So, Am I Alone Here, Or Do You Do This As Well?

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Well, I’ve decided that when I am down, or discontent with things in my life, like any of us have a reason to be dissatisfied with the high prices at the gas pumps, grocery stores, and all over really. As I was saying when I get like this, this feeling of helplessness, I just paint, rearrange things, remove things, deeply clean things in my home, so, right now I’m there. I just hope at almost 66 I have the energy for what my mind is thinking.

Do any of you get like that? When you have no control over things in your life you clean, read, or paint, redecorate, or rearrange things? I have been like that all of my life. I know I have a touch of OCD, so I have been told. It’s awful at times you just drive your own self coo-coo by needing to have certain things just RIGHT! Bet you didn’t know that about me, did you? Now you do, ha! I have actually decided that I have just way to much STUFF, and I am about to attempt to de-clutter, so we shall see how it goes. I’m going to throw out some things, give away many things, and sell some things. It’s time, passed time.

You know, as we age we need less and less stuff, and more and more peace, joy, and love in our lives, right? So, that’s what I want too, I have decided to let things go, and seek more peace, joy, and love in my life. As you know may or may not know all of our ads have been removed for us sharing our blog link on FaceBook, like ALL bloggers do, so??. But, they come after me, I got so upset about it, I decided not to post on FaceBook, so I am taking a break. How long? I do not know, but, I will say this, then leave it here. I am so tired of all these social media platforms thinking they can speak for me. They can silence anyone that doesn’t walk right in line with them on their way of thinking. I am my own person, with my own thoughts, and beliefs, I do not care for being silenced, canceled, or removed because I am me, and I think and feel differently about some things than they do, can you understand that?

We ALL have the right to feel as we choose, and say what we think, ALL of us, so why censor so many of us, and why come after me over and over on FaceBook? Because, I am a Christian, a born-again believer, they really do not care for that, have you noticed? I will be posting here, so please sign up for our emails, that way when I post, you will get an email and can keep up with me, and I you, I’d love that. Feel free to share your comments, ALL of them, and I mean that. If you disagree with me you can express that, but remember, do it in a kind way, please.

Love to all,


17 thoughts on “So, Am I Alone Here, Or Do You Do This As Well?”

  1. Facebook has definitely changed . Glad you are keeping in touch. I seriously need to start decluttering. Don’t know when just yet. Little by little I guess. Going for my first cataract surgery on Thursday. I’m so stressed out about it. My hubby just had his done. A prayer would definitely be appreciated. Be well I.💖🙏

  2. Hey Debbie. I think most of us feel like you. The things of this world try to get the best of me, but I keep going. And yep…. I can relate to being a little OCD , lol. I hate what facebook has done to you. I hope you come back soon!

  3. Oh, Debbie, I am so thankful you are doing this! At least we can keep up with you and all that may be going on! I will tell you when I was younger than 75, I used to clean like crazy when I was upset or angry about something! Thankfully I don’t have OCD!! I have a daughter that is though! She wants to straighten pictures in doctors offices!! I do agree with all you said. Facebook and all social media are trying to silence born again Christians! They can’t stop us from praying! God is good and on his children’s side of all that is good! I pray for you every day! God will see us through all these changes that is going on right now! I am getting rid of a lot of my things now, too. If my daughters or grands wants anything, I am letting them have it. I am not collecting anything else! Just thankful for each day that I have here. God bless and talk to you later.

    1. Mary, thank you. They are trying hard to make Christian be the bad guy, but, we know the battle has already been won! Have a blessed day and thank you, for coming here reading my posts and leaving comments, I appreciate you so much.

  4. Hey, Debbiem I am going through similar thoughts and processes right now. I did a big purge of ‘stuff’ when I moved across the country a year and a half ago. But, now I seem to be refining that even more, including being more selective about the people I interract with, the news I oay attention to also. Financiallym Im in a very tight spit riggt now, but Ive decided that’s ok, too. It gives me the oppirtunity to be more resourcefull, and more creative to come up with solutions.
    Hang in there! Theres more of us rowing the same hoat than you realuze 😊

    1. I would love to move, but, houses cost so much that I cant get 1/4 of what I have here for the price I owe on this one, and at almost 66 well, that isn’t practical at all. Smaller would be better, but I will wait on God to show me the right one at the right price. Have a wonderful evening.

  5. Debbie, I am taking a break from Facebook and Instagram. I really like your posts. I can relate and prays 🙏❤

  6. I was thrilled to see an email from you, Debbie! I do understand the de-cluttering and rearranging when feeling like things need to get done! It’s a feeling of accomplishment when we can’t fix things that are out of our control!
    Fb has gotten pretty bad about censoring certain people and subjects! You are right, we have the right to think and feel about certain things and should be able to share those thoughts and feelings!
    You just continue to be yourself and don’t give the negativity a thought! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! Love ya sweet friend! Susan

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