Bringing It All To The Light

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I have backed off from social media for a bit, I am plugging into GOD, Just me and God. So much has taken place in my life, already in 2020 it seems to be all or nothing at times and I need to unplug from the world for a minute. My hope is to continue to post on At Home With Debbie.

I have asked God to bring it to the light all, the things that are hidden in the dark. To remove from me all things that are not pleasing to Him, my mouth is the first thing that comes to my mind. I am a very serious person and take things to heart, maybe too much so. As I get older it has gotten stronger and I think I need to lighten up if that is possible. There had been so many changes recently in my life, as I mentioned earlier a lot for just 3 weeks into 2020, things I have not shared here. So, I have turned off the outside world for a bit as I said unplugged and will be in prayer and God’s word. Starting back to Church on a regular basis is something I plan to do this Sunday. Looking for a home Church, I’ve not had one in awhile.

If any of you reading this is struggling with loyalty, love, peace, illness, whatever it may be. Or maybe you are looking to get closer to God then I pray that you cry out to Him, ask Him to cleanse you of all that is not pleasing to Him, that is where I am and what I am doing as I take this time away. I can be slow at times but, I have reached this point in my life due to age, wisdom, and trials and tribulations whatever it is but, we all need people we can trust and turn to at times people we can count on. Gossips, liars, and users are a dime a dozen.

I have learned by my own mistakes over the years what I am willing to take accept and what is unacceptable to me. Trust me what is unacceptable will be brought to the light, it always is. I pray for each of you that follow me. I know at times that too many of you my life has seemed totally out of control, and there are times it has been. Many of you understand this as you to have been right there with me in your own lives. That is why I have decided to get grounded in God’s word, surround myself with His presence, to get closer to Him. I seemed to have lost my way and I know He will show Himself to me.

I have had to really grab myself as I stood on the edge looking up at God, and He reeled me back in, and said, it’s time. It is time for you to spend some close one on one time with Me. He said I lead you, are to follow. So, with that said, I am obeying. I love you, my brothers and sisters, in Christ. Talk time out of your day to spend time with God, just you and Him, it is a must to keep the evil from keeping us in constant bondage.



26 thoughts on “Bringing It All To The Light”

  1. You have such a great support team and I feel sure all of us pray daily for you. We all have struggles and burdens that are so heavy and hard to bear. Remember to pray every day for those that we know and those that we don’t know. My 1 1/2 drive to and from work are the times that I spend with God, praying, singing and worshiping. Doing so has certainly helped me. We have a saying at work – “Grace 2.0 ” for 2020. I admire you and call you friend even though we’ve never met. I believe it’s called “kindred spirits”. Love you

  2. Completely understand. Take the time you need to spend with the Lord. So very thankful for His Love that He so gracefully gives us. Prayers going up for you daily, Debbie.

  3. Take the time that you need. We all need to take that time to study God’s word and spend more time with Him. Prayers my dear friend.

  4. Debbie, take all the time you need. We will all be here when you are ready. You have had a lot to deal with and you are right to trust in God to get you through and show you the right path.
    Much love and hugs.

  5. I commend you for taking down time and leaning in to what God is saying to you. I so need to do this. I get so distracted easily. Pray for me that I let all the distractions not prevent me from drawing closer to him. The relationship I was in for the past 5 years has hopefully ended. What a roller coaster ride! OK off that soapbox lol. I love your posts and I can relate in some ways. Love you

    1. Debera, I hear you, I understand what you are saying. The relationship I have been in for almost 4 decades I also pray is over. For years I asked God if he was not going to change to just take the love that I had for him that was so deep and caused me such pain away. God answers prayers and that love became less and less, but, 3/4 of my life with one person I still struggle with something deep within me that holds onto him and I can not reach it. That and so many other things have caused me to seek God, seek His face, His will for me, His path for me. To bring whatever He feels I need to see to light and to empty me of things that He finds undesirable.
      I pray that you find peace from within you. The peace that only our Father gives us, that you can get quite with God so that you can hear what he is telling you, showing you. Once you have His word, you know then the path He wants you on. It might not be the easiest from a glance to you, but, if it is His path for you, it will be amazing, you know this.

