Change How You Think-

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But then I read today’s Scripture verse. Allowing God to transform me into a new person by changing the way I think. I was so focused on the outcome I wanted, as it was all I was thinking about, that I lost my focus on God and His goodness. Nothing in life excited me because the one thing I was excited about wasn’t happening for me. Today’s verse teaches us that when we allow God to transform us into a new person by changing the way we think, it is then that we align our will with the Lord’s will. And His will for us is always good, always pleasing, and always perfect. When we do allow God to transform us, our desires will become His desires, and He brings excitement back.

When you focus on God’s goodness and begin walking in His will for your life, which is always good, you will begin to experience that excitement again. New things will excite you as God transforms you into a new person by changing the way you think about your situation. New thinking will bring new excitement again.

but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect …” – Romans 12:2

12 thoughts on “Change How You Think-”

  1. Inspiring message, Debbie! May you continue in your faith and trust in our Lord Jesus Christ!✝️Hope you a peaceful weekend. 💓🙏

  2. Debbie, I so needed this today! I have been going through a lot lately, and this encouraged me. I have let so many distractions come my way . I pray God gives you answers blesses you more than imagined.

  3. Yes I have been there too. We have to remember God’s love for us and that he is working things out that we don’t even know about.
    Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.
    Praying for you and your family.

  4. Sounds like an amazing release! I am so happy for you and pray God richly blesses you each and every day! I am in a situation where I feel alone and God isn’t listening, but I know He is, so I am trusting fully in Him! Thank you for sharing this. Love and prayers for you and your family.💖🙏💖🙏

  5. The will of God is not always clear, and the way of God may take quite some time to be clear, as you know Debbie. I feel like this is all part of the purpose of our lives, and hy we were brought into this life. Day by day our faith and our understanding grow, and sometimes takes a lifetime to come together. God is showing us His ways, and we are developing our understanding. For me, this is the definition of faith,and that is why it is SO important in our lives. Keep going. Keep believing. Keep cultivating your heart, your mind, and your body and soul will show you the way. That gift of faith WILL see you through even the most quiet or confusing and often, painful times. God hears you. God sees you. God carries you through.

  6. Debbie, thank you so much. I needed to hear/read this today. I want to be transformed into a new person and follow God’s Will for my life. I have prayed for an answer to something important to me to take place. Not so much my life but the life of my loved one. I did see an answer in part to my prayers.

    I love you my sweet friend and sister in Christ. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

  7. I have felt this way for some years now, ever since my world, as I knew it, crumbled. I have dreams and wishes, but always pray for God to act in his time, not mine, it these are to be answered. I am well aware some or all may not be answered or may be answered after I leave this earth. I try to be grateful for what I have today even if my heart is breaking for things I really want to happen in my life. Today we are facing the near passing of our oldest kitty, 16 and 1/2 year old Himalayan Chloe. She has been the Queen of the house for so long. We have 2 younger kitties, but her loss tears a hole in my heart. She does nothing now but sleep and purr when we stroke her. I have prayed for a peaceful crossing for her and it seems that may happen as opposed to the sterile room at the Vet’s Office. Wishing you a blessed day and weekend Debbie.

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