Wow, this can’t be right!

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I wanted to share something, Friday Am I got an email from Facebook. They are telling me that if I want to do giveaways and share my blog link I will have to pay to promote them starting July 1, 2020??? I am not paying them, FB is free and I pay plenty to have the blog. Which by the way os not affiliated with Facebook at all. I hope that you, my followers will continue to visit the blog, checked out the post and the advertisers. You see, each month if I am lucky and enough of you visit the blog makes 100.00 which I have shared with you over and over. We put it back into the cost of the blog, yearly. We have to pay a hosting company, we pay for maintenance, for a programmer, and to keep the domain name At Home With Debbie, every year. I am not sure what the issues are and plan to continue sharing the giveaways. Facebook has never once said we can’t do giveaways and many many pages do this. Today, for me, head over and rock that blog! It is ours and this is getting ridiculous really. Not one of you has to ever visit that blog I have never made anyone do anything, free will, free country, free Facebook! Can you tell I am a little upset? See you on the blog where I share MY life, My stories, in My time. What may I ask is wrong with that? Here you got the link to the blog is I guess the fact that my page is often about God, I am target number one! You’ve got to stand for something, or you will fall for anything!

Love to all!


28 thoughts on “Wow, this can’t be right!”

  1. I don’t know how to enter your offers to win one of your free give aways. I know how busy you are, so whenever you have a moment would you please explain to me how and where to enter, please? Thank you so very much!
    Loyal visitor visitor of your posts,

  2. I don’t know how Facebook can say this. I have seen other giveaways come across Facebook regularly
    and obviously they aren’t threatened because a couple of months later the same outfit comes out with another
    giveaway. Facebook is pretty inconsistent and I’d have to say they are a little biased on what they
    allow and disallow. Hope things get straightened out for you. Love your Facebook inspirational

    1. I am not sure either, but, they have and we have not heard back from them, period. So much going on right now, I guess one less page or blog that tries to share life, or wholesome things is in their way?

  3. I’m not giving up on you, Debbie! Where there is a will, there is a way, my Mama used to tell me! Hope it was just false info…we get scammer calls all the time, more scammers than real calls! This world that we are traveling through, seems to get more complicated the older we get! More media coverage, more problems.
    It would be nice to just disconnect, but not realistic to do so.
    I just keep trusting, that “This too Shall Pass”…..God is Good ALL the Time!
    Have a wonderful Blessed weekend ~ <3 and Prayers ~

    1. Yes, we have contacted them but, have not heard back as of yet. I guess if we do not hear from them by July 1st, 2020 we will know if indeed it was a scam! So sad that people want to do this sort of thing if it is a scam.

  4. So sorry to hear you are going through rhis. I love both your FB posts and this blog! I was unable to see your posts for awhile last year, and was so thankful when I could see them again! Seeing your posts and blog have encouraged and comforted me through a very difficult year dealing with my husband’s cancer. Thank you so much for sharing your life and faith in God with all of us. Praying you will be able to get through this, Debbie. 💕💕

      1. I kept wondering where you were and so thankful that I found you again. I know there was an issue and you had to get back in there because a couple of years back, hackers got your page.
        God bless you as you are duch a blessing to others, my Dear. We wrestle NOT against flesh and blood….

        1. Dora, yes, the Facebook page was deleted by Facebook because of the hackers, so we started this one. So nice to see you again, welcome and I hope you like the page At Home With Debbie, and follow us there. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. I am with you all the way! Facebook has not been so nice to people here lately. Prayers with you always!

  6. Unfortunately I have heard this in the past from other pages I follow. They say they don’t allow raffles or giveaways. It still happens. It just probably took them longer to notice yours. 😢

  7. Wow this is 3 times I have tried to comment lol. That is awful. I will continue to click on ads andvread your blog no matter what

  8. I have such fears for our country. There is always someone trying to have control over what we see, what we hear and what we say. Somehow this has to stop. This is supposed to be a FREE country. I fear what we are leaving my grandchildren. Hang in there Debbie. We have your back

  9. Wow ‼️‼️ That sure doesn’t seem very fair. I had no idea how blogs worked, however this is very sad. I enjoy your stories and sure hope you can keep going 🙏❤️🙏❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸

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