My Story Has A Happy Ending-

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Several months ago before Mask were made mandatory her ein Alabama, I had just ran into my local grocery store to pick up on item. Knowing right where to go I shared the story of hearing loud voices on one aisle over and went to just check it out. When I saw 2 ladies talking very loud at this older man, 87 years old then now 88. Well they had upset him so that he wet himself and I of course being the sympathetic strong willed woman I am I took control, backed them off, told the manger, sat him up front took his list and got the few items he had come for. Paid for it, and took him to his car. Mr. Shabby and I asked if we could call someone to come get him he was still shook up. He said he has one son, he was out of town and his wife was home very sick and he had come just for her. She was 80 and had surgery the week before and still not well to go shopping. We ask if he could follow him home to make sure he got there ok.

We did that, he did not live 3 blocks away and he tried to pay me over and over and I said it’s ok Mr. Sims, please just let it be my gift to you and your wife. Well, he gave us his cell number home number and his only child’s number. I am happy to report that his sweet wife has healed up, Mr. Sims has calmed down, and so happy to have his partner back up and feeling her best. During the time of her illness and with COVID I suggest their son set them up with Publix grocery delivery, he did just that, and it has been going smoothly.

I speak to Mrs. Sims about once a week just checking in or she will call me just to chat for a few minutes. She said I never had a daughter, Debbie and I just love you. Funny how things happen and you end up meeting some of the finest people that will ever come into your life. I hope that the ladies that gave my sweet friend a hard time while filming him never have to face what they put him through that day with a sick wife, being elderly, and not use to shopping so much. I just wanted to update all of you that read my story in late Spring bout him. All is well.



22 thoughts on “My Story Has A Happy Ending-”

  1. Debbie,
    It was a God thing that you were there at that moment to help Mr. Sims. What a blessing for him and his wife and Im sure, his son, too, and I know you’ve been blessed. Your story blessed me today! Thank you so much for sharing it. This is why I love your blog and following you, sweet friend! Terri

  2. Debbie,
    It was a God thing that you were there at that moment to help Mr. Sims. What a blessing for him and his wife and Im sure, his son, too, and I know you’ve been blessed. Your story blessed me today! Thank you so much for sharing it. This is why I love your blog and following you, sweet friend! Terri

  3. What a wonderful update! I’m so grateful you were in the Grocery store to help Mr Sims and see him home safely. I love how you and Mrs Sims are able to talk each week.

  4. Such a sweet story … Blessings to all of you! Kindness Counts!!! 💕
    We never know but that we might be the next “Mr. & Mrs. Sims” that needs a helping hand! We each have a choice each new day … We can be kind and a help to someone in need, or we can be selfish and nasty to thise who we meet along life’s crazy & busy pathways.
    I do believe that God places people in our pathway at times, for his reasons…. and as it says in the GOOD book, “Do unto others”….
    Blessings and love to each of you ~ ♥️

  5. So sweet of you Deb! Its amazing how the good Lord leads us to people to bless and we get the blessing also!

  6. I pray those females souls get saved!! You are a precious child of God, Debbie. Mr. Shabby as well. Thanks for sharing. Have been having problems lately and not on here as much. Prayers for you and your family.

  7. Oh, I just love how this has ended up, Debbie!! In being such a blessing to that elderly gentleman and his wife, you, in turn, have been so blessed! 💕💕 You have such a loving heart and bless all of us as well! 💕💕

  8. Thank you for updating your story of Mr. Sims and his wife! God put you and Mr. Shabby in the right place and time and one day you will be rewarded! So nice to hear that yawl have become good friends! You are such a sweet lady! Your light is shining through to others, my friend! 💓😇

  9. Thanks you Debbie,
    this is how life should be helping one another especially when we need help. May our Heavenly Father bless you for your help to these people.

  10. What a happy ending! You were right where God wanted you! I’m sure they are eternally grateful to you and Mr. Shabby. Blessings….

  11. Love this story. So glad you are keeping in touch with them. Their son should be so grateful for you. God bless your loving heart

  12. This is a great and happy ending. I believe you and Terry and Mr & Mrs Sims all received a blessing from that day and still receiving blessings today. I almost feel sorry for the women who taunted and yelled at him. I never will understand why people feel the need to mistreat others these days. Thank you and Terry both for everything that you did and have done for this couple. Sending love ❤️ and hugs 🤗 to both of you and for very positive news. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  13. That is wonderful!!! God will bless you abundantly Debbie. You have such a big heart. It’s amazing how God will put people in our lives.

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