His Strength is made perfect in my weakness.

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Thank you, all for the prayers on Friday, I can not go into what is going on yet, but, I can say that your prayers and kind words helped so much. I had some amazing women here with me as I sat on my couch chin on my knees I tried to speak what I was feeling. I felt like my words were all wrong and made no sense and I was basically faithless, giving up. It was not pretty for me, but, they loved me through it.

My life has not been easy as many of you know and have your own stories, God bless you I am a worrier by nature! It comes from childhood and I am working diligently on that with my therapist. You can’t take 63 years of doing it one way and change it overnight, God can, but, I can not.

My friends allowed me to talk through some really trying times. I felt like I had taken 10 steps forward and 25 steps backward! It was not a good feeling, yet they all assured me that they would be right where I was and understood right where I was coming from. Long story short, I am having conflicting feelings about my future. Well, the future I saw anyways. I’ll not get ahead of myself nor be pushed to do something that feels wrong for me. I’ve come too far for that.

Just know that trials come to all of us, I in no way think I am the only one but, all of us know that when things upset us or shake our foundation we can freak out for a moment. Until recently I thought that being strong on our own or acting like we were was what you did. Not so, it’s ok to cry, it’s ok to show weakness, in fact, I was reminded that “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. I am learning that I can be weak, I can look to God for strength. I do not have to worry myself sick, ever again.

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend.

13 thoughts on “His Strength is made perfect in my weakness.”

  1. I am so sorry that you were in so much pain this weekend and glad you, had your friends to help you. The most important thing is that you gave your problem to God. Trust in him to help you through the rough times.

  2. Praying for peace and healing for whatever your situation is! Thank you for being an inspiration to all of us!

  3. Praying for you Debbie that whatever you are going through, may you have healing and peace. Thank you for bringing sunshine to all of us on your page!

  4. I’m sorry for your pain but yes you are right we have to have him in our life for every thing and try not to get ahead of him.I will pray all things happen for you as they should and the true happiness you deserve will come to pass ! Allways remember follow his path no matter if it’s the one you think you want and true happiness will always be with you! God bless you my friend.

  5. In the pit of despair, it is so easy to worry about how to make it through and what our future holds for us. I’ve been there myself on more than one occasion – and although it has sadly never been my FIRST response (I worry and fall apart first and then go to God when I can’t figure it all out – not the proper order of how I SHOULD respond) – I can always look back AFTER I’ve asked God for His guidance, direction and intervention, and then I can see where God’s Hand was always in the midst of my situation! He is Faithful – and has promised to NEVER forsake us!! I don’t know your particular circumstances, of course, but the scripture from Matthew 6:25-34 comes to mind for you! Praying that HE will give you strength, comfort and peace from whatever it is that you may be going through right now! Love you Debbie!!! 🙏💕

  6. I am so thankful you have had your friends with you, supporting you and listening! Sometimes we just need to talk things out to clear the mind and let go of the anxiety. I pray God will make a way and give you that peace that is unexplainable! I know He has you in the palm of His Hand! Peace,blessings, and love! 🙏❤️Susan. P.S I am happy to see back again! Have a wonderful and blessed night! Angels watching over you!😴😇😇😇

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