Do you hear His voice

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This Morning I was posting for the page and looking out my window at what was once a small tree in my front yard I planted to replace a beautiful larger tree that had been struck  by lightning and died.

I had to buy at that time a much smaller tree because they were so expensive to replace it with the size I had as shade from the afternoon sun. This morning the sunshine was glistening on each leave of that tree as the overnight temperatures dropped into the 60’s and the moisture was all over the leaves giving the trees such a sparkle as the morning sun hit them.

Almost like they were lit up with small twinkle lights, it was beautiful. I had not taken the time to see that in 3 years that tree had grown 5 times its size since replanting. It reminded of my growth in Christ over the last few years. We suddenly turn around and we realize just how far we have come in trusting that God will always, always do what is best and right for us. When we once tried to make things happen on our own with little success.

How amazing it is to know that He has us and while we may still worry, as that is just human nature, we really do not have too. Many of us know this yet we do it anyway, I am one of them. I call myself a natural-born worrier. But, that really is not the truth we are not born natural worriers.  The truth is that my life from day one had turmoil and dysfunction in it that I became accustomed to the worry, the what if’s, the whys and why nots.

Why things happen to me in my lifetime is beyond me, sometimes we allow it, sometimes it is for us to learn and grow and sometimes it is just the devil trying to keep you bound up in garbage so that you are unhappy, he loves that. Don’t let him win, show him that God is bigger, he has been defeated and you trust God and look away from the evils of all that has taken place within your life. Let the good things flow through you. I seem to always write about the bad  and ugly and the good can win. I guess it is because I am such a realist. I’m not special by any means of the word but, I am blessed, so very blessed by God. He has always given me an inner voice all my life even as a child, one that let me know when to run, to tell, to get help, and one to warn me about other people I met along my journey. I did not always listen but, I ALWAYS heard Him. Today, I promise you that I not only hear Him, I listen to Him as well.

Do you listen to that inner voice, that gut instinct that says run? Or perhaps it says stay? Pay close attention, God talks to us in so many ways, even the glistening leaves on a tree as the sunlight hits the morning dew on the leaves can be God ways of allowing you to see something much bigger or hear His message for the day to you..

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105

Have a blessed Thursday,



13 thoughts on “Do you hear His voice”

  1. I am amazed I have found someone that is a homebody like me! I love being home, my home is full of Christ, love, peace, two dogs and laughter! I have found myself after twenty four years of marriage and two boys. The boys are the loves of my life and they are independent just like me. To me it’s incredible how I’m not lonely alone, not near as lonely as being with someone that didn’t have their heart or interest in our marriage. I’m happier at fifty five than I have been in my in my entire life! God did that! He does work miracles. I love your writing, never stop!

    1. Susan, I hear you and I get you 100%. Life can be so peaceful when you are alone and peace surrounds you. You can actually feel the peace. I never thought I would be where I am at this very moment with all the things that have happened in my life that kept me in total bondage, but I am. I have days I enjoy my friends or family, but I have really enjoyed finding myself and loving my time alone and at home.


  2. This is very true, we all need to step back and reflect how powerful and loving our Father is. I too have had ups and downs in my life, but looking back I’ve come to k ow God is right there beside.
    Thank You

      1. A.M.E.N. ….we ALL have trials, but must always remember that “HE” is always on call 24/7, …and only a Prayer away! HE wants and knows what is best for each of us, but gives us our own free will to choose.
        God is GOOD, ALL THE TIME, even when aren’t.
        Blessings to you, sweet Debbie ~ cs

  3. How beautiful you write and express your thoughts and feelings…….You make me feel like we are siting and visiting over a cup of coffee…..This is a beautiful gift God has given you….Hugs sweet lady….

  4. Oh how true this is Debbie… my Sunday school teacher use to talk about our path to God and how everyone is not at the same place on it… first I didn’t quite get the concept of being on a path until I got further down it and was able to look back to where I had been, to where I was and how God was making me more into the likeness of Him. I’ve hit potholes, ditches, valley’s and mountains…as we will all do. But as long as we keep our focus on Him our path will always stay headed in His direction! Thanks for sharing! My niece this week said something this week that has been my thought…”what fuels me” is it the things of God or the world? Pleasure of the world never fill us and we are always in search of more…but God has the the exact measure of what we need to be filled…love ya…hope you have a great and blessed day 💗

  5. Thank you Debbie, for this beautiful blessing you left us today. Like you, I have always heard the voice of God, but did not always listen. Like you too, I listen now! His voice is so precious and the more we stop to hear it the more our lives become calm and we live in a restful and peaceful place.
    I needed your post this morning. I needed a reminder of just how Great our God is!
    Thank you Debbie, May God Bless you this day and always.

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