I was a little on edge

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I would like to share a story with you, today when doing my Bible verse I was reminded that we should be thankful for our trials, for in them we grow, we learn to seek out God’s love and protection.

Yet what do most of us do when things hit us hard, or all at once? We panic, get stressed out, and forget to think about what God is trying to teach us, show us, or grow us, right.

I sure did this past week, when two of my three Doctor visits brought yet more things to the forefront High LDL is very high, I hear you take the medication you will be ok. I am not doing that, I’ve made a choice to eat better and watch my total cholesterol intake and sugar too. Checking it again in 4 months. Then after my thyroid surgery remember that two years ago this month?

Well, once the parathyroid glands go bad osteoporosis WILL set in, what happens with overactive parathyroid glands is your calcium levels get really high because the glands are pulling it all from your bones, and for me, it went on for 10 years before I got so sick I was dying for real. Be your own advocate, folks, please listen to your body. I tried so hard to convey how I was feeling then only to be told over and over it was depression when I knew that was not it.

I finally found a young Doctor who said I believe you, and you know what you feel, he found my problem on my 1st visit, thank you, God.

Well, last week I got the news after the bone density test, yep you got it Osteoporosis, darn it! So, let’s recap for 5 days of my life, 4 Doctor appointments in one week 2 of the three had news I didn’t want to hear, but, I will be fine. My car steering is locked up and is in the shop, to the tune of 1000.00. My page was hacked, the one I poured my heart, soul, and life into. And last year I had some siding and fascia boards replaced on the side of my home and the fireplace, My son moved out right after that and was here last week looking for something and discovered a HUGE leak in the walk-in attic in one of the dommers! It has been leaking for some time now with all this rain, oh me. So, I was so )()*&^$^^&*(*) for days I tell you. Now, I am working on the roof, my car, my page, and my health. Tell me God is not opening doors for me.

It was eating at me all weekend to the point that I was sick to my stomach, ill as could be. Then it hit me, let it go, Debbie, let it go! Let go, let God, learn, grow, seek answers, and share it. I am not a perfect person nor Christian, that is a given but, I love the Lord I trust Him even when it hurts.

We all face things, these are all my things, little to some, but to others not so little, either way, they are mine and between me and God. I live on a limited income with Mr Shabby gone not sure how this will all get paid for but, you know what? It will and that is that. I have some money put away for a rainy day the rest will come.

When God takes you through darkness He is always right beside you, all you have to do is reach out for Him, call out to Him, and give it all to Him. Easier said than done, yes, but it can be done I am doing it, living it, and people it is real.

Evil stole my page, carelessness did work on my home, DNA or not taking better care of me has impacted my health, and my car well, it’s a car they have issues. Life comes at us fast and we are not ready for that all the time, we don’t have to be. You know that too right? You know that God is here for a reason, what He does for me a sinner in many ways He will do for you, call on Him, let Him know you need Him now, let it go.



39 thoughts on “I was a little on edge”

  1. Hi Debbie,
    After my husband died I started to fall apart. All of a sudden nothing to do, but feel sorry for myself and all my losses, but guess what, the Lord was there with me and he pulled me out of despair. The Lord opened up ways for me to help myself and others…..feels good to help others if possible. I study the Bible everyday, if people would take the time to dig in and really study what has been written for us, so many would be amazed. The Lord and his host of angels are there for us 24-7, we just have to ask for him to be there, and accept what he chooses what is best for us. It may not be what we always want, but in the end it is what God sees is best for us. I wish and will pray for a speedy recovery on all your problems, your health and other inconveniences.
    God bless you Debbie,
    Love, Carolyn

    1. Carolyn, so glad to hear you didn’t fall apart when you lost your husband, and I am truly sorry for your loss, that is hard for sure on most spouses. You are so right, it sure does feel good to help others in all ways. I get emails almost daily from the FB page thanking me for sharing a little sunshine on their day, time out of my day everyday to share that we all have struggles but God is bigger than whatever are facing.. I also share with other wives and Mothers of addicts ways to cope and help people get housing in rehabs. So, you’re right helping others allows us to give from your heart while going through whatever, as you called it my inconveniences because I know it could be so much worse.. We both know this and this too shall pass. I appreciate your prayers and will do the same for you.

  2. Hi Debbie! I’m so thankful that our Lord God has made you a strong and faithful young lady! He is faithful! Praying you will have a wonderful weekend and a new beautiful week! God is in control of all these problems and He will take care of the hackers in His time! Love and blessings sweet friend!

    1. Susan, thank you. The weekend was very nice, Mr Shabby went back today I’ve just got in from taking him. He will not be back for about 2 more months. I pray that this time alone with God that he has will truly help him see his issues what caused them and never to tread those waters ever again. The hackers, well what goes us come down, right?


      1. It’s very encouraging that Mr. Shabby is still working on his issue and you are part of his support system! May you have a wonderful and successful week this new week Love, Susan

  3. Debbie, I really enjoy, and have been following, your Oh so Shabby FB page for awhile. The most recent absurd posts have finally made me think your page was ‘hacked’. Posts are rather yucky…..should we just unlike this page to quit seeing them?? And, if so should we “like” the Oh So Shabby By Debbie Reynolds Two page to keep following you? Thank you…..

