It’s Been Awhile

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We are forever getting little droppings from Birds I guess and they sprout up maple trees and all kinds of trees. I spotted one in my large growing up through my Pine Straw, it was about 2 inches in height and very small. I reached down and pulled it up and tossed it. Then when Baxter was ready to go in he went up and sniffed it and I looked down and noticed it was “Leaves Of Three” so what do you do for leaves of three? You leave them be!!

We came in and I washed and washed my hands and put alcohol on them as well. Within 72 hours the itching started by day 4, it was almost full-blown, between my fingers on both hands, my stomach, and oh me the worst my right breast. I went to the dermatologist, got a shot and some meds. While there he scanned me again and I showed him the tiniest little spot on my right forearm that had just come up with the week. He said wow, we need to biopsy that. Sure enough, it came back as Squamous Cell Carcinoma. This Tuesday I has it removed with Mohs and 12 stitches later here I am. They said the margins showed they got it all, but this was not my first one, I’ve had 2 more over the years. Sunscreen folks, I was such a sun lover and we didn’t know that much about sunscreen 30 years ago. It takes years for them to show up 20 to 30 after a bad burn over and over, so please wear your sunscreen.

I also have a childhood friend that is dying they are placing him in a Nursing home with Hospice soon. He has been in the hospital for 2 months and they say he has not improved at all. Just think, I started to feel sorry for myself for a minute then I thought about my friend, he never married, and has no children. He did date a lot but just said he was not the marrying kind. So, I thought He did it his way, I did it my way for years, but now I try so hard to do it God’s way for me. Say a prayer for my friend that he will find the Lord soon, please. That has been my month thus far, how about you, comment and let me know if we can pray for you.

God bless you all have a beautiful Thursday.



24 thoughts on “It’s Been Awhile”

  1. Oh dear, Poison Ivy, Oak, I cringe just hearing the word. If the wind is blowing the wrong direction and there is some in the area I’m in, I will get it. My mother could lay in it and not be effected, my dad on the other hand had to go relieve himself many years ago while at work, out in the forest he went, needless to say it was months before he could sit down comfortably again. I had it for 3 months one time, and that was from letting a friend borrow my coat, she didn’t get it, but the coat brought it back to me. Although a cortisone shot does get rid of it for me quickly.
    So glad you caught that cancer early, God sometimes has strange and wonderful ways of helping us. Things that we may think are a bother to us, just may save our lives.
    I thank God every day for his blessings, I can think of something every single day to thank him for.
    Prayer is wonderful, I pray for all I know and don’t know. Maybe we will meet in heaven, how wonderful will that day be.
    Blessings to you.

    1. Wow, you sound like me, it has been 4 weeks with a shot and cortisone cream. I still have it trying to travel to different places on my body. I loathe this stuff it is miserable for sure. Oh, your poor dad, I can so relate one time years ago Mr. Shabby and I took up bike riding. He put the bikes in our backyard against the fence, yes you guessed it right over some Poison OAK I rode mine with the Nike loose-fitting shorts and got it all over my personal space and I thought I would just lose it before I finally got rid of it. Needless to say, I never wanted to ride that bike again even when Mr. Shabby changed the seat I said NO! You can not blame me if you have ever had and you have like I did you will walk miles to avoid it, lol

      1. Yeah, I found someone that understands what it is like with a real case of Poison Ivy/Oak……horrible stuff. Hope it will fade soon.
        God Bless You, Carolyn

  2. Just reading your post. Hope you are on the road to full recovery. Yes back then we didn’t worry about sunscreen or if they even had it lol. prayers for your friend and that God would put the right person in his path that can lead him to the Lord..

  3. My goodness! What a month you’ve had and it’s only 1/2 over! I’ll certainly pray for your friend. We’ve been enjoying summer and took a little trip up the coast here in California. Not too far but enough to feel like a vacation! I’ve been busy getting my active 8 year old boy out and going to some of our “Summer Only” places. Gearing up for the new school year and praying for a good school year as the last 2 have been rough! Glad to hear you are feeling better!

    1. Theresa, it has been a month yes. But, my surgery is behind me and I am moving forward. My Grandchildren started back to school last Wednesday. There Summers are not as long as the ones I had as a child. We never went back until after Labor Day. They say children forget too much when they are out to long and break it up where they get a week off now in the Fall At Christmas we got the week before and after. Many changes in our world today. Anyway, I hope your Sunday goes well and you have a blessed one.

  4. Oh my gosh, girl! You do have to rough patches at times! Your break outs sound as bad as my eczema! I have never been sensitive to the hot weather or foods and now finding all kinds of things that will trigger it! I may end up giving up yard work and hire someone to mow for me. I do not like that idea though!
    Debbie, I will pray for your dear friend! Can’t imagine going through what he is going through with Father God and the Trinity! I will keep you in my prayers as well!
    Hope all is going well for you and Mr.Shabby. Love and blessings, Susan

    1. Susan, thank you, my sweet friend. We can always use prayer! if you ever need me, I’m right here for you. I’ll pray that eczema gets better and the flair ups stop!

  5. Debbie, Oh my goodness, I hope you’re feeling a lot better. I know my hip replacement doesn’t compare to the agony you were in! That sounds so miserable! I worked for a dermatologist for a long time. I’m like you, grew up in the sun, no protection, we just didnt know, so glad you get frequent checks. Praying for you!! 💕Terri

  6. I am glad it all turned out well for you. You are such an inspiration to so many people. Especially me. I love seeing your beautiful pictures everyday. I have Ra, Fibro and a cough I have had since October. I would love to have a pain free day.

  7. One day at a time, pray all will be ok, praying for your friend. Sometimes I have a pity party then I think of my neighbors, both are same age as me . Their health is really bad . So I’m thankful for everything.

    1. Linda, I think it is only human that we at times want to feel sorry for ourselves, but, that is not the answer, we know that. We can always look around and see others that have such heartbreaking struggles. Thank you, for being a part of my f=page and blog, I enjoy all of you and your kind comments. I’m here for anyone that needs me. Have a wonderful afternoon.

  8. You know, that poison ivy or whatever you picked up, was a huge blessing for you. It caused you to see the dermatologist and find the spot. Thank goodness you found it and treated it very early before anything worse developed. I know you are suffering now, but try to see the blessing ❤️. Feel better soon 😷

    1. Jane, yes you are right. I do see him every six months because I have had 2 other skin cancers in the past so, I try to stay on that. I feel better, and I know it will heal up and all will be good. Have a wonderful afternoon.

  9. Dearest Debbie ❤️
    Good gosh girl that is a whole lotta itchin going on.. take good care of yourself
    I cannot help but think of you did not pull the 3 leaf 🍃 plant, you would not have gone to the doctor, and had this other bit of skin cancer discovered.. it is a thought.. god moves in mysterious ways..
    Sending my love and prayers as always
    Happy Thursday from way over here in Victoria BC, Vancouver Island
    That kOoky Canadian Girl 🇨🇦❤️🇨🇦
    Annie 🦀🐳🦀

    1. Annie, always good to hear from you, my sweet friend. I hope that you are doing well. I am healing up nicely and you too are correct God does work in wondrous ways.

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