Good evening, I wanted just to share some of my thoughts and ramblings tonight. I am finally sitting down after a very busy three days. You see not only did Mr. Shabby come home, but my dearest friend surprised me and flew in from Montana for a week. Do any of you know what it is like to have a friend that you can trust with your life, your deepest fears your worst thoughts? One that will tell you how awesome you are and mean it. One that will not talk about you behind your back but tell you face to face what’s wrong, what’s bothering them etc? Even if it has to do with you? They bring it to you softly and gently. I was blessed with for the very first time in my life about 13 years ago. I can not express what that has meant to me. It’s a feeling like no other. Of relief when sadly people that call themselves your friend are indeed not. They do not want to see you succeed in anything. Yes, do act like you are shocked we all have those people in our lives or know them. Betsy is like an earth angel. I can tell her what I am feeling and she listens with her heart and speaks with it as well. I know that she will not run tell, try to use it against, or throw it back at me one day, ever.
After I lost my mother, I wondered if I would ever find anyone that even 1/2 way understood me as my mama did, Betsy does and I recall when she told me she was moving so far away. We both cried and cried. I felt like I was losing one of the most precious things a woman could have a sister not blood-related. She is a very strong woman as well, and she will say you need to turn this one os that one loose sister, let it go. This weekend I was heavy-hearted and I said can we chat woman to woman, she said as always of course we can. After sharing a burden that I had been carrying for a few months she said if they or it no longer serves your emotional well being or life in a positive way let them or it go, turn it loose, Debbie. I had not told her or anyone other than God about this until this weekend. I did not share my thoughts about what I felt but she hit the nail on the head as she always does. You see, it is not that she tells me what I want to her, she has no idea at any given time what I wanted to do about it she just wants what is best for me. That is a true friend. No matter what you are going through in your life, you want the best for someone that you love, friends included! If they do not want what is best for you even if they are struggling, then misery loves company, she reminded me of all the times she was going through hard times and I was there for her. When she married someone with money and love I was so happy for her. She said not once did you change because I had money I was no longer struggling and I was happier than I had ever been, you were as happy for me as I was for myself. That relationship had a rocky start she gently reminded me.
Her words to me were ” My other so-called friends said, leave him don’t put up with that, Betsy! But, Debbie, you said to me what do you want, what can you do to help change the way things are? Can you let go and live with these things that you are not used to? Never once did you say, leave. I had not really realized all of that but, she was right, I was with her if she stayed and worked through it and thought she could because she was in love with this man not for his money she loved him and he loved her. I wanted her to be happy and I supported her either way. I was there night and day when she would call crying, come to my home and stay the night or week. But, they stuck it out, they worked through it and they are happy and living retired life to the fullest. So, I feel so blessed to have one person other than the good Lord in my life that totally gets me, cares about ME, my well being and what I think. One that doesn’t kiss and tell a real woman that is confident in herself and wants that for the people that she loves, thank you, Father, for I am so blessed. I am going to take a selfie of me and her together and share it. She does not get on social media period. She says she never will either so, we talk every week, we facetime, and when she comes back to Alabama she always comes and stays a day or more with me. Friendship is a lot like a marriage, you love your spouse/friend you are their biggest cheerleader and always want what is best for them. You let their light shine, and when it gets dim for whatever reasons you help them by sharing your light without hesitation. I love you, Betsy, I am so blessed to have you in my life.