I Call Her Friend

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Good evening, I wanted just to share some of my thoughts and ramblings tonight. I am finally sitting down after a very busy three days. You see not only did Mr. Shabby come home, but my dearest friend surprised me and flew in from Montana for a week. Do any of you know what it is like to have a friend that you can trust with your life, your deepest fears your worst thoughts? One that will tell you how awesome you are and mean it. One that will not talk about you behind your back but tell you face to face what’s wrong, what’s bothering them etc? Even if it has to do with you? They bring it to you softly and gently. I was blessed with for the very first time in my life about 13 years ago. I can not express what that has meant to me. It’s a feeling like no other. Of relief when sadly people that call themselves your friend are indeed not. They do not want to see you succeed in anything. Yes, do act like you are shocked we all have those people in our lives or know them. Betsy is like an earth angel. I can tell her what I am feeling and she listens with her heart and speaks with it as well. I know that she will not run tell, try to use it against, or throw it back at me one day, ever.

After I lost my mother, I wondered if I would ever find anyone that even 1/2 way understood me as my mama did, Betsy does and I recall when she told me she was moving so far away. We both cried and cried. I felt like I was losing one of the most precious things a woman could have a sister not blood-related. She is a very strong woman as well, and she will say you need to turn this one os that one loose sister, let it go. This weekend I was heavy-hearted and I said can we chat woman to woman, she said as always of course we can. After sharing a burden that I had been carrying for a few months she said if they or it no longer serves your emotional well being or life in a positive way let them or it go, turn it loose, Debbie. I had not told her or anyone other than God about this until this weekend. I did not share my thoughts about what I felt but she hit the nail on the head as she always does. You see, it is not that she tells me what I want to her, she has no idea at any given time what I wanted to do about it she just wants what is best for me. That is a true friend. No matter what you are going through in your life, you want the best for someone that you love, friends included! If they do not want what is best for you even if they are struggling, then misery loves company, she reminded me of all the times she was going through hard times and I was there for her. When she married someone with money and love I was so happy for her. She said not once did you change because I had money I was no longer struggling and I was happier than I had ever been, you were as happy for me as I was for myself. That relationship had a rocky start she gently reminded me.

Her words to me were ” My other so-called friends said, leave him don’t put up with that, Betsy! But, Debbie, you said to me what do you want, what can you do to help change the way things are? Can you let go and live with these things that you are not used to? Never once did you say, leave. I had not really realized all of that but, she was right, I was with her if she stayed and worked through it and thought she could because she was in love with this man not for his money she loved him and he loved her. I wanted her to be happy and I supported her either way. I was there night and day when she would call crying, come to my home and stay the night or week. But, they stuck it out, they worked through it and they are happy and living retired life to the fullest. So, I feel so blessed to have one person other than the good Lord in my life that totally gets me, cares about ME, my well being and what I think. One that doesn’t kiss and tell a real woman that is confident in herself and wants that for the people that she loves, thank you, Father, for I am so blessed. I am going to take a selfie of me and her together and share it. She does not get on social media period. She says she never will either so, we talk every week, we facetime, and when she comes back to Alabama she always comes and stays a day or more with me. Friendship is a lot like a marriage, you love your spouse/friend you are their biggest cheerleader and always want what is best for them. You let their light shine, and when it gets dim for whatever reasons you help them by sharing your light without hesitation. I love you, Betsy, I am so blessed to have you in my life.

33 thoughts on “I Call Her Friend”

  1. I am blessed to have a lifelong friend, we were even on the Cradle Roll in our hometown church. Our Mothers attended school together. I can’t imagine my life without her. She remembers more about me and my past than I do. She is always my best defender, best critic, my best supporter. I was not blessed with a birth sister but God gave me My Best Friend who is like a sister. I know my life has been so much happier because of her. Friends are the glue that hold us together throughout this life and into the next.

  2. I can understand losing a mother, even today, and old enough to probably not have a living mother, but I think of things I need to ask her. It is so painful to know I do not have that privilege any more. Someday I will see her again, because in my eyes she was perfect. Love to you my friend.

  3. I am also blessed with such a friend. I can tell any and everything and there is no judgement, only honesty. I am so glad you have such a person in your life since you are such an inspiration to so many. Best of luck on your house venture.

    1. Barabra, friends like this are once in a lifetime. As far as my home goes, please pray for me there. This has really shaken me. I never thought I would be leaving this home. I had talked about the beach a few years back. But, settled in and have put my blood, sweat, and hard-earned money into making this my forever home. Things have changed so it seems, so I have some hard decisions to make. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Mine left going home today. I will not see her face to face again until Spring 2020, so that was hard. But, we facetime a few times each week and chat on the cells daily. Friends like this are such blessings.

