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You Can Not Do It By Yourself!

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You know what we live in a time when everything is about self. It’s on social media, in books, movies, it’s me me me all about me, it is called Self-help, self-care, and self-sufficient. I can do this on my own. No, we can’t do it on our own even when we think we can, or we are doing it without prayer. If we do decide to go ahead of God we usually make a mess of it. So many times in my life when I was younger, I thought Lord, hurry up, and I would then end up taking matters into my own hands, and what a mess I made. If that’s I can do it by myself then so be it, Never mind, I honestly don’t want that in my life.

I mean “waiting” on the one that created us to let Him show us the way out, the way in, whatever the case may be takes time, but it is time well spent if we sit in His presence and wait just on Him. When God seems to be taking His time there are reasons, many reasons my friends. It is most likely that He needs you to live in the moment and trust Him, and that can be awfully hard. I have personally gone before God many times and it was a mess, I made a mess of it and had to live with the consequences. You know what? God shows us such Grace, even when we charge forward and realize we made a mistake He will come to our rescue when we ask Him. But, I can assure you when we trust in His answer and His timing, and by the way, that takes FAITH, that one word, FAITH can be so hard to hold onto when we are faced with things that are so hard. We have all been there in our lives and we will all go there again. But, the one thing we can be assured of is that God has gone before us and He will show us the way through whatever it is if we give it to Him even through our tears and pain.

While it may seem empowering to think you can do all things on your own, it really doesn’t work that way, does it? A reminder of that is-

Corinthians 12:9 tells us “My Grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in your weakness” Have a blessed Tuesday, everyone.



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