Just Checking In-

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Good evening everyone, I hope you have had a great Friday. This was my first day home all day in a while. I cleaned my house. Both levels did some laundry and now I’m sitting here relaxing this evening. I was going to catch you guys up on my grandson, Jackson and his mother Chrystal. Jackson finally got to see the pediatric orthopedic doctor. I believe I’ve shared some of that with you guys on Facebook. Forgive me I can’t recall. He will have to have wide width shoes at all times wear splints on his big toes at night. They’ll wait about a year to see if that helps making sure it doesn’t if not, he will have to have surgery. He does have some type of bone issue. Forgive me. I can’t recall the name of that either. It’s. anyway, it causes his toes to because the bones are not straight. So remember him in your prayers he’s just a little boy. And he sometimes complains with his feet hurting when he plays for a long time and none of us want to see our children or grandchildren in pain. My daughter-in-law is now getting radiation treatments from there. I’m not really sure what they’re going to do nor do I think she knows either she’s 37 mother of four you guys know how that goes so prayers for her as well. I am still in physical therapy three days a week for my hip trying to prolong a hip replacement. We’ll see how that goes. I haven’t been posting on my Facebook it just seems like it’s me right now and I just don’t have anything really interesting to allow. Occasionally, I take photos when I take my slow morning walks and I shared those photos with you. I hope you’re enjoying them there on the Facebook page. I hope y’all have a good weekend. I plan to have a very busy week and I have a few doctors appointments next week as well as my physical therapy and I’m supposed to be meeting my oldest granddaughters for lunch one day next week and I do look forward to that very much so.
Much love to all love you,

20 thoughts on “Just Checking In-”

  1. We’ve been busy with 6 small grandchildren here….3 of them are 2 years old….a 3 year old….8 & 10 year Olds. Either they are playing, fighting, napping….repeat! They all leave today and as exhausting as it’s been I’m sure going to miss them.

    Continued prayers for Jackson and I hope the wider shoed will help his growing bones. Continued prayers for your daughter-in-law ….radiation is so debilitating….prayers for her recovery.
    And continued prayers for you too Debbie that you can avoid hip replacement. Have a blessed weekend dear friend!

  2. Praying for you, your grand baby and your daughter in law. Happy end of July! This summer is flying by!

  3. Just checking in to tell you Jackson and your Daughter in law are in my prayers. Take good care 🌸🌺😍

  4. Love and hugs for you, Debbie and all your family. Praying for you and Jackson and his sweet mom. Thanks for sharing this update and God bless you all.💖🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  5. Hi Debbie 🌺
    Thanks for your update! Yes, prayers for your family are needed & we are your prayer warriors.
    I always enjoy your nature photos and other posts. Take good care, Vonnie

  6. Debbie – Thanks for letting us know how you are doing. As always, keeping you and your family in my prayers. 🙏😘

  7. I am so very sorry that your family is going thru so much all at one time. We have to believe that God is in control here. Just know that we are praying for all of you. Much love to you and your family Debbie.

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