I have backed off from social media for a bit, I am plugging into GOD, Just me and God. So much has taken place in my life, already in 2020 it seems to be all or nothing at times and I need to unplug from the world for a minute. My hope is to continue to post on At Home With Debbie.
I have asked God to bring it to the light all, the things that are hidden in the dark. To remove from me all things that are not pleasing to Him, my mouth is the first thing that comes to my mind. I am a very serious person and take things to heart, maybe too much so. As I get older it has gotten stronger and I think I need to lighten up if that is possible. There had been so many changes recently in my life, as I mentioned earlier a lot for just 3 weeks into 2020, things I have not shared here. So, I have turned off the outside world for a bit as I said unplugged and will be in prayer and God’s word. Starting back to Church on a regular basis is something I plan to do this Sunday. Looking for a home Church, I’ve not had one in awhile.
If any of you reading this is struggling with loyalty, love, peace, illness, whatever it may be. Or maybe you are looking to get closer to God then I pray that you cry out to Him, ask Him to cleanse you of all that is not pleasing to Him, that is where I am and what I am doing as I take this time away. I can be slow at times but, I have reached this point in my life due to age, wisdom, and trials and tribulations whatever it is but, we all need people we can trust and turn to at times people we can count on. Gossips, liars, and users are a dime a dozen.
I have learned by my own mistakes over the years what I am willing to take accept and what is unacceptable to me. Trust me what is unacceptable will be brought to the light, it always is. I pray for each of you that follow me. I know at times that too many of you my life has seemed totally out of control, and there are times it has been. Many of you understand this as you to have been right there with me in your own lives. That is why I have decided to get grounded in God’s word, surround myself with His presence, to get closer to Him. I seemed to have lost my way and I know He will show Himself to me.
I have had to really grab myself as I stood on the edge looking up at God, and He reeled me back in, and said, it’s time. It is time for you to spend some close one on one time with Me. He said I lead you, are to follow. So, with that said, I am obeying. I love you, my brothers and sisters, in Christ. Talk time out of your day to spend time with God, just you and Him, it is a must to keep the evil from keeping us in constant bondage.