Feeling Overwhelmed-

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Do you find yourself thinking where does my day go? Where does the time go? Feeling overwhelmed lately? Well, that is me and I’ve been wanting to ask you if you ever just get that way!?!? I haven’t because my friends and family might read this and I try hard to put up a front and keep it together at all times. But, the truth is it’s hard at times. I am a perfectionist, and I’ve shared that with you guys many times. Those of you who are perfectionist know its stems from something from our childhood, most likely. But, when we get to a certain age me at 68 some of you younger some of you older. We start to realize that our bodies can’t always do things we’ve always done.. Not just our bodies our minds things start to slow down just a little bit. When we try to go at the pace, we went 10 years ago 20 years ago, even five years ago, the mind the body or both might say nope.

I can tell you that over the past year I’ve noticed a huge difference in my stamina, my drive, my want to, and often putting too much pressure on myself to get all the things done that I set goals for. I’ve recognized it over the past several months. And I’ve taken a break from the page off and on. I’ve stopped cooking seven days a week and back down to four other nights, we just eat lightly. Mr. shabby is a big eater. He likes big meals, I absolutely do not I and cleaning up after those big meals. But I did it because he liked it and now I have decided that I didn’t like it so we discussed it and have changed a few things. Yes I am retired, he still works, but as I said, I’m 68. He is 61. I was saying earlier that I personally realize that I have put a lot of pressure on myself to be that perfect person. The perfect friend, the perfect mom, the perfect Nana, the perfect wife, housekeeper, cook, decorator, although I will admit decorating was such a huge passion of mine That has taken a backseat in the past few months. I’ve come to the conclusion that there are a few things that causes to be overwhelmed.

1) setting unrealistic goals for ourselves and not realizing as we age we can’t always do what we used to do. Acceptance is important.

2) as we age we need to set easier and healthier boundaries for ourselves.

3) self-care, that is truly needed for each and everyone of us. Self-care can be anything from. Meditating on God’s word, giving yourself a home facial, taking a nap at the hammock, reading a good book or watching a good movie, or all of the above during your week.

4) running on an empty tank, you have to feed yourself proper nutrition. You also have to give yourself positive talks, and block out negative thinking as much as possible

5) for me last, but not least self-love, it’s crucial. No matter what others may think or feel about you. if you know that you are doing the very best that you can give yourself a hug, love yourself. Show. Respect and love that you show everyone else around you don’t put yourself last.

I hope that if you’re feeling this way as well that you’ll take this summer and go light on yourself. Cut yourself some slack, slow down a bit. enjoy the things around you while they’re there. With that said once again, I will be taking a Facebook pause. That was why my post today. enter for the giveaway because it would be the last one for a while. I’ll pop in and out and I’ll post some stories here maybe weekly just to let you know whats going on in my world. And to find out what’s going on in yours, because I do care about all of you. Have a wonderful evening. We’ll chat again soon.


25 thoughts on “Feeling Overwhelmed-”

  1. I am right there with you Debbie. It is so hard not being able to do what I used to do. I’m also a perfectionist. So you know I am hard on myself. I can’t keep up. I am going to have a long talk with myself. It is time I take care of myself and have some fun in the process.

  2. Hi Debbie. Seems like we all live in a whirlwind these days . Don’t know about you but the older I get, the faster the days go by! I have been really stretched and haven’t taken the time to visit the blog. May you take time to enjoy the little things in life!

  3. You do what you need to do for yourself and your family. When you come on we’ll be here and happy to hear how things are going. Will pray for you.

    1. Thank you so much. I really do appreciate that, good Lord willing I’ll be back. I’ve never been 68 before it’s not old. But, things certainly do change your perspective the way your body reacts to things the way you react to things. It’s funny I’ve even noticed that some of the foods I loved I no longer care for anymore and things I used to never eat I like. It’s amazing and astonishing at the same time how things change when you reach a certain age. You stop by the blog and Posting weekly. I’ll be sharing photos of my adventures hopefully things that I’ve cooked that I have found are easy simple and tasty recipes. As I am now embarking on my golden years, I have to laugh and think golden.Hmmm lol no way!

