If God Says, Fear Not, Why The Fear?

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Oh, my friends, good Sunday to you all. I have been under the weather again and on antibiotics for almost a week now. I am better and so grateful. I had not felt good in several days but kept pushing until one afternoon I came in and laid across my bed. I fell asleep and the next thing I knew my son, Justin woke me saying Mom, are you ok? I said yes, and sat up but felt awful! He felt my forehead and said you have a fever, Mom. I said no I don’t think so, he is my baby boy and takes good care of his Mama. He insisted that I had a fever and got the thermometer and said here. I indeed had a fever of 102 and it came on suddenly. I had a headache, and my eye was sore and weak feeling. My gut was killing me, I felt sick, and had not eaten much at all in a few days. Mostly things like watermelon, applesauce, and things that were easy on my gut. Well, the first thing I thought was oh no, I have COVID, again. The test showed I did not, thank you, Lord, thank you! So, I went to the doctor and found out it was a sinus infection, bronchitis, with no cough. And diverticulitis. Yes, I am blessed with that as my sweet Mother suffered so with it at times. Let me say it can be a beast too! I am on 2 different antibiotics and some stomach antacids. It’s been 7 days today and I am so happy to say I am feeling much better, but will finish all of the medications.

My title was God says “Fear Not” For I am with you, yet when something happens many of us do what? Freak out and Fear the worst. I remember that night Mr. Shabby and I slept in separate locations until I knew what I had. I also remember praying as I do each night before going to sleep, thanking God for another day, for my blessings, my children, and my grandchildren, you all know, we ask forgiveness and just go to Him with all that is on our hearts. I told God that night that if He was ready for me, I was ready to go with Him. I thought about Jackson, my precious little baby grandson, tears began to fill my eyes and I said God, I am ready but, if I go Jackson will not have one Nana, please Father I think he needs me. Understand that I had a fever of 102.7 at this time and was feeling emotional for sure. The next day I was at the place to get checked for COVID when they opened!

I tell you, all of you, that are reading this, I do not care what your political belief is we are all in this together, and we need to be kind to each other, pray for one another, and pray for America, period! I had COVID before we know about it, it was in late December 2019, through February 2020. I tell you, while my symptoms were vague, I was SICK! Weak, as a kitten, couldn’t hold down food, my throat was so sore it felt as if I had swallowed razor blades for about three weeks. I went to the doctor 3 times, yes three. Each time I got steroid shots and more antibiotics, nothing touched and I thought this is odd, I knew something was off for sure and told my son not to come in my home but come to the bedroom window. He would ask what I wanted then go get it and leave it at the front door. Isn’t it amazing how we had not yet heard of Covid for 2 more weeks yet God allowed me to know that my son needed to stay away and I was not well, and the medications were not going to help, so I stopped the last ones? It took about 6 weeks, I might have a day where I felt ok and could move around maybe do a load of laundry, etc. but the next day I’d be right back in bed.

So, when I thought no, please not again, this time it could be worse, much worse. I was fearing that! But, it came to me, that I had to “Fear Not” and trust that whatever was to come, was to be, and God was with me. Things do not look so good for America again with COVID and the new mutations, but we have to look to God because we are not of this world you and I, we are just in it. One day Jesus will return for His Church, and we shall rise up to meet him. We won’t have NONE left behind! I pray for my Facebook page followers, even though I do not know all of you, God does. Have a blessed Sunday, and a blessed week, stay safe and pray hard and diligently that we see an end to this virus, and that we can get back to life, and live it as God intended it to be.

Isaiah 41:10

10 Fear not, for I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you,
Yes, I will help you,
I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’



14 thoughts on “If God Says, Fear Not, Why The Fear?”

  1. I had Covid also Thank God I didn’t have it real bad . But I was and still am standing on ps 91 I remind God I’m standing on his word . I also rebuke the devil and his cohorts .Tell them I’m out from under the curse . I’m covered in the blood of Jesus ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕

  2. Debbie,
    My prayers are with you. I pray the Lord heals you so you can visit Jackson.
    Feel well soon my friend.

    Kathy Davis

  3. When we are saying fear not sometimes we get tested. I keep standing on Psalm 91 and claiming it . I’ve had Covid but not as bad as some folks . If God be for us who can be against us . Don’t fear the new one it’s not as bad as they say .

  4. I am so sorry to hear how sick you were. Glad you are on the mend. I suffered for a couple of years with abdominal issues that they told me was IBS. I had a Colonoscopy scheduled for two weeks from when I got really sick fast. My stomach hurt so bad I could barely walk. I went to the E.R in Demopolis and was sent to UAB and spent 18 days there because of Diverticulitis. I lost 7 inches of colon and wore a colostomy bag for a year. So please be careful and don’t let yours ever get that bad. I had no idea what that even was. I fund out the hard way. But UAB was wonderful and they saved my life. It took me more than 6 months to get my energy back, and I know the good lord had his hand on me and he even sent loving angels to pray with me everyday.

  5. So sorry you feel so bad. Thankful it is not covid again! Thankful you have a son who checks on you and is there when you need him. And, yes, God is coming for His own! I pray for lost souls to be saved everyday. This world is filled with disappointments and heartache, but we need to pray for one another. Prayers going up for you, Debbie, to get well soon.,

  6. Oh Debbie, what a beautiful message and testimony. It takes someone who has experienced this horrible disease to tell their story of how sick they were. I think so often of all of the people who have died from this and the ones who refused to be vaccinated and have gotten the virus begging others to protect themselves.

    I had to have 10” of my colon removed because of so much scaring from diverticulitis over the years. I had never been diagnosed with it until a few years ago. The radiologist was very concerned about cancer because there was an “apple core” shaped area in my lower colon. My gastroenterologist couldn’t get a scope inside to do the colonoscopy. I hate that you have diverticulitis too. My heart hurt so much when you talked about sweet Jackson 🙏🏻❤️.

    I love you my sweet friend and thank God that our paths have crossed. Thank you for all that you do and your positive thoughts.

  7. Debbie, I’m glad you’re feeling better and it wasn’t Covid again. I tested positive a week ago after being sick for several days and then lost my taste and smell. I was so blessed that the dr at the walk in clinic I went to ordered an infusion of antibodies to boost my immune system. I started feeling much better soon after getting that. I have a compromised immune system and know it helped. Last night, my sense of smell came back and today I can taste food again! God is good. I’m still healing, no stamina, but that will come! You’re post was perfect Today! Hope you’re feeling good as new soon! Love you friend!

    1. Terri, I lost my smell and taste too that lasted for days for me and scared me because when I say you can not smell anything at all I mean that. At least when you have a cold or just flu when you clear your sinuses you can get a faint smell. but with COVID nothing! hope that you are back up and on your feet soon. Stay safe, looks like we have it coming at us yet again.

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