Mr Shabby is settling in and we are thanking God.

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Oh my goodness where do I start this afternoon? Mr Shabby has been gone almost a week now for his 12 month recovery program. If you have not read “Miracles Happen” here on the blog to catch please do so. I talk with him daily there at the recovery center a Christian based place that is beautiful and peaceful. They have God as the center of everything and that I’m so grateful for. He is in good spirits thus far, yet we have a  long way to go yet. We know that each of you are praying for Mr Shabby as well as for me.

This has been such a long time coming and if I had of listened to God  years ago when I was praying for Him to  help Mr Shabby and his addictions and just moved out of God’s way, we might be closer than we are today. But, as it happened each time he would fall I was right there to pick him up. God didn’t have a chance with me in the way, I see that all so clearly now. It took me letting go and I mean moving on with my life without Mr Shabby in it at all for God to start the process in him. It took me moving just as God had said years ago to me in an audible voice but, I thought no that was not God. It took me years to understand that God does talk to us each of His children just in different ways as each of us are different people.

He showed me a few years ago that I had to let go of Mr Shabby for him and for my own sanity, so I did. God is so faithful I want each one of you going through hard times to know this, ok. Many of you have been to the end of the road and are back or starting on your way back so you get it. But, many feel lost and don’t know what to do.  My best advice is to pray, listen and do what you know the Lord is telling you. He will not take you anywhere that He is not there to protect you, trust me He won’t.

It might seem like it but, He is there for you every step of the way. Today Mr Shabby and I are not under the same roof but, for the first time in a few years I have my Mr Shabby back. He is clean, clear-headed, thoughtful, kind and the man I feel so in love with many years ago, before the devil took him down a dark path of addiction, lied to him to keep him addicted. He has seen that, feels it and is working on a better life built on Godly principles and love.  It has been my pleasure as this has taken place to help a few others get placed in Christians wellness programs to get and stay clean as well.

God is good and life is worth everything we face when we give back to others the love that God has given to us. While we can never out give God we can give just the same each day!



40 thoughts on “Mr Shabby is settling in and we are thanking God.”

  1. Thank you for that wonderful post about your relationship with Mr. Shabby. God has a way of getting us to undersatnd that “tough love” is necessary sometimes to accomplish His blessings on our lives and those that we love.
    May God continue to bless you in your relationship. My go to verse ” I sought the Lord and He heard me and delivered me from all my fears” Psalms 34:4

  2. I am so Happy to hear Mr Shabby is doing well and you two are talking every day. Addiction is a terrible disease. My daughter has been clean for 5 years now. It is so difficult to find a good treatment center. In glad you have found one!Continued prayers for Mr. Shabby and your entire family.

    1. TD, you know how prayers are so needed during this time. I pray that God will totally deliver Mr Shabby from the addiction not just allow for staying clean, but the mere thought of getting high makes him sick, that is my prayer to the Heavenly Father, for all addicts.. It just ruins lives daily waste them to nothing, it is pure evil. I’m so happy to hear your daughter in clean and has been for 5 years. I pray she never touches it again a day on her life.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing. I too was in a similar situation and I finally had to walk away for the safety of myself and my children. Several weeks later, he took his own life. It took me a long time to realize it was his decision, not mine. Much love and prayers for you and Mr Shabby.

  4. Debbie, I’m so excited to hear of the miracles that God is and will do for you and Mr. Shabby! I was so saddened when you and Mr. Shabby went cebrate ways as I too have had to walk divorce thirty eight years ago. God has blessed me with a wonderful husband and a loving dad to my three children. Yes, it sure helps when we get out of God’s way! Please continue letting us know how you and Mr. Shabby are doing. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Susan

    1. Jan, it has been years of battling addiction, we divorced and went separate ways a few years ago. We did stay close as we have children and grandchildren until the last year. I had to walk as far away as I could get, and I did that. The results were Mr Shabby hit rock bottom. From here it is up to him and God and his relationship with God.

  5. Debbie, the way you responded to Mr Shabby is not uncommon. Enabling is easy, tough love is hard. I’m so glad to hear Mr Shabby is in a faith based recovery program. I wrote you before mentioning my husband and my career has been in an organization, and our particular position was in a center for alcohol and drug abusers. Although we have centers especially for women, the center we were at was for men only. Our program was also faith based, and we saw miracles! Jesus is the answer to our every need. I’m praying Mr Shabby doesn’t leave until the miracle happens. Nothing is impossible to God. God bless Mr Shabby and his precious family.