  4. I understand. I’ve been feeling the need for a facebook break, too. I haven’t walked away completely, but I am on way less.

    1. Sometimes taking a break from all of social media can really be refreshing. I’ve done it often on for the past five years or so, and I have truly enjoyed it when I take time away. Most of the time I find myself missing those that I have engaged with on a regular on Facebook, they become like friends in a strange sort of way. So please check in here at least once or twice a week check out the advertisers. I would love to make this blog really explode and interact here on a weekly basis. I’m praying about it and that’s what I’m aiming for so we shall see. You have a good Friday and a wonderful weekend , see you back here on the blog soon

  5. Yes, Debbie, you need to take a break and do something that is fun for you.
    I’ve cut back on the big meals and cleaning myself. Fortunately, we have left overs a couple of nights a week. The older we get the less stress we need to put on ourselves.
    When you have time let us know how you are doing in your blogs, please. ❤️Susan

    1. Oh Susan, thank you. You are always so kind and thoughtful and I appreciate you so much. I look back and think of myself and my 20s 30s etc. and of course she yes it was me but it’s funny. I feel like it was a different me. As we age, I think for most women a lot of things do change their outlook perspective, their interest. I know that has been the case for me and I have embraced it even though there were times I didn’t like it so I’m learning how to fit in to being 68 months away from 70. For me it’s been an adjustment for some women. It seems like they just flow right into it so easily. I envy them in a way but maybe my journey might not be as easy but it is my journey so as I said, I’m embracing it and making the best of it .

  6. Debbie, I sure am going to miss you. I’ve gotten so used to you being here and seeing and reading your posts. I appreciate your honesty and sharing your insights, experiences, pain and sorrow with us all. I have had to slow down some and wish I had a part time job. During voting time, I work every day if possible and love it. I also pick up my granddaughter after school and have to go see my grandson. He’s doing so many new things and I miss out on seeing him and my daughter m.

    God is with you and will continue to be with you. Please don’t forget those of us who genuinely love you and support you.

    1. My sweet friend Elaine. I am truly grateful for you. You are so kind and such an easy soul. You are simply a blessing to me with my ongoing dental work, my youngest son back here with us temporarily I pray and his precious son Jackson here in my home more than ever with his dad here. Aging, prioritizing my life, relationships coming and going some minor help pick up so along the way I just had to slow down. I had to exhale. I felt like I was just running around in circles trying to keep everybody happy and do all the right things. But it creeped up on me and I realized that in doing all of the things I was doing I wasn’t happy. I had to come to Jesus meeting with my family and explained that I could not be any longer everything to everyone at all times. I wasn’t that young anymore and things, don’t always resonate with me as they used to. I have an amazing family. They totally understood and things have slowed down and I’m so grateful. With summer approaching, which is my favorite time of year spring and summer you know that just looking forward to chilling and doing some gardening and the things that I have always enjoyed doing and still enjoy. I have always been a huge sun lover and a water person in each summer for so many years. I’ve met up with my friends at our local community pool. All of them retired some still working part-time jobs you’re not. I plan on seeing them a little this summer, but not like Summers past. My interest in that has changed as well. I’m just not wanting to be out there at the pool every day all day at 68 1/2 who does lol not me. It’s the other night with my son. I feel like I’m going through puberty and I just don’t know which way to turn. I know it’s menopause way past that , I just feel the aging process. Have a good Friday and a wonderful weekend. You check back with me here on the blog for stories updates photos recipes who knows what I’ll be up to. Love you, my friend.

      1. I pray that everything goes well with your son and know you love having Jackson around. I hope your brother’s test results came back with clean margins.

