Living Life In The Golden Years

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Oh, am I in my “Golden Years” and as I think about that last statement I wonder why they call them that. To me golden means the best, after all, it is a precious metal right, and expensive too. Maybe that’s it they call it golden because it costs so much to live in these years, Huh? I know as many of are reading this you can relate to that saying, and you too are thinking the same thing. It’s a time when we should have little worries, our home paid for, and money in the bank, and no, not all of us planned well, or we were left to fend for ourselves due to divorce, etc. With the rising price of EVERYTHING, even if you have all the above it can be a struggle to just buy food, medications, gas for your vehicle, household items, and personal care items we all need. Sometimes I think wow, my home is not paid for, and things have gotten so expensive we had had to learn to cut back to prepare for Mr. Shabby’s retirement in the next couple of years, good Lord willing. I have a couple of widow friends and I see their struggle I think Lord what would I do if something happens to Mr. Shabby? I try not to allow myself to even go there but there are times that I do and it scares me.

There are also times that I think Man I wish I had a place to go and it was just me, and I did not have to still be cooking dinner nightly, (I do not like to cook anymore) making that grocery list, and could just cook when I wanted too and do what I wanted too. LoL Not happening here at my house, this Mr. LOVES to eat when he is eating one meal he often asks hey what’s for dinner. I just look at him and think REALLY did you just ask me that? He did and does! Ladies, I do love him, so I do my best to put it together for him! As I have gotten older I do not require 3 full meals a day, I am not hungry for that many meals like I was in my younger years.. he does. I can recall my parents didn’t require 3 full meals either so I might be cooking until the end here. Going to the grocery store for the 2 of us weekly is expensive to me and I just ask that question, “Golden Years” Where are they, and when will they arrive? Honestly, if I didn’t keep my JOY throughout my life it could be an unhappy situation with prices rising and Retirement not. But, it isn’t just the rising cost of living, it’s finding doctors that care these days as they use to. It’s health issues with this and that, yes little things PTL, but several of them can wear on you. That’s when we have to put out JOY to work. I try to keep moving, walking, doing, going, and spending time with friends and family, those are some of my best times, and I’m sure your’s as well.

I try hard to look for the little things in life that make me smile, and bring me JOY, like the green trees all over my yard, and the Birds singing so happily each morning. The color of the pretty flowers blooming, the waterfall as I am walking each morning, and surrounded by nature. And best of all my Grandchildren, oh the JOY they bring to my life. So, I guess the “Golden Years” as or can be as golden as we make them. We take the good with the bad and make the best of it, but through it all, we must keep our joy, which we can not let go of, joy, and hope for an easier or better tomorrow. Just stopping by to share my thoughts on this sunny warm Sunday afternoon here in Alabama.

Love to all,


28 thoughts on “Living Life In The Golden Years”

    1. I’m 69, retired since I was 62. Still in pretty good health except I’m slowing down. A few annoying things with my body (like dry eyes), arthritis in my feet. Grandchildren are the best. I only want to fix easy meals these days. Luckily my husband easy to please
      Have a great day

  1. I hear you, wondering when the golden years will be here! Seems like we are still so busy wondering how we ever used to find the time to work!! Still, we’re thankful we are still here esp following my husband getting cancer, going through treatments, and wondering if we would be able to have the golden years! Thanks for voicing concerns so many of us have!! Good to know we aren’t alone.

  2. Debbie, I can relate to everything you said! My husband plans to retire this summer. He worries if we’ll be ok, I tell him it will be good, an adjustment, but God will provide. I’m looking forward to him being home. I retired in 2017 and it’s been one health issue after another, mainly my spine, back and neck, dealing w so much pain and now I have a gastric ulcer from all the pain meds. I try to find something every day that I’m thankful for and that I enjoy about the day. It’s the only way I can get through it. Your blog brings me joy and all of your posts are something I’m thankful for. I trust God and I know He’ll continue to take care of all of us. I’m w you about cooking though and thankfully, my husband is easy. He’s happy if I cook or not, he will pick up something for us or he’ll get in the kitchen and cook something yummy for both of us! We all just need to keep reminding each other to keep looking up! I love listening to Christian music! So uplifting! Thank you for all of your thoughtful posts. I enjoy them so much! ❤️ Terri

      1. I am right there with ya! Golden Years are what we make of them for sure. I started a Bible Study the 1st of the year and every morning I am reminded that regardless of what is going on He is where the Joy is! Much love

  3. Dear Debbie, I love your posts and the comments left here. So much faith in you and the ladies who commented! Thank you all for lifting me up today. Blessings for each 💖

  4. I have no husband to worry about he died in 2010 suddenly. So my comment pertains to my Mom. She is 83 I live with her and care for her. Health issues are great and we have had COVID and Flu and very GI bug our school system has had come thru. Yet when she feels be she starts asking about the next meal. I am exhausted from trying to think of different things within our budget. I said to her why do you ask about the next meal. She does so because there is nothing else to do. So in her last years months or days of her life it is something she likes to wonder about. If she were to die today I could say she loved the homemade spaghetti we had last night. God bless you as you play chef for your husband.

