Times Like This

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I won’t call them the worst of times, but, they are right up there in the top 3 in my life. I know I have not posted things lately on the Facebook page of a lot of interest. Forgive me, I have been stressed about things around the country. After working so hard in my home during COVID lockdown for 2.5 months I thought ok, we are going to break out, get some sunshine, fresh air, things are looking up.

When I allow things to stress me out, my stomach just goes all haywire, and it has. I have put on weight, can not walk at the YMCA, my Dr. said he would like for me to wait for a few months of them reopening to go back there, period, ahh. They have reopened but the distancing thing and I need to wait it out. I was walking daily at the Lake but it has gotten so hot and humid that I can’t go far without feeling worn out from that.

Oh, wow is me, feeling sorry for myself? No, just having a time with mt BP from not walking, a time with what I am seeing take place around me. So, now I have decided to social distance myself from any news period for a minute. In order for me to share positiveness daily, on the page I need to have it in me. Right now, today I do not. I feel unsettled in my spirit, my friends, and that is not a good feeling. We are expecting more rain for the next few days, we need it, but, I need sunshine too.

How is everyone doing? Are you guys all ok? Handling life’s stressors well? I hope each one of you is certainly doing better than I am right now. God, is good, He is faithful. This too shall pass, and we will all feel better, one day at a time. Love to all, sweet dreams.

27 thoughts on “Times Like This”

  1. We can only have faith! I try to be positive and pray for family, friends, and everyone in our country and world. I avoid watching the news. I really like your decorating ideas. I can’t get motivated to even clean. hahaha 🙂 Love and God’s Peace, Susan Swanson

  2. Things going on and watching the news is so depressing to me also! I pray for God’s intercession every day. I know He is in control. I have had surgery and have just started back walking on my treadmill. Not as good as walking outside, but cooler. Hope you feel better soon, Debbie. You are so right, this too shall pass! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Love and prayers, Mary.

  3. Debbie, I’m feeling like you, a lot of sadness, anxiety, stress about everything that is going on and the way the country will be for our children and grandchildren. I pray about it. I know God can change things and give us strength for what’s ahead. But, boy, am I tired!! I would enjoy a little normal. I am thankful I can to spend time w my granddaughters often. They are 3 and almost 9 months and such a joy to us! I’m also waiting for a colon resection. I’m ready and also apprehensive. I was really sick and in the hospital in January w a colon abscess and diverticulitis. My surgeon wanted me to heal before doing surgery and hopefully avoid the need for a colostomy. That is my biggest fear, even though it would be reversed in 6 mons or so. I will be in the hospital about a wk and didnt want to schedule until my husband would be allowed to be w me, so I’ve been trying to avoid further problems. I need to schedule it now. I enjoy your post and blog. Your post are always so pretty and help me take a minute, take a deep breath, relax and enjoy them. I’m praying for you, praying for our country. Things will get better!💕 Terri

    1. Terri, you are in my thoughts and my prayers for all to go well. I will be praying that your healing time is fast, God is in control. ((hugs)) my sister in Christ. If you can please, let me know before you go in. PM me on At Home With Debbie, ok.

    1. I am concerned, I am concerned for this country, my family, myself, for all the people that still believe in law and order. There are bad people in this land, it is a shame that we all have to face the wrath of their wring doing.

  4. I have the same problem Debbie. My stomach is in knots. I’m so tired of the news and every time it’s on it’s another awful report.
    I started back at my YMCA Monday and it was so good to see my friends. I hope your Doctor lets you go there sooner than three months. I really missed the exercise.
    The weather here in Oregon has t gotten hot yet so I am taking my dog to the park often too.
    I hope you feel a little better over the next few days. I’ll keep you in my prayers.


    1. Kathy, good for you, my sweetest friend and I Terry from the FB page Mama Katt’s Kitchen’s talked about us getting back to walking again there as soon as next week! I have been so stressed and I know that not walking that 3 miles 5 days a week has caused my body to not handle stress as well. In other words, walking does help combat my stress.

