I wanted to share something, Friday Am I got an email from Facebook. They are telling me that if I want to do giveaways and share my blog link I will have to pay to promote them starting July 1, 2020??? I am not paying them, FB is free and I pay plenty to have the blog. Which by the way os not affiliated with Facebook at all. I hope that you, my followers will continue to visit the blog, checked out the post and the advertisers. You see, each month if I am lucky and enough of you visit the blog makes 100.00 which I have shared with you over and over. We put it back into the cost of the blog, yearly. We have to pay a hosting company, we pay for maintenance, for a programmer, and to keep the domain name At Home With Debbie, every year. I am not sure what the issues are and plan to continue sharing the giveaways. Facebook has never once said we can’t do giveaways and many many pages do this. Today, for me, head over and rock that blog! It is ours and this is getting ridiculous really. Not one of you has to ever visit that blog I have never made anyone do anything, free will, free country, free Facebook! Can you tell I am a little upset? See you on the blog where I share MY life, My stories, in My time. What may I ask is wrong with that? Here you got the link to the blog is www.athomewithdebbie.com I guess the fact that my page is often about God, I am target number one! You’ve got to stand for something, or you will fall for anything!
Love to all!