Heading Into A New Year With God-

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43 thoughts on “Heading Into A New Year With God-”

  1. Debbie, you never cease to amaze me with your strong witness for needing a deep relationship with God our Father and Christ our Savior through the Holy Spirit. I pray for the Holy Spirit to stir up my heart and give me guidance. I pray for my loved ones who don’t know God and outright reject Him. It breaks my heart. I pray for God to surround them with people who will bring them to God bc they won’t listen to me.
    I pray for God to forgive our nation for its deep, ugly sins and to bring righteous people into high offices.
    And, like you, I have had scales removed from my eyes about ways I allowed people to mistreat me. I admit I was so hurt, I became bitter and spent time hating them bc they hurt me & I felt trapped in the situation instead of loving God and getting into His Word to work on my own relationship with my Heavenly Father. I have times I am numb, and don’t shake myself out of it, but I have more frequently been able to grab my devotional or the Bible. I am a work in progress ✨️ we all are if we have awareness and ask God for help.
    Thank you so much for your brave witness for God and His love which we totally cannot humanly comprehend.
    Wishing you God’s richest blessings always!
    yours, Vonnie

    1. Vonnie, we are all works in progress my friend. You keep reaching for the devotional, and Bible, let God speak to you, and heal that hurt once and for all. I know all to well that bitterness in your heart can make you physically sick, carrying that around is not worth what it does to ones body, mind, and spirit. Love to you and I wish you a healthy happy and joyful New Year

      1. I say AMEN to you, Debbie and you also, Vonnie 🙌 even though I don’t know you !
        Debbie, you always seem to have the words of wisdom for my heart and spirit. Thank you for being so open and honest with how the Lord is leading you and it’s helps all of us ❤️

  2. Thankful for that reminder to let people go that use and abuse you and ask The Lord to send someone in my life to draw me closer to you. Blessings and good health to you and your family in the new year.

  3. You are so right, Debbie! Our country is so divided and even families are divided over the things going on in our government. It has been a while since so much division. I just pray it doesn’t take another 911 to bring us back together!
    I do pray for mercy for our country.
    I hope you are healing quickly! Yep, sometimes God says, “slow down and listen”.
    I pray that this new year will bring you much healing in all areas of your life!
    If I don’t get the chance in the next couple of days, sending you and Mr.Shabby a new year full of love and blessings!🌷❤️Love, Susan

    1. Well said my friend, we have to keep praying for redemption for America and for things to return back to GOD. The evil one is running a muck and loving every minute of this. I want to wish you and your family a very healthy and happy New Year, much love.

  4. Debbie, thank you for this! I’ve been thinking as you, that there are people in my life that pull me down, they don’t care about me and my husband, their actions speak louder than their words and it’s time we make changes, for us, for our own well being, mentally, financially. We will always love them and pray for them but things can’t continue as they’ve been. It’s a sad, scary thing to realize but also freeing, and I know God will be with us and help us through this. Thank you for always sharing God and His word. I’ve enjoyed your posts and blog for so long and been blessed in so many ways. I wish you were close enough to share a hot cup of tea or coffee and a long visit. Love you, friend!
    Terri in Abilene, Tx

    1. Terri, I wish I lived closer to you and so many here. I wish you the best as you and your husband move forward to what will be best for the two of you. Maybe it is time for you two to also learn how to teach people how to treat you with the respect and appreciation you so deserve. Wishing you both a healthy and happy New Year.

  5. Oh my if you only knew how this was much needed. I can relate to it so much. Thank you ❤️🙏 Times are so different and people treat each so different. Hoping to change some of my ways and how i handle things . May God bless and guide us my friend…

    1. Renee, you just lean on God for those changes and He will show you just what to do to get back on the path He had for you since you were conceived my friend.. Wishing you a very healthy and happy New Year

  6. Debbie this has been the worse year of my life. Our God has walked me through it. My mom, grandson and a dear cousin died within three months. I had a cancerous tumor removed from my bladder suffered a severe bout of diarrhea for a month that landed me in the hospital after losing so much potassium that I actually suffered a mild heart attack. I am slowly getting back to what is probably normal for my age. I am closer to God than I have ever been in my life and thank him and give God all the Glory for staying beside me as I suffered. The heartache and my sister actually stealing money and everything of value from my mothers house so that it would not be divided fairly with my daughter myself and her because she was so angry that my parents made a will naming myself, my daughter and my sister as equal heirs to their property.
    Nothing is settled yet. I thank our blessed Lord for never leaving us to walk alone.