  5. Debbie,
    I enjoyed reading this today and relate to your words and feelings. My house isn’t paid off and probably won’t be in my lifetime. I won’t have money left for my children to share. I am blessed to have 2 children who have 1 child each. My son, my firstborn has a daughter and my daughter blessed me with the sweetest and tiny baby boys in March. I pray that God will allow me to live for him to know me. I’m like everyone else and my life has changed drastically. Money is tight especially with health insurance coverage increasing after the first year. God Is Good and He Is great and will provide for us. Love you my friend and your inspirational words. 🙏🏻❤️

  6. My husband and I are in our “Golden Years” now and find that we enjoy friendships more, seeing the country and other countries and how other people live, enjoy having time to just sit and read, and just be at peace. I’d like to think that I have more patience than I did when I was younger (too bad my children didn’t find this trait in their mother when they were little). But I thank God everyday for the blessings he’s given me and I think I appreciate them more now than ever.

  7. Debbie, I got tickled when you said Mr. asked what was for dinner when eating lunch!😂Thats just like a man! I’m getting burned out on cooking, too! And the price of groceries is getting out of hand! My husband is very picky, so there are times I fix him one thing me something else.
    Enjoyed reading this from you! Have a blessed day!

    1. Susan, the Mr.and I do not eat the same things as we use to. My tastebuds have changed so, and his have not. So, I too find myself eating one thing lighter and him another..

  8. Thank you Debbie, for your beautiful posts each day ~ you bring a spark to life, for so many, like a Candle in the Darkness!
    I am with you, Debbie, when mentioning these Golden Years ~ I joke and say that they are not Golden here in the NW ~ but rather Rusty!
    I also say if you have your health, you have the world by the tail.
    The world has changed SO much ~ from cost of living, Peoples attitudes, Customer services, to Dr. appts. etc. …:.. just so many changes!
    Seems eveeything has went UP ~ cost wise, except Social security! Nothing is really like it used to be ~ but Thankfully God never changes! I am Thankful for HIS promises, His forgiveness, His Mercy and Grace.
    I am thankful for each day ~ thankful that we have all that we REALLY need ~ thankful that our health is not as bad as some people our age ~ and for Family. Family is Priceless!
    Even though life can be so challenging in many ways, better health, better finances or whatever ~
    Be Kind, Be Grateful, Show mercy to others. Smile, Volunteer your time, even a half day per week, or visit a shut in, and you will be Blessed! 💗🙏

  9. My husband and I have moved in with our oldest daughter and our son-in-love. We are 76 and 77 now. I am blessed with pretty good health, but my husband, not so good. We have adjusted and are so thankful and grateful each and every day that the good Lord has allowed us to wake up another day. It’s really hard because of the high prices on everything!! I’m not one who likes to cook everyday! My husband is the same, thank goodness!! But our daughter is an awesome cook and cooks almost every day!! I guess our golden years are just what we are able to make them! You are so right about not losing our joy! We just have to hang on and God will provide! Love all the beautiful pictures you share of where you walk!! Beautiful place!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!! You and your family are in my prayers daily.

    1. Mary, Amen my friend, let’s keep our joy. Blessing to you and to your husband. I hope each day with your daughter in wonderful for you guys. Family is so important when we get older, always but, in our older years, we need them like they once needed us. God Bless!

  10. Oh yes those Golden Years! It wasn’t too long ago I was having a mini meltdown on how expensive everyday life is. We have worked our whole lives, lived frugally, saved and still its a struggle. I worry will my husband ever be able to retire? Will we survive if he can not linger work. I provide childcare for my grandson and care for my 94 year old mom but do I need to re enter the work force at retirement age? Doctors…aches and pains…oh my. I agree completely on cooking..ugh. Then I remember how blessed I am. Family are all close. My grandson is the sunshine of every day. We have time to spend outdoors together doing various things. Camping, gardening and hiking. Every day is a gift. You are right Debbie! Its what you make of it! I try to enjoy every blessing. Lets show these Golden Years who’s boss! God Bless you sweet lady.

    1. Tandi, you have a full plate, so yes we wonder about those “Golden Years” I understand having to help or needed and even wanting to help the family. It is what we are to do in some cases and that’s ok. But, as the rising cost of living continues it makes it ever so hard and stressful at times. Again Let’s keep our JOY, and laugh as much as we can. God Bless

  11. My years aren’t that golden either Debbie, everything costs so much, it’s run run to one doctor after another it seems. I am grateful that I can still get around, go to church move around on my own so far but it does get a little harder each day. I’m grateful to God for all the blessings He’s given me, grateful for family. Take care Debbie, I do enjoy your posts so much.

    1. Oh, Cheryl, I am so grateful to God for His blessings in my life as well. I hear you dear it’s mammogram time, bone density time, and the dreaded colonoscopy and endoscopy. The things we do to make sure that things are ok. I had 6 weeks of PT this Winter for my shoulder, it just comes and goes. I too am grateful that I can walk, see, hear, and can get around. Each day I wake up and say good morning God is a blessing and my morning walks they have become such a huge part of my day and life now.

  12. We must never let anything or anyone still our Joy.
    Our Joy that God has put there for us…… we just have to be strong enough to Stop, Look and Listen.
    Love you, my friend. Huge hug

  13. I can relate to not like cooking, it’s repeat, & repeat, & the cleanup. ugh!
    The house hopefully will be paid off shortly, or if something happens, downsize.
    You are right to be concerned, if you are smart, & a survivor, God will help.
    God bless, keep the faith, it will all be good.

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