Today is January 3rd, 2019. I woke up with this feeling, gut instinct, intuition, God I call it, you can call it whatever you like. As I said I had a feeling that something about this scheduled surgery was not right. What exactly I didn’t know, yet!
So, I remember when I went in December to see the surgeon that I asked him what about the Ultrasound made him sure that removing the gallbladder would fix things. He said ” I have not seen the results but, your Dr sent you here so I trust he read it and knows” This AM since I had not seen my Dr at all but, his Nurse Practitioner, who has NOT read the repost either but sent me to the Surgeon because when she touched me where my gallbladder was it was tender, she said. I asked her had my doctor had read the report was that why he wanted me to see the Surgeon. She said I am not sure if he has yet but he will. Well, if he did then he would have seen the gallbladder was ok!
By that I mean the ultrasound showed that the polyps I have had for 9 years have not changed at all. They are the same size no shadowing, not moving. My bile flow was good, the duct was open and all looked fine with the gallbladder only abnormality was and still is the polyps for 9 years causing no known issues.
However, there was one issue a fatty infiltrated Liver. Knows as NASH. Causing the same kind of pain I described to the Doctor and the surgeon. If you don’t know what NASH is you’re not alone I didn’t either. But, it didn’t take me long to put things together. I have a family member that suffers from this and I didn’t know the bane of it until today. After contacting her she told me all I needed to know to possibly put me on the right track. We are cousins and our Mothers are sisters.
This NASH is a non-drinker liver disease, that can turn to cirrhosis of the liver, without drinking and I do not. So, tomorrow I get up and see nt Endo to get blood work which I have never had on my liver to check the enzymes. I know many that some of you reading this have heard of it and may have it or know some that do, but, just think I would have had no gallbladder and still be hurting, wow!
Make sure that you check behind Doctors, no one is perfect and things happen every day. I just hope that I can get answers that will make me at least feel better since there seems to be no treatment for this but diet!
Another day in the life of Debbie Reynolds, with God watching over us, blessed is what we are. I guess I will keep my gallbladder since the tests show that it is working fine! Amazing Grace here we go.