so many people riblems sometimes! Currently, I wish I wasn’t going through Chemo tratments …. I would much rather being doing for others! This is no fun ~ Prayers needed here too!
      I will remember you & your family in my prayers. Much love ~

  3. Healing prayers for you and your family, sweet friend. You have an army of friends lifting you all up in prayer. Sending love and hugs tonight.

  4. So many challenges at one time. Prayers for you and your family. Do not worry about posting; regroup, refresh, pray and try to enjoy your summer. All the beautiful messages you post need to be realized by you. 🌺😍🙏

  5. Debbie, my thoughts and healing prayers are with you, your daughter, and grandson.
    I know how difficult this time must be for you. I’m going through some health issues myself. So frustrating and stressful!

  6. I know you don’t want to hear this, but I too, was resistant to hip replacement surgery. Finally after several years I decided to do it. Best decision I made. Very little pain compared to what I had been experiencing. I was pain-free within a week and that was minimal. In less than three weeks I was back to normal life. It was easy compared to 15 years of pain. Please pray about it and consider it. I’ll be praying for you.

    1. Oh, I think it’s going to come down to having the surgery unless I witness a miracle of my own ♥️♥️♥️thank you for letting me know about your experience it helps

  7. Oh Debbie, I am so sorry to read this news. Poor Jackson, this sounds like he has hammer toes. My left foot big toe goes to the second toe and my toenail on the big toe is causing a callus. I sure hope and pray that they will have a cancellation and get him in the office sooner. It’s hard to get in to see the doctors these days.

    I pray for Jackson’s mom and hope that things will be okay for her. That has to be scary.

    I especially pray for you and hope you won’t have to have your hip replaced. Some people may have had it done and it wasn’t anything for them but not everyone is the same. I’m so sorry that you’re going through this but have osteoarthritis and a bone spur. I understand they are painful. God is with you and your family. I’m praying for peace and comfort and healing for all three of you.
    I love you my dear and sweet sister. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
    Elaine P Smith

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