Tuesday Talk with Debbie

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Good morning my friends, I hope this Tuesday morning finds you all well and joyful. If not, then I pray soon! Last week I said I was going to share the reasons why I share photos of the Birds nest with the beautiful colored eggs, videos of my Grandson Jackson, and photos that I take. As you all know I’m 66 years of age and I know that things like fresh flowers, fresh-cut grass, and Birds singing in the trees mean so much more to me at this age than ever before. I appreciate nature, God’s rainbows, and our Father’s bringing new life in Springtime for us to enjoy and take in. Isn’t it funny how some of us once upon a time was really to busy to stop and smell the Roses? I know I was, but through the years, I’ve slowly come to a point of total love and respect for nature. That is why I share my photos from time to time on my Facebook page with all of you. I hope that you might enjoy nature too, or the voice of a small child if you are one that doesn’t get up much, or perhaps all of your babies are grown. Mine were until God blessed us with Jackson and I can not begin to tell you the JOY he brings to my heart. Seeing those beautiful Robin’s eggs was a joy, I thought oh how amazing and beautiful.

As I sit here this AM writing to you and gazing out the window at the beautiful Sunshine, the green trees, and now the grass turning green I can hear the Birds through the window just singing so sweetly. They are praising our Lord for such a day as this, as am I. As I watch the leaves on the trees moving with the wind I remember my Mother saying look, even the leaves on the Trees are dancing and singing for Jesus- Oh, how our Lord does so many things to make us smile and bring us JOY if only we take the time to really see it. I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Tuesday. I will be taking it easy for a bit with the Mono, but I do believe the worst of it I have made it through. I knew I felt bad and it was sure taking that sinus infection/allergies forever to get better even with shots and medication. I guess looking back now I see it was the mono, not the allergies or that so-called sinus infection that made me so ill, tired, and lifeless. God is good, He is faithful always and I look to Him for my comfort these days not people. Also remember to check out advertisers for us, while you’re here we have new ones joining us soon.



15 thoughts on “Tuesday Talk with Debbie”

  1. I always enjoy your photos! Your grand baby is adorable! Pray at this time you’re recovered and feeling better! 💜

  2. Debbie, I pray you are feeling better today. It does take awhile to recover from Mono, so take it easy for now! God may be preparing you for something big to do.
    I do enjoy seeing your pictures of nature and most certainly whatever you share of Jackson! He is so cute!
    Have a blessed Thursday! Love, Susan❤️🙏

  3. Debbie, I enjoy so much the pictures that you post. The bird nests and eggs are so beautiful. Your pictures always have such great color. Now you know that I love little Jackson and love seeing him grow through your pictures and videos. Time is ticking by too fast.

    You give so much hope and encouragement to others and are an inspiration to me and so many others. Praying for you to be well soon and feel better. 🙏🏻❤️ Elaine

  4. Oh, Debbie, you are so right about all of nature and how the Lord blesses us each day with something!! Some days I can’t help but wonder how beautiful Heaven is going to be!! God bless with a quick recovery! 🙋💖🙏

  5. I love seeing your pictures of birds or on your walks or your grandson. I post pictures on my facebook for me because most days I have pictures there in my memories from years past. Pictures I wouldn’t see otherwise. I post pictures of my grands and great grands, my flowers and some inspirational quotes. Your post inspire me to be a better person and to enjoy more of God’s world.
    I am praying you feel better everyday!

  6. Thank you Debbie, I enjoy your posts and beautiful photos. We had a few nice days last week here in Pennsylvania, yesterday we got 6 inches of snow! It is melting, daffodils and forsythia are blooming here under the snow. I’m
    glad you went to a different doctor and found out what your problem was, now hopefully you will begin to recover. God Bless you Debbie!

  7. Debbie, I pray you keep seeing nature celebrating Jesus and that the rest of us join you in praising our Heavenly Father 🤗💞

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