Answered Prayers!

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It was November 27th, 1982, I was 30 weeks pregnant with my second son. I had put my 6-year-old son to bed, Mr. Shabby and I were right behind him. I had a long day at work and was really tired that evening. I was having a time falling asleep the baby was moving more and more and all of a sudden my water broke. I froze!

As I lay there with water gushing out there was no pain and I thought what is going on, to myself. I asked Mr. Shabby to get up and turn on the light, and when he did I threw back the covers and there it was water galore all over the place. Mr. Shabby said, OMG what is that. I said, my water has broken. Call my mother, ask her to come over now and keep my oldest son. He was already asleep and had to go to school the next day. I also told him to call my Dr and. tell him we are on the way to the hospital ER as soon as my mama got there, she lived about 7 minutes away.

Mom arrived we filled her in and she wanted to go too, but, she knew my son needed her more right then than I did, and that I needed her more, there with him. He would wake up and I most likely would not be there. I had no idea what was about to happen. So, we arrive at the ER, they confirmed my water had indeed broken. They sent me to labor and delivery right away! There was no TV, no windows, no phone., no way to connect with the outside world, sadly! But, it was 1982 they have come a long way, thank goodness! Labor pains had started so they rushed and IV of something through me and the labor stopped. They kept me overnight and the next morning my Dr. came in with the news. He said, Debbie, Your water has broken and you will go into labor soon usually within 24 hours or set up and infection all depends on which one comes first, he said with concern in his voice.

He went on to explain to me and Mr. Shabby, the baby does not weight 1 pound and if you deliver now he will not stand a chance, I panicked. Mr. Shabby was only 19 I was 24 this was his first, and only child but, I had been there before. My Dr. headed up a team that worked on saving my baby’s life, as well as mine. As I said today it might be a different story but in 1982 a one-pound baby did not stand much chance if any. I had to stay in the labor and delivery room, they had me sign papers saying that they were going to give me medications that might affect my child later in life and could cause uterine or ovarian cancer for me later on. Of course, I signed them, this was my child and I had no choice I wanted my baby to be born and have a chance at life. They started me on three things one I remember was HIGH doses of steroids that made me meaner than a rattlesnake. They would bring my food tray in and run out of the room lol. For the next 31 days, I got broth jello and weak tea, period, morning, noon, and night.

I lost weight but, the medication was working the baby was still fighting, but putting on weight. I had every machine on me known to man I do believe. The baby seemed to get stronger and stronger each day. But, I missed my baby at home, he was not allowed to see me, period, they did not make any allowances sadly. As I said it was 1982 children were not allowed on the floor espically labor and delivery. I would write to him every day and send letters, he would color me pictures and send back, it was so bitter/sweet. I did not have a phone in the labor room, no cells then so I could not call him it was so hard. Remember, I said no TV no windows and no phone in that small 10×10 labor room. I knew the time of day by the shift of nurses on duty. 7-3, 3 11, and 11-7 back then. Thye were all so kind to me they took such good care of me. It was almost Christmas, I had not shopped for my 6-year-old or seen him in almost 4 weeks. It was killing me. One afternoon they wheeled a payphone in with 10 times. I called my Mom and said Oh, mama, it is so good to hear your voice, on the other end she began to cry. I said mama don’t cry we are ok but, I want to talk now to my son please, then I will call you back when our time has ended.

She put him on the phone and the joy that touched my heart when he said Mama, is that you? Where are you, Mama? Why are you not home, are you coming home? I tried my best to explain to a 6-year-old little boy that had just gone through his father and me divorcing the year prior and he did not spend time as he should have with our son. When I hung up I said I will call you back before you go to bed tonight. I was so upset I could not call my mama back. All that time I thought if I had a phone I would call this one and that one but, no I did not feel like talking to anyone. I got so upset one of the nurses came in to try to talk me into calming down, she told me my BP was really high. Ok, I had a child that I left in the night waking up to my mother. And for one month I did not see or get to talk to him this whole time Praise the Lord, he had my precious Mother, who by the way passed away 9 years ago today on the day I share about my 10-year prayer being answered 5 weeks ago. Anyway, I felt like my son needed me, I was his mama. He depended on me I was his one constant in his 6 years of life. Yes, children are tougher then we give them credit for but still, he was my baby then, and I missed him and felt so bad that I was not there.

Then I had another child inside me that needed me too, I was young, I was upset, I was trying hard to carry this child to as close to term as I could yet my heart was broken for the one that was here and needed me. As the days went on I began to hemorrhage and required blood. It was Christmas time and they had no 0 – blood in Alabama. They had to send the lifesaver helicopter to two states to get blood for me. It took several days and finally, I got better and the bleeding stopped, Praise the Lord again. They finally got to move me to a room, then in a few days they let me go home for Christmas on the 24th od December, but I had to stay in the bed. I remember my son as I came in the door did not want to look at me. He said Mama, you went to get my baby brother or sister were, are they. I had lost weight I said earlier on and I did not even look like I was expecting a baby at all.

