Cast Your Worries On Him-

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Do you feel worried right now about something in your life? Does everything around you give you reasons to worry, and you see no resolution, and you don’t yet know the outcome? It’s so hard not to worry in this world. We worry about our spouse, our kids, our future, our finances. Our worry often leaves us feeling overwhelmed and never at peace. Some of us are crippled with fear, and that fear controls the way we live our life. We live in a fallen world, and there are so many things we worry about but we have no control over. This is why the Lord left us with a guide and the greatest weapon, the Bible, to lead us to live worry-free lives in this worry-filled world. Today’s scripture tells us that we can cast all of our worries on him. While for so many of us that is a day today experience and with each new day, we have to recast those worries and doubts to God. I know I have to, but it’s mercy. But, His mercies are new each day!

“Cast all your worries and cares to God, for He cares for you.” – 1 Peter 5:7

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