God is with us, each sunrise, and sunset-

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We do not get to decide the trials we face in this life, but, we always get to decide how we face them. We all face hard, heartbreaking, uncertain times, that is a given.

Whether it be the loss of a loved one, a divorce, foreclosure, loss of a job, or in an unhappy, unhealthy relationship with a spouse, or a friend, or co worker. You can make yourself sick thinking about any number of these and not seeking out God, for your comfort, I guess I’d say you have no idea how to break free from it, I didn’t. Let me say this, we are all going through some of the most difficult times we have ever faced in our country, that alone has been so stressful, with COVID, mask, vaccines. And our precious children, and grandchildren, are all being affected by this too, it will take years perhaps to see the impact it has made of them. Then on top of that, we still miss that loved one, still do not have a job, or home to go to, or are still in that unhappy relationship at home work or where ever it is. As I said in my opening sentence it is how we face these trials that make all the difference in our lives, hearts, and to our health and happiness, trust me when I tell you I know this for a fact.

God knows at 66, I am learning this in many ways my friends, each and every day I get another chance at life here on this earth. Each year brings new and different challenges for me in some way, some small, some not so small.

I tell you right now, there are times I think, and say out loud Lord, please, no more. I have fallen to me kness many, many times, and cried out to God. Each time He helps me back up, and with a better attitude. Would it not be awesome if we could just never worry, just say well, we are without a home but it is ok, God has this? Guess what, he does, and He has something better for you. Maybe that payment was hard for you to meet each, and every month, and it really put stress on you when you had more than you already needed. So, God will help you get a place that you can afford. Yes, I do believe that, if I did not believe that my Heavenly Father had my back what would be the point in prayer, God, or Jesus dying on the cross, for us.

While none of us know the reasons for so many things that come our way and hurt us, even devastate us, we can pray more, and pray harder, for God to take it, or guide us to the path He wants us on! There have been so many heartbreaking times in my 66 years, from my childhood to this very day that I have not even wanted to get out of bed and face the day! Some days I did not get out of bed at all.. I cried and cried, but, I didn’t always cry out to God. I have learned that when I am so distraught, I can simply say God, you know my heart, it’s crying out to you, I cannot even find the words, Father, but you know what is going on, help me to see your will in this situation. He does, one way or another. So, today make up your mind that you will let go, and let GOD. It is not always right away, it is in HIS time but, it comes and with such peacefulness and joy, it is so worth it to see how He brings us through so many things we thought we could never get through. Have a blessed Sunday, I love you all.


23 thoughts on “God is with us, each sunrise, and sunset-”

  1. Once again I am Blessed by your words … Thank you for keeping on going even when things are tough!
    Our whole world, and most things going on seem so toxic these days. It is so discouraging, then I think how much more so … for HIM?
    Praying for all of the poor people in the Ukraine… so much devastation and heartache there… and for what reason? And WHY?
    Seems that my problems are so trivial ~ in comparison. I thank God for his Grace and Mercy that HE freely gives to me & when I ask for forgiveness ~ HE forgives!
    We are So Blessed here in the States ~
    💗🙏 and Blessings to You ~ c

  2. Thanks for reminding me that there are so many things in our lives that we can’t control but God is always there for us. All we need to do is go to in prayer. Have a great weekend.

  3. Thank you for your positive message and words of encouragement, Debbie. No matter what you are going through, you always have a positive outlook. We all need to know we are not alone in our heartache.

  4. Those words are so true !!!! And put together so well. God has always come through and answered my prayers. His answers were sometimes not the answers I wanted.. But my family and I know that God is faithful to His promises that in the span of eternity His answers are always the best !!! 🙌🙏🏻🙌
    Thanks for such a beautiful reminder, Debbie ❤️🙌❤️

  5. Beautifully said Debbie. Your words were a much needed reminded to keep my focus in God and he will gear NY prayers. Thank you.

  6. Debbie, thank you so much for sharing this with us. Our God is in control and will be with us. Times are rough and we learn to adjust.

  7. Oh, Debbie, what an uplifting message!! You have shared with us some of the things you have gone through and I pray for you and love you with Godly love. You are an inspiration to many followers. If it had not been for God in my life, I wouldn’t have made it through our only son going to Heaven eighteen years ago. He is my rock and my salvation! There is so many people going through so much right now, just like you said. I pray for His will every day. If we didn’t know He has His children in the palm of His hands, we would be miserable all the time. I thank Him for His Grace and Mercy! Thank you, Debbie, for this post. God bless.🙋💖

  8. Boy, did I need to hear this! It is those trying times that I have to find tune into him to know what I need to do. Fear can grip me, I just pray for His to take over…. Saying a prayer for His resolution.
    Thank you!

    1. Gina, FEAR is an ugly word that can grip us all my friend. God is not FEAR He is Love, tell yourself that over and over and over again. I have to often. Have a blessed Sunday afternoon

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