    1. Oh my sweet Nancy, as I read your post my heart went out to you. I am such am empath and I could just feel your pain jumping off the page. I’ve been there with parents passing and I was the executor of their Estate. As time went by I wondered if this was a blessing to see out their last wishes or a curse as it became a battle. It’s been 13 years this year and while it didn’t go the right way and things were taken that shouldn’t have been I have forgiven and move on for my own sake. God knows what He knows and thats all that matters. Those in the wrong will stand before Him one day and have to answer for the things they did as will I, we all will that my friend is a given. You just focus on getting well. We can be of no help when we are not well completely. Health is so important not things. Things will come, after you have gotten yourself well. Love you, and Im praying for a healthy happier New Year for us both!

  7. My dear friend Debbie!! You have a way with words and they are easy to understand. Thank you so much for sharing this with all of your followers and friends, we all needed this.

    I fear for our Nation and for people who seem to have lost their way m. I pray that they can and will find it again.

    I fear for family members who have never found the right way. I pray for my children and grandchildren and everyone’s families. God please show us the way and truth before it’s too late. Please continue sharing the gospel with us.

    Love you ♥️

    1. Elaine, I love you too my friend, you have been a source of support for me throughout the years. Things will improve or Jesus will just be returning for the ones that know Him. Wishing you and your family a healthy, happy, and joyful New Year.

  8. I am so glad God is speaking to you and you are listening! I try to quiet the chaos and listen. It is so hard sometimes to really slow down and heAr God’s voice. I pray for our country and this world. It is getting worse and worse so quickly. I have also let people go that only served their own interests. There are more who need to go. I know God is not happy about the evil that is everywhere. I pray for every one to turn to God. An epic revival is what we need. One from coast to coast!!! Keep praising him Debbie people are listening. God Bless You

  9. Thank you Debbie. Your words are spot on. As I read and understand Bible prophesy I believe we are nearing the rapture (and I hope so). God is only tarrying because he wants more souls to come to Him while they can. We must examine any distraction that keeps us from sharing the love of Christ with others. As Christians God will one day ask each of us, “What did you do for my kingdom?” That is a sobering thought.
    One thing is for sure, when God asks you Debbie He will not find you lacking. You will be able to say, “Lord, I sought out a platform where I could share you with others. I told others how you’ve worked in my life in the good times and the difficult times. I told the that you never left me, never forsook me. I told them you would do the same for them, if they would only accept you as Lord and Savior“
    Bless you Debbie. Keep preaching, keep sharing. We are listening.
    Yours in Christ, Kim

    1. Kim, your words brought tears to my eyes. It’s all true, well said. And He never left me ever. He has watched over me inspite of my own sinful flesh. As I said, The Great Revival is coming, it’s time for people to pay attention and ask Jesus into their hearts and live out the rest of their lives learn and sharing GOD. Wishing you a healthy and happy New Year

  10. Right on, keep listening, it becomes easier, as you train your soul. Your comments could have been mine, I too am learning to listen with my soul. Your thoughts are the same thoughts that run through my head, & I pray for better times, fast. So many negative changes have come in so little time, perhaps we can undo it with love, & honesty more quickly, with a whole lot of prayer!
    Happy New Year, & may God’s grace overflow in your home, & in our country.

  11. Debbie, I agree with all you say here. I have been in this world for 77 years and I don’t see God allowing much more evil to take place. I am so thankful for HIs love, mercy and grace! We do have to break ties with certain ones who lead us on the wrong track. You are a strong Christian lady and appreciate all you share here with us. Your words have come at the right time in my life at times when I have needed them. I thank you for this. I would love to see lots of people come to Jesus before it is too late. As you stated we are in human bodies here and will not be perfect until we have our glorified bodies!
    I pray for you daily and hope you have a wonderfully blessed New Year.
    In His love, Mary

  12. Thank you Debbie
    I will be doing my very best to follow this. I would be so excited if the lord were to talk to me. I wish you a blessed 2024. I also agree what you said about how our country is changing. It’s frightening
    Kathy Davis.

    1. Kathy, He will speak to you, sometimes we have to go so deep into Him to hear because the devil and out flesh tune it out more than we know. It’s in my deepest most vulnerable states that He speaks to me clearly. Other times he speaks to me through my gut instinct and I know that I know to listen. It’s never been proved wrong in my life. Happy New Year and get deep with Him from all that is in you then listen, and listen some more.

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