I’m not sure my post reflects the tension and unrest that plagues me right now. I have not slept well at night for weeks, my body hurts daily yet I push on. I try not to watch the news but, we need to be aware of many things going on in our own area. Facebook not sharing posts, and trying to make us pay for posting anything to do with linking our website? What you say, yes. Now Google has decided what news outlet we can see, and what ads you can see when you do get on our blog. I am not one that gives up I am a fighter, if you know anything about me know that.
I will not pay, Facebook is free and I am sick of Google hiding our ads on the blog too. I took a stand, I wrote both google and Facebook and we will see. So far I have heard nothing from either one of them. Yesterday, I went to Ulta to spend my Mother’s Day gift card, because of COVID I have not yet spent it. While in line one young lady was waiting on me while another standing 6 ft away was waiting on another lady checking us out. The lady asked the cashier are there any coupons for this item she was purchasing? We all had on our mask, so when the cashier answered I could not make out totally what she was saying, it was loud, however. I guess I do not know, but, I am thinking the customer did not understand her through the mask and asked again.
All of a sudden the cashier removes her mask from her face and says in a loud ugly tone, I said NO NOT ONE THAT PRODUCT. I was shocked as everyone was looking at this time. The store manager came over after the customer had left, not during this going on but after, and said go take a break. The young black lady said did you hear what she said to me? The Store manager then said no I did not, what did she say.
She proceeded to tell the store manager that the customer tried to get a rise out of her back continuing to ask her over and over of there was a coupon for the item she was buying. Not even close to true. What do we do, do we say something, let it go? What is going on, it is so scary to me I do not even want to get out. All this hate has got me as I said upset and in total disbelief. I hope that if you get online you will continue to come to this blog, to check our ads for us to support us and know that we will post here until I leave this earth. I try to mind my own business and this was just a loud display of disrespect, I get that, but I don’t have to like it. If you knew me in person you would know that had the positions had been reversed, it would have been just as unsettling to me. I know many of you are feeling the same way too.
God bless us all and God, please bless America again, will you.