Peaceful Walks At The Lake

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Good evening, most of you know that I walked daily 3 miles or so ar the YMCA, but of course, for the last 2 months it has been closed and we have all been asked to STAY HOME!

So, I have done my part in staying away from for as long as I could but, just in time, our State has 1/2 opened up with mask-wearing when away from your home. I got to see my precious new grandson 2 times and hold him, what a blessing and joy all in one I tell you.

Two weeks ago I joined a couple of friends and started walking around the Lake, my body was getting tired and feeling like it was going to break into and my stress level was getting higher. I had to go back on my Blood Pressure medication after being off of it one year because I had started walking 5 days a week is why it went back to normal, stopping like I did and this quarantine did not help that at all.

I thought I’d share some photos of our walks maybe a video or so if it allows me too just to ease your stress level perhaps, or allow the ones that have not yet seen Spring in the green and in bloom.

I hope that we can all get back to some kind of normal soon. These daily walks have really helped me so much. Enjoy your evening.

38 thoughts on “Peaceful Walks At The Lake”

  1. I completely understand the southern heat, but that view for a walk would be so worth getting up early for me to get out of the house. I need to do that also. Good for you doing that!! Maybe you can one day in the near future take your new grandbaby for a walk!! How sweet that will be. Take care, God Bless

  2. I see why you like to walk there . It is so beautiful everywhere. I need to start walking.
    Your beautiful grand baby is such a blessing. He will bring your blood pressure down too & add so much joy to your life. I only have 1 grandchild & he lives 5 hours away from me. I talk to him on FaceTime every week. He is such a hoot! He cracks me up every time & his battery never runs out!

    1. Janet, he is such a precious little thing! You’re right he warms my heart. I have enjoyed getting back to walking although somedays it is so hot that the sweating is UGH! lol Have a blessed day!

  3. I love your photos! Such a pretty area! So glad you got to hold Jackson 🥰 You are so blessed ❤

  4. I would love walking around there. It reminds me of a lake when I was young that I used to walk around. So peaceful and God is always right there with you!

  5. Your new grand baby is so precious!!! I love the pictures of your walks. I am only going out in my own yard for now or riding in my car. I am so happy our church has a drive in service. It’s a strange time we are living in right now. I am at high risk as I have a compromised immune system. I hope things go back to some kind of normalcy soon.

  6. Thank you for sharing! It must smell heavenly when walking there! Here in Southern California, all of our beaches and State Parks and lake areas are closed. We miss getting out in nature so I appreciate these photos so much!

  7. Oh my goodness! Such a beautiful place to go walking, Debbie! This needing to stay away from people and places is about to start bothering me cause I feel like we aren’t getting the whole truth about this situation! Your precious new grandson is so beautiful! So happy for you that you get to go see him soon! Enjoy your walks! I’ll be out in the morning’s to tend to our yard from the heat! Love and sweet blessings, Susan

  8. Oh, what beautiful pictures!! Our trees are just starting to bud so I love seeing the trees fully out! Also love the pictures of your new grandson! He is so adorable!! Enjoy every minute you are able to be with him! 💕💕

  9. Beautiful pictures, and lovely place to relax and enjoy nature.
    I’m so happy to see and hold that precious Grandson! He is cute as a bug ❤️🙏❤️🍃🌷🍃🌸
    I hope you have a lovely Sunday,

  10. Hi Debbie,
    You are blessed to have a new grandson, and to have such beautiful country to walk around in. I wished I lived in a place so beautiful. We have nice weather here, but I love the trees, lakes and lush greenery. Even though you’ve had a lot of sadness, you have all of these’s God’s gifts to lift you up and to give you a chance to thank Him for his goodness and love for you.

    God bless in you with your new bundle of joy,
    Love Carolyn

  11. I have stayed home and only went out every 14 days for groceries and meds. I walk some daily, thank God the weather has been nice and I worked in yard a lot. I will continue to do this even though our state is opening up a lot of things . Our numbers continue to rise here and people just won’t wear mask and try to protect each other. Praying for all .

  12. I am so glad you are able to walk again, and what a beautiful place to walk. No wonder it gives you joy. Thank you for shaing. Here in Canada we are allowed to walk family members, but not with those who don’t live with us. I am anxiously awaiitng the day when it is safe to do so. Again, thank you for the beautiful photos.

  13. Beautiful photos. Nature and exercise always relaxes me. We have been out as often as we can. Our parks are slowly opening up. We weren’t allowed to even walk the trails for weeks. Your grandson is beautiful. Enjoy.

  14. I am SOOOOOOO happy yoy got to be with your family and hold that precioys baby! It makes my heart full!
    I love that you are getting to do things with friends, too…we all need thst, I think.
    Blessings and sweet sleep to you!

    1. The pictures of the lake & the geese family & turtles are lovely. Thank you for sharing them with us !

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