        I want you to slow down and take time to take care of yourself. Enjoy life and be well. You give so much of yourself and forget to give to yourself. My friend, this morning I looked for a post and something on the blog. I will still be here and will definitely check in. I love you my friend and appreciate everything you’ve done and shared. 🙏🏻❤️🫶

  7. Absolutely can relate 100%. Will miss you❤️trying to cut back myself do new things as I’m able . Would love to join a group meet new people. My husband has retired I am too but seems my life just became more work and being around him( I love him dearly don’t get me wrong) makes me feel imprisoned. After 40 years of marriage and 37 of those years were spent working, raising kids living 24/7 togetherness is a bit too much. I have 0 independence at 68 that’s a bit unnerving. He even drives i rarely do. Going to make some changes I hope.

    1. Renee, I know you have had some health issues I think about you often I truly do. I honestly know that you understand my friend. I hope that they can find some answers for you. It is so distressing when you have to continually go back-and-forth to this doctor and that doctor and in my case each one of them give you either a different diagnosis or none of them know anything. At one point in my life I had that I was only gonna go to the doctor for broken bones and if I had a heart attack or stroke, otherwise they just didn’t know a whole lot more other than to throw pills at you. I know that sounds really silly of me to say, but that’s how I felt . Things are looking up in that area for me thank God and I mean thank God. I have a good internist he listens he always has but sometimes it’s the other doctors the specialist who just get you in and get you out and really don’t listen. I have truly found out that I know, more about my body than they do so I try to stay in tune with my body. That’s why walking like I do out in nature is one constant that keeps me in tune with my body. You have a good Friday and I hope you have a wonderful weekend as I’m telling everyone here please check back into the blog even though you don’t see me posting on Facebook. I’m hoping that the blog will take if it’s just 10 ladies here on a regular sharing and expressing their experiences with aging, Their health, things that they find that give them peace and balance. I hope they’ll share that with all of us. We are all just each other home after all so we need to be more supportive of each other.

    1. Thank you, lori. I hope that you’ll come back here on a regular basis to check in and make sure you haven’t missed any of my ramblings. Women need to stick together and help each other share their experiences. You never know when your experience or something you’ve changed might help another, just because you don’t see me posting on Facebook on a regular doesn’t mean that I’m not here posting weekly or once or twice a week. Check out the advertise for me if you would while you’re here that pays to keep the blog going. I know so many of you prefer Facebook And I do too in someways, but the blog is so much more personal and I feel like after all these years on Facebook with my page it is now personal with so many of you and me. So I’m trying to take it to the next level where we can all help each other in a private place not quite as open as Facebook. Have a good weekend. See you soon.

  8. I can totally relate to those feelings..we must be a lot alike!! I am trying to relax more but sometimes it is not easy! Do take care of yourself!!

    1. You are right sometimes it is not easy. Especially when you’re a go getter.like I have bee all my life. I’ve had to slow down a bit it was a must for my body. So I’m trying hard to chill more. There are days I like then there are days that I just go go go and do. I’m looking for that happy medium

  9. I’ve noticed I’m slowing down too. I’m also retired and finding it harder to get more accomplished. I have 11 grandchildren but none of them live near me. Every day is a gift…..keep smiling!

    1. Thank you, Pat. You know, I’ve never been this age before none of us have. So, we don’t always know what’s waiting around the corner and how we’re going to react or respond to aging. I’m thankful to God for each and every day. I do try to make each day a good day. I am blessed in so many ways and I know that and I am so thankful like most of us who are aging, I’m just trying to find some balance. Wishing you a good weekend, Pat. I’ll be posting here once a week maybe sharing some photos in my silly adventures and the things that I do that day With all of You. So come back and check in with me OK.

  10. I totally understand, Debbie. Thank you for sharing your feelings and advice with us. I do wish so often that I could still do the things I used to do, but at 77, I have accepted the fact that I can’t. Please know that you and your family are in my prayers daily. Just let us all know how you are doing as you are able. Take care and God bless.

  11. You will be missed but totally understand.
    You do what you need to do for you..
    Love your stories . See you soon.

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