  6. My late husband was a recovering alcoholic and drug addict. He spent many years under the grip of addiction. After his 3rd attempt at rehab he went on to live a loving and happy life. It was a transformation that gave him more than he ever believed possible. Although he passed away after a battle with leukemia at the age of 47, we were given 5 years of a happy marriage that never would have been possible previously. I admire anyone willing to do the work it takes to try and leave addiction behind. I wish your family much luck, love and happiness.

    1. Oh, Barbara I am so happy to hear that he at least got clean, 5 years is not a lifetime but you were blessed with 5 years of your life with someone you loved that was sober.

  7. What a blessing you are to so, so many Debbie! Keep giving yours and Mr. Shabby’s testimony and God will reach countless souls who need hope. Keeping the Faith is how we face each day. Praying for Mr. Shabby and his recivery….one day at a time. You, sweet Angel take care. God bless you and yours 💕

    1. Deborah, I thank you. I always want to be a blessing to others, life is so short and so many are hurting and they need to see that all people from all over have issues, it is just part of life.

  8. Debbie, it pleases me no end to hear that Mr. Shabby is doing so well. I read your story the first time you posted it and it broke my heart when you broke up. I hope with his recovery you and Mr. Shabby will find your way back to each other in time. I know only too well what addiction does to families. I lost my only son just a couple of weeks after he turned 19. My youngest daughter was only 7,, and as hard as it was on her and as hard as I tried to help her, I had a hard enough time helping myself. She will tell you I went crazy for about 7 years, crying, drinking, talking about him all the time, and she is probably not too far from the truth. I tried with everything I had to help him and he rejected it all. Stints in rehab resulted in his going right back out and doing the same things with the same kids. You are a strong lady Debbie, Bless you and all the joy you bring to us every day.

    1. Nancy, I am so sorry for your loss and we all handle pain differently. Your pain took you to a dark place but, you have come through it. I can not imagine your pain Nancy. We could ask why all days long and come up with nothing.. God bless you.

  9. So happy to hear this report on Mr. Shabby. I know what you mean when you say that we need to step out of God’s way and allow him to work his plan for each of us. I also interfered with God’s plan for my hubby years ago. I got saved and then began the work on my hubby. He had an alcohol problem that was getting well out of control, so each night after he went to bed and was soundly sleeping I would take his liquor and measure it then pour half of it down the drain and fill it with water to the same place it had been. The Lord allowed me to do this for three weeks and one night as I was reaching up for the bottle a loud audible voice behind me said “What are you doing?” I swung around and no one was there, then God spoke to my heart and said that if He chose to save my husband by this liquor it was his business and that I was to touch not taste not and handle not, but that I was to follow him. I went to bed and did as the Lord told me to do. One year later while our daughter was at the altar praying my hubby was at home hung over and pouring all the bottles of liquor down the drain! repented and had a long talk with the Lord and I am happy to say he has never had a desire for it since. Sending you love and prayers.

    1. Margaret, what an amazing story, I am so delighted to hear your story. It makes my heart happy to know that we serve a God that gives so much to His children, more than we can ever give back. We can never outgive God.
      Bless you and your family,


    1. Marilyn, thank you for that. It is always enlightening to get another’s view. There have been times that I just didn’t know where to turn, but, God was always there for me.

  11. So happy for you and your family. Our son went through a year long Christian based rehab centre and has been clean for 2 1/2 years. I thank God everyday for giving us our son back. We too had to let go and wait for God to find the perfect moment to guide him to the centre. Prayers to your sweet Mr. Shabby and you. God is good! hugs

  12. I am so glad Mr. Shabby is getting the help he needs in a Christian facility. I enjoy your daily inspirations on FB and look forward to your hellos in the mornings and good-nights in the evenings. You are such a blessing and help to so many. Keep up the good work!

    1. Thank you, Ann! I pray with all that is in me this will be the end of his battle and God will restore my love as it once was for Mr Shabby. I still love seeing him and talking to him and spending time with him when he is sober. He is so kind thoughtful and loving, but using he just is all about himself. We are looking up and moving forward.

        1. Happy to hear that Mr. Shabby is doing well! I will continue to pray for both of you! God is so into restoration and I know only good will come from this
          Love Judy

        2. Judy, thank you from my heart. Yesterday was one week for him in his new environment. I get to chat with him daily which helps him and me as well. I know this will be a journey he will not soon forget. When you hit the bottom they say from there the only way to go is up.

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