Alabama The Beautiful-

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It is Springtime here in my home state. And here are signs of that as I share photos from this Spring. Funny, how you look out your window or that walking path and see signs of Winter still, yet the temperatures have warmed a bit. Then you have some warmer temperatures for a few days, wild and windy rains, and all of a sudden, things start popping up. The birds start singing, nature is blooming all of it. I’m sharing some photos if you’re feeling a little chilly, are you still having snow and you know spring is around the corner, maybe this will help your feelings.

Good morning, come along with me!

The first signs of spring are the bunnies in the backyard the birds, singing, and you see Bird nest full of eggs you know spring has arrived.

The Blue Birds have been busy

Don’t dare think Daddy Bluebird is not watching over just baby eggs. Mama is away, and Daddy’s got it covered.

She is out early this morning looking for breakfast .

Meanwhile, down by the lake, things are really starting to bloom.

Wild geraniums are blooming all along the trails.




Cherry Blossoms

Breakfast for this little guy too.

Lilac Bush

Apple blossoms

20 thoughts on “Alabama The Beautiful-”

  1. Debbie, Beautiful pics!! They really made me remember when we lived in Alabama in the early 90s when my husband was in the Army. I loved walking in the woods and finding all the pretty flowers and a lot were new to me. We are having chilly nights and warm days in Texas. We have lots of birds in our yard but our favorites are the cardinals, Bluejays, woodpecker, chickadee, hummingbird and titmouse. I would love to have bluebirds! My Iris are blooming and they are my favorites. We transplanted them from my grandmother’s farm after she passed away. Thank you for sharing all of your pretty photos. They brought back lots of sweet memories!

  2. I love all these beautiful pics !!!! I’ve got several bunnies in my backyard a behind my neighbor’s too. And my bluebird pair are back again. I think this maybe the 6th year. And mom has already layed her eggs. Our other house broke during the winter so we put up a new box that is different than the previous one. Wasn’t sure if they’d accept it but they did and I can’t wait to see the hatchlings !!!!
    Also , I’d really like to get one of those lilac bushes !!!!!

  3. Your pics are beautiful! Expecting snow again in NE but should be minor. Noticed the bushes are starting to bud. Daffodils have bloomed as well as some hyacinth and crocus. Robins and blue birds have arrived. Spring is definitely on its way.

  4. I love seeing everything come budding and blooming!! The birds wake me each morning singing their songs!!Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures!! 💖💐 The one with the?? my Mother called a wild iris.

  5. I love seeing everything come budding and blooming!! The birds wake me each morning singing their songs!!Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures!! 💖💐

  6. Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures! All God’s beauty and creation. Have a blessed Sunday.

  7. Thank you for the beautiful pictures… I love when the flowers start blooming! Have a blessed Easter 😘

  8. How beautiful, I love springtime. We’re still having snow, but it’s wet snow so doesn’t last long. I’m ready for spring.

  9. The flowers are so beautiful, here in PA it’s still chilly. We have daffodils and purple hyacinths blooming, the forsythia are nearly over. Our high on Sunday will be 52, I was hoping it would be a little warmer. Happy Easter Debbie!

  10. I miss Spring in Alabama, my mother-in-law always had the prettiest azaleas & so many trees & flowers bloom sooner down there than they do here in Middle Tennessee. Love your photos, especially the Wisteria aka Money trees.

  11. Here in middle Tennessee our dogwoods aren’t even budding yet.
    There have been a sightings of humming birds. I hung my first humming bird feeder yesterday.
    I will check the blue bird house today.
    I can hardly wait to start planting flowers.
    Thanks for sharing your spring pictures.

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