Are You Praying For Patients-

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26 thoughts on “Are You Praying For Patients-”

  1. All I know is I am glad that the Lord is patient with me. Sometimes it takes me a long time to learn what I should have by now. His patience is never ending! ☺️ Thank you Jesus!

  2. Great reminder, Debbie. But I have often had to think very hard before asking Him for patience. It’s definitely bold and sometimes a little frightening.

    1. Lee Anne, I totally agree always been told be ready and be bold when you pray for patience because trials will come. Patients have never been my best attribute. However, it’s something we all must learn in order to live a peaceful life. Just my opinion love you my friend.

  3. I desperately need to work on my patience. Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information. You inspire, encourage and motivate us with your words. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  4. I’m not as impatient as I once was but I still could use some work. Even though I’m retired I feel like I have to hurry to be somewhere, my sister says the same thing, I guess it’s from hurrying all those years. I need to slow down and appreciate everything around me, thank you for the reminder Debbie…I’ve always had a lead foot, I still have to watch my speed!

      1. All I know is I am glad that the Lord is patient with me. Sometimes it takes me a long time to learn what I should have by now. His patience is never ending! ☺️ Thank you Jesus!

  5. Every time I think Im getting good at patience, a new, improved frustration hits me. I’m so thankful that God is patient with me!

  6. This was so good and very much needed. I’ve really had to slow down in the last 18 months and I pray to get my health back and to remember your words. Thank you!

  7. I’m sorry for not keeping up. I take care of my mother, great nephew, and great niece. This story sounds so familiar my peaceful moments are few. Thank you for your blog and posts on face book!

    1. Susan, isn’t it just so easy to lose yourself in the moment? Whether it’s thinking about the next moment tomorrow yesterday or next week. I’m trying to learn to be more present in the moment it’s about time huh? I mean I’m just a couple years away from 70 and finally I’m deciding to live in the moment. Better late than never. They say I’ve always been a light bloomer. Love you my friend.

  8. Much needed wise words. And yes I’ve heard not to pray for patience! That always stands out to me. Maybe I should?

  9. I know your feeling about patience. Today is not one of my days. So cold. Having troble with my car starting. Don’t have any where to go today but I did tomorrow. Driveway not cleaned, can’t do it myself. Bank is changing systems and I can’t check on whether or not a bill got paid. Trying to take a deep breath and lea
    ving it up to


  10. My sweet mom who is in heaven now, told me once that if you pray for patience make sure you really want them!

  11. I pray for patience when it comes to my 15 month old grandson ..I pray for patience with his parents because they way of raising him is way different than mine!

    On another note of hurrying, speeding rushing around..I never knew I was always doing that until I married Mr King who is the most laid back, never in a hurry person that I have ever know . Talk about a down shift but with that downshift came peace ! So much peace that one day I looked down and I had fingernails! I bit my nails until I got as 50 years old and one day I looked down and had long beautiful fingernails and Inpraise God every day for the slow down!

  12. I, too, need to learn to be patient and present, Debbie. I am like Martha in the Bible – always busy and always worried about things I think need to be done rather than spending quiet, uninterrupted time with God.

  13. Patience is a virtue, I think, we could all use more of today! Thankful that God excercises His with us. 🙋❤️🙏

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