Yesterday, December 28th was my Birthday. A couple of my friends insisted we go to lunch, so I agreed. I’d rather have stayed in my PJ’s at home doing very little. I tell you what 2020 has really pushed my buttons. I’ve become a recluse, and seem ok with it. I use to be on the go all the time. These days I find myself dreading it when I have to go out, nothing seems the same, to many changes at once. Is this what we have become? Is it what COVID has done to us? And just where did it come from and why? Yes, indeed why?
Am I alone here, or do you ask yourselves the same questions? Why was COVID 19 released on the world, and just who did it? We know it can take lives, you can have two people in one home and one die from it while the other one has very few symptoms. Odd to say the least. Whatever the answers are it America turned upside down. When I hear words like “the new normal” I want to throw up.
Why can’t we have the old normal? What was wrong with not living in fear another country will try something like this, worse? Why does China get a free pass to do this to us and we do nothing? War, no, I am not for war unless it is the very last resort. But, I can tell you that I am not for helping countries for years that are poor and have nothing, for them to steal from us, or have much handed to them then, have them turn around and do this. NOT ACCEPTABLE at all. All this has done is take lives, instill fear in people, and take jobs. It has shown the true colors of the leaders from top to bottom.
No matter what side you have taken (not my business) we can not allow the American people to be treated this way. YOu may have just said what about the rest of the world. Ok, here you go we do not control the rest of the world, really! I think it’s time for America to take care of the AMERICAN people, not money count fish in other countries, or transgender studies for youth in other countries, for the Kennedy center that is not even open. Tell me what does this have to do with COVID19 other than people out of work need help, not just renters relief but homeowners.
It is both sad and unreal what we have allowed to take place over the years in our great nation. We have accepted the unacceptable, turned the other cheek to sin, the reward? What does your bible tell you? I know what mine tells me. I work on myself to FEAR NOT, I have turned off the NEWS, the FB, the this the that. Opened my Bible, cried out to God, and no matter what, at the end of it all HE wins. This battle between good and evil we see goin on, make no mistake God has already WON. If you know where you will be once your life here is over then you are in good hands. At the moment I look out my window at the beautiful sunshine, and think to myself I remember when it was a wonderful world.
Remember one thing the world has not changed the PEOPLE have!