  4. Debbie, first of all I’m so happy that Mr Shabby is there. Secondly, I am so thankful and happy that you have such a true and great friend that you can tell anything to and she doesn’t judge you or turn her back on you. Sometimes the truth hurts and at the same time the truth can set you free. I feel that everything is going to work out for the best. Have a great rest of the day and weekend. ❤️🙏🏻

  5. Blessings to you, dear Debbie. I am so happy to know that you have a dear, sister like, best friend, who listens to you with her heart… & you each trust the other!
    Everyone needs someone in their life, like that, but few have THAT someone!
    I have several very good friends, but only 1 that I share some parts of my life. The others are more superficial, to go to lunch, or shopping with. I am quite sure they think that they know me well,….but, they don’t.
    It takes a long time for me to trust that person, to know that they will not share my inmost thoughts, or life events, family problems, health issues, etc. with other people that I may, or may not, know.
    Someone who knows me well, and a lot of the things about me, that I would not think of telling the world! That one special friend who will keep me in her prayers, and not think less of me because of what she knows. Someone that is easier to share with than ever your husband, just because she has maybe “been there, done that”,,, or basically because she is a female?
    Again, Debbie, I am SO HAPPY for you! <3 & Hugs ~ c

    1. C.J. thank you, you are s right few do have that. I do know. believe me, I know just how precious having someone that is honest, trustworthy, and always has your back your best interest at heart.

  6. This is wonderful !!!! Friends like Betsy are can be so hard to find. I’m so thankful that you enjoyed your time with her. She is a big blessing from the Lord, no doubt !!!!
    I’m also praying for what’s best for you as well Love you sweet friend 😍❤️😍

  7. I understand. For many years I had 2 friends at work I could talk to about anything. Then one retired and I found out that she was just a work friend. The 2nd one retired and she is still a close friend but extremely busy. After Michael died, I lost a lot of people that I thought were friends. My sister was the only one I could talk to about Michael and grieve with and laugh with. Then Susan and I reconnected and for the first time since I was 18 I have and honest loving friend that I can trust. I can talk to her about the good things and the bad things. We laugh together and cry together. She doesn’t judge me. I am so blessed to have her. Having someone you can depend on is truly a gift from God.❤️

    1. Deena, you are blessed, my sweet HS friend to have a sister that loves you for you. Betsy, knows all my dirt, my issues, my good and bad, she loves me in spite of me, that is a real friend a blessing and a joy for sure. Not all can say that most ca not. So, I am so blessed, blessed beyond what I ever deserved.
      Love ya,

    1. Carolyn, trust me I am well aware of how blessed I am to have a friend that loves me in spite of my faults and shortcomings. She is a blessing that I so needed years ago and God sent her to me, just like that we were forever friends.

  8. You are blessed. I have a group of women in my life but they don’t know me like that. I haven’t had that for more years than I can count but it’s OK I know some would say it was trite but I have Father God. He has made living alone very doable and turned it into a blessing in fact.
    Have fun this week and afterward tell us about your adventures.

    1. Yes, Linda, aside from God I have a few good friends that I enjoy doing things with but, I guess this precious one is what I call my BFF and I mean that with all I have she means a lot to me. But, I know God is first in my life hers too. Have a blessed day

    1. Linda, me, too! She is such a blessing in every way that counts. I am trying to sell my home and have someone coming to look today. She stayed with me last night. When I woke up she had breakfast ready, cleaned the kitchen and said ok, what now? She knows I am a clean freak big time and loves me anyway. LoL, like that is my biggest issue. Ha! Have a blessed day.

  9. Debbie,
    I’m so happy you have a sister in Betsy. These friends are a blessing sent from God. As I read every word I saw parts of my life flash before me. I don’t have a blood sister but a Betsy, her name is Debbi. We’ve been best friends since middle school. We’ve both been through so much in our lives, good, bad and ugly. She too moved away 10 years ago after her husband passed,. I’ve been lucky she’s been visiting me for 4 weeks now. Today she goes back to Florida. My heart is heavy knowing I may not see her again for a long time. She has so much to think about, in that she wants to move back home. I will pray that God will tell her what she needs to do. I need her and she needs me. My husband even said, please move back. She has family here that’s so supportive.
    My DEBBI is exactly like your Betsy.
    Aren’t we the luckiest women you know?

    Dara Beth Nelson

    1. Oh Dara Beth, we are my friend we sure are! I know you enjoyed your time with her. Bets, has taught me to cook better, much better she is an awesome cook for real. She has taught me so many things about myself that I didn’t know, good bad and ugly as you say! But, she never judged me for it she loved me for me that is rare and I have at 63 truly found that out. I hope you have a wonderful day, it is 32 here and cold and gloomy out but, we are getting things in order here and then to lunch, my treat to her, if she will let me.

  10. Debbie you are so lucky to have a lady friend that you feel so comfortable with. What a wonderful relationship that is! God always has a hand in things you know!…..Love, Marianna

  11. Oh, Debbie, you have such a treasure having a dear friend like her! I am so blessed to have two friends like your friend. I love them dearly and so blessed we live only a few blocks from one another! We’ve learned we can share anything and the problem or subject stays a “room thing”! Enjoy your time together! Love and blessings, Susan
    PS So glad that you and Mr.Shabby had a pleasant weekend together!

    1. Shari, thank you. She deserves it, to put up with me, listen to me and always has my best interest at heart and I feel the same way about her. I have laughed so hard tonight here at my home with her, both of my sides hurt.

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