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Remember When-

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How many of you think back today’s gone by to being say 10 years old? I certainly do not very often. But I will admit when I’m around my grandchildren, especially the youngest ones and I watch them play especially on a beautiful spring day. I think on how simple the times were when I was growing up, they were absolutely some of the best times in my life. I know that each and everyone of you can identify with those times. We didn’t have like the children do today we had to make our own entertainment build our own swings out of old tires and. wood and rope that we found in the barn or the neighbor had in their garage. We made things from old tires and wood and anything we could find.. We really spent half the day or longer making the things Enjoy and only had maybe an hour or two of daylight left before it was time to go in for the evening. But, oh how we longed for the next day, hoping that it wouldn’t rain so we could get out there and enjoy and play on the very thing that took us a whole day to build. Do you remember those times do you remember making some out of nothing oh my goodness I’m not sure if kids could actually do that. But I bet if you took them out on the farm for a couple of days and turned them loose, we would find that they still have amazing imaginations even today with all this technology take it away from them and they start using their minds. in the late 60s tree houses were the big thing in our neighborhood. We had the biggest best treehouse and we enjoyed every minute of building it there were Six of us and it took us a couple of weeks we rounded up every stick of wood, every nail board plywood pieces, and anything that we could find that would make our treehouse special. Seeing this photo today of this homemade swing with the rope sparked my memory that we had one of these in our backyard that looked identical. I spent hours on that swing from the age of 10 until the age of about 16, just thinking about my day. With each generation things change, but I wouldn’t change the generation I was privileged to grow up in for anything. I know you feel the same the everything that I went through, everything that I learned as a child doing it myself has made me the strong woman that I am today. God knows exactly when each one of us need to be born and to watch generation in time was our time. He’s simply amazing isn’t he?

I hope you guys have a wonderful Wednesday. See you again soon right here on the blog.

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