  5. Hello Debbie, Oh how I know how you feel. It is way time for things to open up and people to get back to work, and life to be as normal as it can be. Then on top of all of this the tragedy in MN. What a world we live it. It is the time when we have to pray the most, and God will help us, all of us, you only have to ask him. I’ve had funky days, and it’s been hot, and I’m just wilted and useless, but I think the Lord is here right beside me and I forgot to ask him to help me move out of myself and do other things to distract. It works for me and I know it will work for you. God bless you Debbie and may you feel better and get to do the things you need to do very soon.


  6. I felt that way on Monday. We live in an area of Los Angeles that had a credible threat of rioting so I was on edge all day. Thank God nothing happened and a few days later some college students hosted a peaceful protest. IEE are finishing up the school year online and making plans to hopefully visit my mom in Nevada. We’ve been under lockdown for so long with Covid and then just as things were opening up a bit, the protests and looting started so we have stayed home all week. I have a very active 8 year old who is anxious to get out and about. I am too because I have also gained weight and want to get out and walk. It’s been humid this week but not like where you are! I have lived away from the South for so long that I can’t tolerate humidity. Makes me grumpy ha ha! Overall we are safe and healthy and have so many things to be thankful for.

  7. I understand what your doctor is saying about going to the gym. I am restraining myself from that. I have been doing FB live exercise from the gym I belong too it has helped keep me active. I have had to stop watching TV and at times got off of FB, due to all the negativity. Reading His word is very comforting during this time and I feel I almost stay in prayer with how things have been. My heart and prayers go out for you and will continue them as we all get more settled and God shakes them up 🙏🕊✝️🇺🇸💝

  8. All of what’s happening is quite disturbing to me as well. I can only pray that people change their ways by how they treat others and by how people react. Peace and prayers to you.

  9. Debbie, I am sorry that you are having such a bad time with all this unsettling stuff that is going on. Know that you are not alone. We have to leave it in God’s hands and know that he will lead us through it. I have also distanced myself from the news. It is too depressing. Hang in there, it will get better.

  10. I, too, have felt beaten down lately. This last year has been extremely hard for my husband and i. Now with the lockdown and our country in turmoil, it’s hard to find peace. Praying for you, Debbie. Know that there are many of us praying for you as well as our communities and nation. 🙏💕

  11. Debbie, right now these unsettling actions are disturbing to me as well! I won’t even watch our local news! We need to see positive happenings on the news and around us! I decided before going grocery shopping that I was going to have a smile on my face and give out love and light! And it has been a wonderful day!
    Praying you will feel better soon and can get outside for awhile!🙏💕😴

  12. I’m sorry that you’re having difficulty getting outside to walk and the heat bothers me too. We’ve so much rain and have a pond in the back yard. It sounds like the bull frogs are having a party and concert every night. We have also had some beautiful days. I mowed on Monday afternoon and the top of my head is sun burnt 🥵. I pray for our nation, and that things will calm down. I feel almost like a prisoner in my own home and will get outside. My prayers are with you. ❤️❤️

  13. Hi, Debbie! Thanks for your blog today. Yes, it has been very stressful. It feels like life is out of control. I remind myself to keep praying and remember God is with us all the time. Take good care and be safe

  14. Trying to stay positive as the protesters are getting closer all around us. I trust God to carry us through. Praying for us all to continue to hold true to our Lord. What do people do without Him? My husband of now 2 years and I have bought new wooded property over 5 minutes from my daughter. My son in law is the contractor. I am just starting to pack up 45 years in this home with my first love that is now in Heaven. A new chapter in my life. So Excited!!! This all is keeping busy and out of the loop of what is going on around me. God’s got it!!

  15. I’m so sorry you are having such a difficult time..
    Here in Montana are finally have nicer weather . My dear husband has helped me plant new Plants and working on our yard. Digging in the dirt is my joy. I talk to everyone while I’m digging…
    I hope you feel better soon ‼️‼️🇺🇸❤️🙏🙏🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏

  16. I feel your pain sweetie…I too am stressing from all this scary stuff going on. It is hard to be positive for sure. I pray things will get better somehow for us all.

    1. Oh, Terry, God is the only one that can turn this around, I have Faith. It is just hard to watch. Staying in for so long then not being able to get out like I want to, watching all this unfold is truly unnerving to me.
      Sweet dreams, my friend.

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