    1. Gary, yes please unlike that page. I have all but given up on getting it back a second time and started the new page you mentioned. Thank you, Gary for being a loyal follower. So many think those post are me?? Never in a million years would I post such things. Have a wonderful weekend.


  4. Debbie,
    Thank you for your blog. You have no idea how much of an inspiration you are too me. Yes, trials may come to us, but we don’t let that define us. You have shown that by standing up and not backing down. Thank you so much. Let go, and let God….
    May God pour out his blessings on you and your family. ❤️

  5. Well what a time you had and what a learning experience you had it is something I think we all have to go through.I use to plan every thing and when something changed it just blew me out of the water so one day I ask God for help and it all worked out from that day on I give him ever thing he is my day planner and it makes my days so much better.I found let God handle your entire life and oh how much better your life can be.I am now to a point if I wanted to handle it I could not there is just to much going on for me to handle but because God is handling it things allways work out and you know it’s how he wants it cause he is doing it. Let God handle your life and watch how much better it just can be thank you I love your blog.

  6. Your faith is strong and firm and, although challenges pop up from time to time, it is that strong faith that will get you through time and time again. There are so many who cringe and give up at the first sign of a challenge. I’ve learned that constant prayer and gratitude, in good and bad times, are keys to overcoming any obstacle. Keep strong. You are loved.

  7. Sending you love, prayers and hugs! We are all in this thing together, and bad just happens. You are right, God can use it to make us stronger. Hang on! you are not alone, we are hanging on with you!

  8. We talked about how trials enable us to grow in faith last night in our Bible study. Trials are hard, but necessary! 8 years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. God took me through it and healed me, but the uncertain times brought me to a greater faith and a close relationship with Him. I pray this will be the answer for you!

  9. Debbie I have read your post and I wrote a very long comment but when I went to click post comment it popped up that it had to recover your page well sorry my long comment is gone. Give all your worries to God it’s what I do!! Love & Prayers Marianna

  10. Debbie, so sorry for all the problems pouring into your life at once. You are on the right track turning it all over to God. Yes it is easier said than done. Unfortunately,I (we) have the tendency to pull our problems right out of God’s hands and start worrying again. Stay strong my friend

    1. Pam, we do at times, but I have decided to leave with Him. I told a friend tonight I am good my health is good my roof or whatever is good my car is good im claiming that in Jesus name. We have to think positive in a negative situation it’s crucial.

      1. You hit the nail on the head! (Maybe you should repair the leak 😂 a little nail humor.) I forget to ask myself that same question often going through a trial, what dear Lord are you trying to teach me? He is with us through it all! Thank you for sharing and encouraging us. Now we can pray specifically for you 😘

        1. Cindy, thank you. I like you believe that our trials are to teach us, reach us, or grow us. So many things in teaching us like humbling us, reaching us as that ah ha moment when we get it and say Lord, I get it! Grow us in our walk with Him in Faith, Joy, Peace, His grave and Love.

  11. As usual, you are an inspiration to so many! I love your stories, Miss Debbie, I look forward to seeing them again, and I hope you are able to get your original page back up very soon! God bless you BIG!

    1. And as always I am praying for you, for your health, for your finances, I know it is not easy being alone. Much love, in Christ!

    2. Terri, the new page has been refreshing, I have decided what is meant to be will be. So, if that is God’s plan it will be returned to me, if not I’ll be on the new page as long as I am here on this earth and can do so.
      Love you my FB friend,

  12. I can relate to life’s trials, but I learned to leave it all in God’s hand’s and it works. Sometimes life is so troublesome that I’ve forgotten, but God knows what I’ve gone through and has answered prayers anyway. My baby (18 yrs old) was murdered, just last Easter my oldest son died. My husband died of a stroke, and my mother. I’m lucky to have had minimal health problems, but eating right is the key, worked for me. I love the Lord He has been very good to me. Sometimes I wonder why, because like all of us, I’m a sinful person as well. I believe in the 2nd coming of Christ and know I will see the family members that have died here on this earth again. The devil does make me miss them a lot, but I pray and know all will be well. It will be wonderful in heaven when our tears will never flow again. I love your posts and have shared many of them. Keep up the good work, and keep praying to the good Lord, you will be blessed.

    1. Amazing story, Carolyn. A woman of Faith in this day that’s hard to find. So much going on around us and losing loved ones can be devastating to say the least. (((hugs))) to you my friend, with love.

  13. Debbie, I am so sorry for your recent difficulties. When it rains it pours. I am wondering if this came up because of the recent full moon and eclipse?

  14. Thank you for this post. I really needed it today. I have let all the stress build for at.least a month. It is time for me.to let go and let God! God Bless you

    1. Gloria, it is! So, if me writing this tonight lead to do so was just for you and you alone to see that you must let go, then God has done His work through me. We can’t hold onto things we have no control over they will kill us. I’ll be praying that whatever it is God shows up soon and you know that you know He is there for you. I’m praying as soon as I post this..

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