Good afternoon, as I sit here this Thursday afternoon, trying to stay warm I am reminded of my resistance to the Lord, and His will for my daily life. So, I thought I would share some tidbits of that with you this afternoon-
When my children were young chose to resit my prompting, leading, and guidance, they know they can always return to my arms and be accepted with grace. I always tried to be a compassionate mother full of grace and truth, but you better believe that when the situation called for it, I ask my children the question, “If you had obeyed me, would that have happened?” I know, I know. “I told you so” doesn’t seem like expert-level parenting. Yet when they choose to move in opposition to the clear directions I have given only to find themselves suddenly overwhelmed with the consequences of their choices, I believe it is important for them to reflect on how they arrived there. I have been gently reminded of the importance of reflection on how I came into messy situations myself, and have learned some of my greatest lessons there. I’ll be honest, there have been many times when the Spirit of God had warned me to listen and obey, and I simply ignored, resisted, or flat-out said, “Don’t wanna.” By God’s grace, I’ve lived to see the consequences.
I hope you enjoy this Thursday!