I’ll Take The Screen Door Slamming

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Growing up in the South the Summers could be brutal. But, in the early ’60s, not many of us had air conditioning in our homes. We had screened doors front and back, and window fans and it was 100 out, with no breeze at that in the mid-Summers in the South. Hey, we didn’t know any different and it was all good. We. would come in and out and that screen door would SLAM shut. I can remember my Mama saying if y’all SLAM that Screen Door one more time you’re staying in the rest of the day. Wow, we sure didn’t want that I mean it was cooler outside with the creek that ran beside our home, the water was always cold.

We lived in a small town in Alabama it was so quaint, all the homes were wood and brick or full brick they stayed cooler. Most of our Mothers didn’t work, they had flower Gardens, and they still ironed weekly and cooked three meals a day. The ladies would gather around the kitchen table or the front porch drinking their coffee or Iced Sweet Tea, and smoking their cigarettes, yes it was a huge thing in those days many women smoked, today we know more about what smoking can do to our bodies. The women would talk and talk for hours in the early afternoon, I called it gossip but, you couldn’t tell them that, nope they were solving the world’s problems. haha!

By that I mean they were sharing recipes telling each other about who had what on sale and where you could get your best deals on this and that. People stuck together and helped each other. Today, we barely know our neighbors, and maybe we wave as we leave and maybe we don’t. Do they call that progress? I don’t think so, just my opinion though. But, if you ask me, and you didn’t I’m sharing my 2 cents anyway, today’s world is much more complex, not as friendly, neighbors are afraid to speak, and women can not rely on each other as much as they could back then.

I don’t know about you but, this doesn’t seem like progress to me. I’d rather hear that “Screen Doors slam, and see my Mother on the porch with her “friends” sharing recipes, much more than locking my home uptight, afraid to speak to the new folks on the block out of fear. I guess this progress has made us trustless, fear more, and look at what we have now. Scary huh? I can’t help but wonder if my Grandchildren will ever know the life I lived as a child the still calm soothing moment of those days. The simpleness of it compared to their lives today. We didn’t have school shootings, no policemen at the School doors, God helps us. What I wouldn’t give to hear that “Screen Door’ slamming at my home, today!

Happy Sunday to you all.


10 thoughts on “I’ll Take The Screen Door Slamming”

  1. Love this story because I grew up in the same era. We are so lucky to have good neighbors today we only have a few but our whole ridge up here knows everyone and we can still depend on our neighbor. I grew up here so I know all our neighbors even got a few new one along the way. Good people. I still try to speak to strangers and smile but hey if they don’t want to smile back that’s ok with me. God knows why I am doing it …just trying to spread kindness and love…this is how I was raised. Yes we were raised in the good old days!! Hugs & Love, Marianna

    1. That is awesome to have neighbors that you can count on, that is a blessing. I do have a couple but, I’ve been here 14 years and know very few in this neighborhood. They all keep to themselves. Many are young with small children jobs etc. I am the old Lady… LoL

  2. AGREE….worst things we had to worry about was having a minor earthquake, when I was in elementary….2 room school!
    We knew our neighbors even though a mile or two away, and everyone helped everyone, even if we didn’t have much.
    When my youngest grandson was in 6th grade, (Now almost 18), he told me that he and his buddies had a plan to run out of a side door, across the field to a friend’s house, IF a shooter came into their school. I told my hubby, “what a tragedy that these kids cannot grow up in a mostly carefree world, like we did in the 40’s – 60’s”. Our youngest grandson was born about 7 months after 9/11. The world changed for most all of us, on that day, and I don’t think that kids will ever experience laying out on the grass ….seeing cloud formations during the day or seeing the stars at night, like we did. Or lazy days, swimming in the creek, after hoeing the corn fields, hauling hay, or working in the garden! Life seemed more carefree back then.
    I KNOW that we must “trust & obey”, that God watches over us, holds us and the whole world, in his hands, HE LOVES us and is a GOOD, GOOD Father….but wish that we could just go back to simpler times. AND be KINDER BLESSINGS to you Debbie, as you bless us all so much with your sweet posts and comments! Wish you were my little Sis, that I have never had!

  3. Debbie you are so right years ago to me I could see were people were not talking to people like they use to so I made it a point as I go through my day every day I speak to every one i come into contact with now some look at me like I’m crazy but most speak back. It’s just my way as one person to try and bring back the days were everone spoke to each other and to me the world was a better place to live. Always a pleasure talking with you and God bless to you and the hubby!

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