  6. Debbie I support your decision to spend more “Me” time alone with God. I did this in 2018 I stayed off of FB. I read the whole Bible in 6 months. I have peace in my life now. A few years ago I asked God to lift something from me and he did! I’ll continue praying for you to find peace Our God is a good God!! He’s always faithful… Much love and prayers for you🙏💗

    1. Marianna, thank you. You also know that I am here for you praying for you as well. We have chatted and I know we would be friends if we lived closer. God bless you, my friend.

  7. Yep, Debbie, God’s light shines and brings darkness to light! Funny, I have been thinking about this truth as a situation has been brought to light just recently! A secret has been exposed but there is still some research to be done! Father God answered a prayer yesterday and I am so very thankful!
    Debbie, you do what God is calling you to do and you are going to find that peace within HIM! Grace, peace, and love my sweet Alabama friend! Hope we see more of your blogs in His timing! You will be in my prayers!!❤️🙏

    1. Susan, I love you, my sweet friend. I know you are correct. Things have already come to light in something that was really bothering me. I have made peace with it as God has said this is not for you. I had been so sick for weeks and then the realization of Mr. Shabby and I shook me to my core, I tell you. I went on as if I were fine, I was anything but. I had not slept for more than 4 hours a night for 4 weeks and not eating good no wonder I could not get well. I am very sensitive to not what others say and do but more the way they say it or do it. I take and take then I shut down. I had way too much from Jan1, through yesterday when I realized this was what had to be done. When God is done with me I will then feel better because He, will have lead me back on the right path. It is so easy to get off the right path with life coming at us so fast. But, when it hits you, you know it! I’ll be praying that secret is something you needed and God will direct your path.

      1. Thank you for your prayers! God is shining the light and we will find more answers! When I get still God gives me ideas to find answers!
        It is so easy for me to get distracted with the everyday happenings and then wham, I realize I took my eyes off of Jesus! So it’s back on focusing on Jesus Christ and then peace comes back!
        I know what ya mean by not eating the healthy way and feeling bad and messes with the energy flowing, too! I am continuing praying for you to find your peace and rest! Love you, Debbie! Grace and Peace ❤️🙏

        1. Susan, I think we all fall away from God at some point in our lifetime. I now see the important thing is not to stay away long. Get back to Him, and His words. I have felt at peace since doing this, slept like a rock and before this I had not slept 4 hours solid in 3 weeks. When the mind-body and the spirit are out of sync you can truly feel it that’s for sure. In your sleep, your attitude, your appetite, life doesn’t seem as enjoyable even the little things. Sounds a little bit like depression but, for me, it is being unplugged from Him, I know the feeling as soon as it hits me. Have a wonderful afternoon.

  8. I have been struggling lately, too, Debbie. I have found myself backing away from Him rather than leaning in. I know what I need to do, but finding it hard. I have been going through a dark time due to my husband’s battle with cancer. Praying you and I can both lean in and let Him guide us into a better place. 🙏💕

    1. Carolyn, then you see by my post here you are not alone. I was so miserable that He was the only option. To get alone, unplug, and pray, read His Word, and pray some more, then listen for Him to answer, or watch for Him to open the path I am to take next. You get with Him, He will direct you, we know that.

  9. You go woman of God. January is a good time to do it. It will become clearer. GOD ALWAYS SHOWS US THROUGH THE TEMPTATION so there is a way to your page without going through personal page.
    Look forward to hearing about your journey.
    God Bless You
    linda b

    1. Linda, I am a woman of God and you know what, I have for some time now forgotten that He, God almighty is the King and I am his child. How blessed I am that I can spend time with Him, alone just Him and myself. It sure brings a peace that was much needed. I can already feel it as today he answered a huge prayer. God is so good, and give Him all the glory.

  10. Debbie,
    I completely understand that you need this time and I support you. I’ve turned to prayer and God more than ever this year. I’ve always had a close relationship with Him and pray gratitude prayers plus prayers for those in need.
    This time will be good for you and your spiritual growth. Do everything you feel is best for you. Listen to God which I know you will.
    I will continue praying for you to become healthy this year and find peace . I’ll be reading the blog every day.
    Take care and know you are loved.

    1. Betty, you are in my prayers and that list is long. I have not forgotten you, I will not my sweet friend. Please keep me posted on your situation. I will PM you my cell number.. I am not hanging out on FB but, I have to log in to come here and do anything on At Home With Debbie.
      Love to you,

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