I said well, they are still in mama’s tummy but they will be here soon. I knew in my heart this child was smart, he thought yeah right. I felt like he thought I have just left him like he thought his dad did and that broke my heart. I told him as much as I could and I think he understood that we would have to leave one more time but, he would get a baby brother or sister soon. There was a positive to this story, but, I did not see one at that time. I felt bad, it had been 31 days and my family had been through a lot, and so had I. I got to spend Christmas with my son that was one of the happiest days in my life. But, within 2 days, labor hit me and it hit me hard. Back to the hospital, we go, this time to have a baby we prayed. We got there and I had set up and infection with a high fever. The Dr. came over and said we are not going to tie your tubes, Debbie, there is a chance that if this baby doesn’t make it you and your husband will want to try again. With tears streaming down my face I agreed. That was all I remember until I woke up and was told my son was born, 4-lbs 3oz, wow, we did it, Praise The Lord, oh thank you, Father, we did it!

I had to stay for 7 days and my new son stayed for 4 weeks, but I remember getting out still sore from my c section with all those staples still intact, ugh! I was on my way to the school to pick up my son and tell him that he was a BIG brother to a little baby brother, complete with pictures and all. It was a hard time for him and it hurt me to be away from him for so long. I wanted to surprise him and just show up and with pictures. We could now all be a family it was starting to come together all the love and prayers and pain had paid off, God had answered prayers for us.

We never use the word 1/2 brothers in our home ever they are brother’s they share the same MOTHER! The one that carried them gave birth to them and would die for them. I love them both so much, today they are 43 and soon to be 37. Men, is what they are but, they will always be my babies. My oldest son has my three beautiful grandchildren. I said I would share the prayer that God has answered once again for me and Mr. Shabby, I sure did, I am going to be a Nana again!! My baby is having his first baby, and we will know in the next few days if it is a girl or boy! I am so happy, excited, I feel blessed and honored to be a Nana again. God has answered my prayers for my baby. I had prayed for many years that my baby would one day have a baby of his own, he is good with children, this is a Mother’s dream and prayer come to life. I am still giddy when I think about it.

There are blessings that come in every valley. I can tell you that with an open and honest heart. Whatever it is that you have been praying for, keep praying. God is good, all the time.




42 thoughts on “Answered Prayers!”

  1. Debbie thanks for sharing this wonderful teary eye story of your pregnancy. I actually weigh 4lbs. 6ozs. when my Mom gave birth to me at full term I actually spent 2 weeks in the hospital. God does listen to our prayers. Congratulations on becoming a Nana again. Love & Hugs, Marianna

  2. What an Inspiring retelling of difficult things during pregnancy, the struggles that effected your young son and yet, how all those prayers were answered !!! I’m so thankful that everything went as it did and that you have your 2 boys, 3 grandchildren and another on the way ! You’re a wonderful Nana and I can’t wait to see you with this new one ❤️
    Congratulations to your son and to you and Mr Shabby ‼️
    Love you guys 😍

  3. Debbie,

    We had babies the same year. Mine was born Sept 15, 1982. She was a big girl 9 lbs 13 oz. she wasn’t breathing at birth so there were lots or prayers for her. She ended up being fine, but I was so scared. I love your stories, thank you for sharing.

    1. Sandie, so glad to hear all was well with your daughter too. It is scary, very much so. I had some say you remember it so well. It is something you never forget, and details are etched in my mind. I know you understand that.

  4. Beautiful story so many stories still to be told I have been married 65yrs to the same wonderful man we have 3 great children Marsha 63 Rusty 61 Dusty 60 they have given us 9 grandchildren 16 great-grandchildren 1 great-great grand child with another one on the way We are so blessed with joys untold

  5. Congratulations.. I am blessed to have 10 grandchildren and they all are blessings from God. I know you over the moon. I hope all goes well for you and your family.

  6. Oh My Debbie…all this excitement to add to everything else going on for you this coming year! Another bright spot to focus on! Happy for & Mr. Shabby! How exciting!
    Glad you are healthier and so happy!
    Blessings to you all, and Glory to God, for ALL HE HAS DONE for you!
    Hugs, cs

    1. Carol, thank you, it has been exciting for the last 5 weeks. I have known this and had to wait until they were ready to let everyone know. It’s been very exciting since our youngest grandchild turns 11 tomorrow.

  7. Congratulations Grandma! How exciting! Your story was amazing and I loved that it had a really good ending too with the birth of your son.

    1. Jan, it was a fight to the end, or so it seemed at the time. Little did I know when I found out I was going to have another baby all the other things would take place. When I look back over my life, I see God’s hands all over it and me.

  8. Wow! I know the excitement you are feeling for yourself and your youngest son!! So thrilled for you all!! Congratulations!!❤️🙌🎉Thank you for sharing this beautiful story of Father God’s love!!❤️

    1. ((hugs)) Susan, I am thrilled for my son, God does answer all prayers. Sometimes He says no because He has something better in store. I thought a time or two that was what He was saying to me but, I still asked for my son to have a child one day. God waited for the perfect mate and the perfect time, He makes no mistakes. Amen.

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