Does God Hear My Prayers-

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29 thoughts on “Does God Hear My Prayers-”

  1. Debbie, I can tell how much you have grown even though we have never met. I am not where I need to be in my walk with God, nor do I want to stay complacent. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Debbie, thank you so much for writing about this. I am very careful what I ask for and about when I pray because I know that God’s Will will be done.
    I just lost a dear friend this morning who had been diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer. I didn’t bargain with God when I prayed for him. I did ask to please not let him suffer.
    I also have a child who has lost his way and doesn’t seem to care. I ask God to please speak to him and his heart and show him the way. My son doesn’t like me talking about the things that he does that I find horrible.
    Thank you again for your prayers, support, encouragement and for caring. I love you my friend 🙏🏻♥️

    1. Elaine, I find that NO one that is in the wrong doing wants you to talk to them about it, it’s guilt, and conviction from the Lord that makes them not want to hear it at all. Been there with Mr. Shabby, my children, friends, and ME! Praying your son finds his way back to the Lord and turn his life around, Gods will does prevail. I am sorry for the loss of your friend. I’ve been there as well and it hurts. Wishing you a blessed Monday, God does hear you and He loves you.

  3. Again, something I needed. Thank you. I use to have a saying on my fridge that was there for so many years, “God’s timing is not the same as ours.” I’ve not seen it in years so I’m guessing Katrina took it in 2005.

  4. I am trusting God also Debbie to help my children find their way back to God. I have more than one child that has gone astray. I know that God does answer our prayers. As a Morher that is all we can do to help them on the right path thru our prayers. God will do the rest! ❤

    1. Kathleen, I am right there with you, once that thinks God isn’t real and one that just doesn’t want to hear about it. He believes, but has some issues that he can’t seem to let go of and give himself totally to the Lord. I pray for my children all the time for their salvation first and foremost. So, I do understand, grown children have bigger hard problems and as Mother’s they are always our children. I hope your week is blessed with something awesome

  5. Oh, Debbie, these words touch my heart. Our son was saved and accepted Jesus into his heart when he was nine years old. I have no doubt about his salvation. He loved the Lord, he played gospel music on his guitar, he witnessed to his friends about how he came to love the Lord Jesus. Then he allowed his circle of “so called’ friends to lead him on the wrong path. He got so involved that I think that is why the Lord called him home to Heaven at 32 years of age. That will be 21 years ago on the 29th of this month. We still live in wonder today. He left two beautiful children for us to love and help raise. His son looks just like him. His daughter has a daughter now who is a beautiful great grand that we love and she loves us right back. The one thing that I know came from this happening: Our son’s first cousin, and his half sister had been separated for years. At our son’s funeral, they were reunited and kept in touch until the Lord called this nephew home at an early age from cancer. We think the Lord used our son’s death to bring them together. We do have to allow the Lord to work things out in His own time. I know sometimes I get ahead of the Lord and try to fix things myself, but that’s not my job. My job is to do as you said, pray, pray and pray some more. I know I will be with him one day soon, from the looks of things. Thank you for sharing your heart with us, Debbie. We will continue to pray for you and your family. God bless.

    1. Oh, Mary, I had no idea. I have learned a bit about you from comments on the FB page. Reading your words this AM shook me I have a 41 year old son that is running down the wrong path as fast as he can go. I worry, yes I said I worry. God’s word tell us be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication, and with thanksgiving, is goes on, and of course you know the verse. I struggle with totally letting go of things like my children and grandchildren when they hurt, I hurt, when they are in trouble my heart hurts as God surly does us just in a different way. God bless you, I wish for you the Joy of Christ today and each day you wake.

  6. Debbie, thank you for this post. Keep praying for your child. God hears you and it is in His timing. Sometimes, it’s tough to go through as a mom, waiting for an answer and sometimes the answer is hard, but God won’t leave you or your child. I’ve had so many answered prayers. Some I didn’t realize until much later and I could look back and see from the beginning to the end, how God was working through it. He will give you little blessings to help you along the way in a difficult situation while you’re waiting on your loved one, waiting on an answer. Hang in there, keep praying. He hears you.

    1. Terri, you are so right, I have many times in my life looked back and truly saw the very hand of God that was at work for me 40, 30, 20, 10 years ago even 5 years ago. He has carried me, held me, taken things that hurt but later I understood why and what a blessing it was to see, and understand.I started my New Year, letting go of some in my life that no longer served me in a positive way, by that I mean we were not going on the same direction at all. While I will love them always and pray for them I needed to let go and move away. The Lord had been showing me long before I let go but, I just refused to see it, or accept it. Finally I got it, and I am grateful to God, and I know He will fill those voids with friends that He wants in my life. Wishing you a blessed week, and thank you for your beautiful words of knowledge as we walk through this life with such uncertainty at times we know we have the Lord to look to for answers. Or to just listen and comfort us as we don’t always get the answers right away and sometimes not here on earth at all, but in Heaven!

  7. I have seen a prayer associated with the 10 step AA program (maybe) that said it so well also ~ anyone know it?
    It talks about trusting the Lord, (as I recall) giving our cares, worries and concerns over to Him. But, then along the way, we get anxious, & we take those worries back , and ask God WHY he hasn’t fixed things, and he tells us that we took the worries back before he could fix them.
    I am going to have to Google and try to find that prayer online!!!
    The Bible speaks to “They that wait upon the Lord” ….. it is the right thing to do, we know, but as humans we are very impatient!
    💗💗💗🙏🙏🙏 for you Debbie!

    1. C.J. yes indeed the flesh is strong and being human is a battle daily when it comes to giving it to God and not picking it back up. Whew so hard at times, that’s why I am reading, praying, and working towards a closer relationship with the Lord. We need Him more than so many realize for ALL things big and small. I am vaguely familiar with AA due to the issues within my own family over the years past and some today. God bless, have a wonderful joy filled week.

  8. Yes I have been there. Questioning God about what is happing in my children’s lives and then in his time he has answered my prayers beyond what I knew to pray. Just keep praying and believing.

  9. Bless your heart, Debbie! I so understand where you are with your situation.
    I have gotten in Father’s way and it seemed to take longer for Father to answer my prayer for my children. Finally, figured out I’m not responsible to fix things in my children’s life. When I step aside and have faith and trust in Him things seem to work out better than I could hope for.
    Lifting you up in prayer from one mom to another mom! Love, Susan

  10. You are so right, it is all in God’s timing and not ours. Keep up the good work, as you said if it helps just one person find the Lord or their way back to Him, it is worth it. God bless.

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