One True Love In This Life

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I will say this once here, in life we choose a partner, we marry, and the way I was brought up you work on it everyday to make it right, make it better. You forgive when you are hurt, and disappointed. A marriage is never perfect, love changes, people change, but when your heart is connected with another as one, you learn to give, take, let go of things, and just love them with all your heart, it is called unconditional love.

Are relationships easy, not always, but no one ever said it would be. It is up to you to decide if what you feel in your heart. Is it worth letting go of things through the years that have hurt you and your spouse when you know your spouse loves you too. That’s up to the both of you and God no one else. If you decide to work on it, you both need to allow prayer, God, and your heart to guide you through it. I am thankful for love in my life, one true love. As rocky as it has been at times, and it has, a happy marriage is never perfect, anyone that thinks that may need to rethink it all relationships have issues both small and big to huge.

Those who say love doesn’t hurt are also wrong, love is amazing but, here on earth it is one of the things that can cut you to your very core.

That is all.

34 thoughts on “One True Love In This Life”

  1. Done, hubby and I have been married 45 years. Lots of good times and bad. Drinking was a huge factor for us also…5 yrs ago he had a stroke, while he can do alot of things and looks like the same man, he isn’t. After 40 years we had to learn and love all over and different. God blessed us tho, he is still alive. Blessings Debbie ❤

  2. My husband and I married young, I was 19, he 18. We grew together as the years went on. It was never “mine” or “his”…it was, and still is “ours”. I’m not saying it has all been perfect, but we persevered through a lot. Our first born has special needs, we were only 20 & 21 years old. What would have broken up most young couples, made us stronger…because we didn’t give up. We celebrated our 40th Anniversary this past April. Our next challenge is my husband’s prostate cancer. He’s been living with it for 10 years now, and I wake up in fear every day. I pray for his healing and strength, and know God always answers prayers, but sometimes his answer is “NO”.
    I know how blessed I am, and some people have to leave their marriage, as my mom was mentally & physically abused by my stepfather, and I was a victim of his beatings also. It took years for her to gain strength to leave him. But when I see young couples giving up after such trivial problems and not at least working to fix them, it saddens me.

    1. Patti, your story amazes me. I know all too well what couples go through. It seems like the attitude today is well, we’re getting married, if we don’t like it, or can’t work things out we will just divorce. I have heard young couples say that! Have a wonderful day and you know what? Many of us that stuck it out, in the long run, are so thankful, grateful, and blessed.

  3. My husband and I have been married 15 years. Marriage is a work in progress. We have our good days and bad days, our ups and downs. But at the end of the day it is all worth it. We always keep our Lord and Savior in thr center of our marriage. We hold hands and pray together every night before we lay down.

  4. You are so right. Sometimes I think I can’t do this anymore but then something happens and all is well again. It’s definitely not easy being married but but it’s worth the struggles in the end. Have a wonderful day! 💕

  5. Like they says, “Marriage is not for the weak.” It takes two people to make and keep it strong. My marriage was not always roses and champagne. After 46 years of knowing him we drifted apart somewhat getting into doing our own thing. We don’t always remember how deep a love goes until the worse happens. My husband passed away unexpectedly in May of 2018. Even though we always kissed each other good morning and good night I wish I could have held him more. I miss him every day. I miss his kisses and the warmth of him next to me as we slept. Because I know he is in Heaven with my Father I look to the sky every evening to see the stars. I tell him, “I see you,” and it comforts me. If you are struggling in your marriage do something about it – NOW! Wasted time only leads to regrets.

  6. Marriage can be hard work at times, for sure. But it is so worth the effort to make it work.. I have been married 47 years to my best friend, and can’t imagine what my life would have been without him, and so grateful for accepting that blind date so many years ago! 💕💕

  7. I happy that you found the one! I divorced my husband a year or so ago. He ended up being an awful person. Pathological liar. And a thief.. yes he stole every dollar I had. Emptied my IRA’s… just an awful person. Yep something I would have expected to watch on unsolved mysteries happened to me.. very embarrassing. But onward and upward! I’m done ! Congratulations to the two of you

    1. Susan, I hate to hear this, but, you are not alone. It happens more than you know. Do not be embarrassed your story might open the eyes of another. Women empower women! My life is not perfect, far from it. Not to downplay yours that was awful and he will get his! That’s right, move forward girl, you shook him loose on to better things for you.

  8. My husband and I have been married for 48 years together for 50. We have had our good times and bad times. But we made that commitment years ago and we are still together when people said in our town out marriage would never work we proved them wrong. God has been with us through the years. Prayers for you and Mr. Shabby… Love, Marianna

    1. Thank you, we have a lot of history as you know. Not all of it was good as a matter of fact much of it was awful for us both for different reasons. But, if it is meant to be it will be I truly believe that. Good for the both of you, that is awesome, God works in mysterious ways for sure.

  9. My husband and I have been married 54 years. We have gone through him pastoring a church 10 years. I will say there is a lot of wonderful memories in those years, but there is also a lot of heartaches. We lost our only son in 2003. We leaned on the Lord and on each other. Our two daughters lost their only brother. Two of our grandchildren, Cynthia and Wesley lost their Dad at 12 and nine. There are hills and valleys, but God will see us through. I think a marriage has to be worked on every day. It certainly is not easy all the time.

    1. No, Mary, it is not. We face things daily in our relationships that are hard that can break a marriage. I do not know how Mr. Shabby and I survived as long as we did with God in it. Love you, sweet FB friend.

  10. Yes, Debbie ! What you’ve said is beautiful and true and with God in the middle, it’s the only way it can truly work ! You’re both in our prayers and we love you ❤️

  11. Amen! Our marriage has definitely been a roller coaster of ups and downs! Both of us being Alphas definitely didn’t help, our disagreements got passionate sometimes but at the end of it so was our makeups . My only regret is saying things to hurt each other they will leave scars, so I have learned over 40 years of marriage those words are best left unsaid! My mother told me when we had our first fight to go home and apologize, I didn’t want to , but she made me realize I loved my husband and before the end of the day someone had to take that first step , the rest would fall into place, and it did! Prayers for you and your family to find love, peace and tranquility!

  12. Beautifully written. I agree whole heartedly. I think sometimes it would be easy to give up and walk away but there is beauty on the other side of hurts and disappointments when God is in control. Prayers.

  13. Yes Debbie, when we marry we make a commitment and sometimes one just needs to dig their heels in a not give up! Marriage is hard but also pretty good! Praying for you and Mr. Shabby!

    1. Barbara, the hardest part for some is to stay together, work through whatever it is, with understanding forgiveness, and love. The easier part is to give up and move on leaving it all behind you.

    1. Renee, I think so too. We can be married for years have children buy homes, cars, travel together and have issues work them out and end up moving on but, that true love will always be apart of you with them or not, they just are.

  14. I believe this too! Next April will be my 40th anniversary. Were there difficult times? Yes! Having a special needs son at the age of 19 & 20, ailing parents, cancer, loss of jobs, and many more. But our love prevailed and we never gave up. I believe our love is now even stronger and I thank the Lord each and every day!

    1. Patti, that was so beautifully said! You are so right too. Bless you both to starting out as one and remaining that way. While I know that it is not always possible and many times you do not marry your true love first time around. But, when you do nothing stops that love in your heart for them, nothing.

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