Better Times Are Coming-

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Tomorrow we will learn if the person close to my family has COVID19. If so I will have to be tested as well as my son etc. Of course we are praying that is not the case as we have tried to stay clear of people. I have for sure. Today, I removed and painted all my wicker from the front porch. Tomorrow or later this week I will put it all back from my garage where I will store it until I am ready to put it back. I washed the pollen off the porch as well but, it will return by the AM. I have worked and stayed busy during my 14 days at home leaving 2 times for groceries and medication. Some of you that might read this are asking why, why this virus why this quarantine? This is not of God, He is loving and kind. You are right He is. But, God is a Father to His children and like any Father, His punishment can feel harsh when going through it.

I have been alone here in my home like many of you have, and I have always had someone with me during the hard times. These have been some of the hardest days I have faced for a couple of reasons. But, I chose to take some time to look at me, really look. There are many things that I did not like things that need to change within me. I have felt as if God has stripped me naked before Him and said ok, start over this time follow the path I have created before you and for you! Laugh if you want to, deny what you will but, we have turned our backs to God’s word, turned the other cheek to sin, people.

We the Christian community has excepted the sins of this world as ok, God’s words mean nothing. We hate this one that one. Our country is at war with good and evil. We need to drop to our knees and ask God to forgive our sins and forgive those that have sinned against us. Ler it go, it does not matter. What matters is your Heart is clean, what others do should not concern you. They will have to answer for it to the Almighty one day, not you. I have never been alone like this and been confined at the same time but, I can tell you this, it has been an eye-opener for so many things.

I have learned that I can do all things through Christ Jesus who gives me strength not of my own but through Him, you understand that right? I am not strong He is strong in me and in you if you allow it. I have lived with two addicts been married twice, loved hard, been hurt deeply, abused, lied to, stolen from, taken for granted by many, but God still loves me. He allows me to see those that are not genuine towards me, He always has but when I was younger I did not listen to my gut, that feeling that you know that you know but, you just let it go. Instead of running from the fire, I ran to it, only to get burned over and over again by the same people.

Today, I am singing a different song, that gut feeling, I hear it head it and live it. I know that God gives me the strength to move forward each day He allows me to wake up. We need to come together in Him, in His peace allow Him to heal this land. People, we can not continue to divide this country, by moving away from God, but towards Him. Through this whole COVID19 people were running out stocking homes and hoarding things. COVID19 is coming oh no, what will we do we’re gonna die. Yes, we are going to die, all of us one day and guess what Get ready people, something MUCH BIGGER than COVID19 is coming, His name is Jesus Christ. Do you have enough toilet paper for that? Get your life right with God, today.

But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.

Luke 12:48 Yes, He is a God of love, oh how He loves you and me.

On a lighter note, this afternoon I cooked home hotdogs on the grill, I am one of those that keeps the Ketchup in the fridge yep, one of them, my kids fuss at me for it because it doesn’t go there but the cabinet. Well, as I was making me a Hotdog fresh off the grill, I put mustard and ketchup on mine, lol but it was not ketchup but strawberry jelly one bit and I thought OH MY, that is awful. LoL keeping it real, because none of us are perfect, we all do silly things, sin, make mistakes and we will until the day the Lord calls us home. Just remember to forgive and always ask forgiveness, and do not keep doing it, for goodness sake. Much love, during these times of homebound crazies.

22 thoughts on “Better Times Are Coming-”

  1. Prayers for your family. Your words are full of truth, we have turned our backs on God at every turn, it is time to Praise him and ask forgiveness every day. May God Bless and keep you safe Debbie, through this and always.

  2. I totally agree with you Debbie! We need to get right with God! He will get our attention! Prayers for you and your family.
    Please everyone remember our health care providers and first responders.
    Love and prayers 💕

  3. Love today’s blog. You are right on everything … and even the ketchup in the fridge 😂. Sun is shining melting the 5 inches of wet snow. I can’t wait to be outside doing projects. ❤️

  4. Thanks, Debbie, for your heartfelt message. Please continue to stay safe. Praying for yiu, your family and for all who have contracted or who possibly been exposed to this terriblee virus. These are such trying times and we all need to seek out God.

  5. Praying for you, your son and friend. Thank you for your post. The virus has just shown up where I live and I don’t feel people are taking it serious enough yet. My husband is essential and has to work but I’m home. Prayer groups met in their cars outside one of our hospitals tonight and will meet at the other one to pray tomorrow night. I love that! Stay positive and strong! We’ll get through this!💕Terri

    1. Terri, it is serious, but, I do think American is better equipt to handle it than some countries if we do our part! Stay safe stay home, only go out in public when totally necessary is what we are under here in Alabama. All salons, Spas, fitness, tattoo parlors, clothing stores, shoe stores, and doctors and dentist offices are closed by our Govoner until further notice.

  6. Thank you Debbie for writing this! Praying for you and your family. I’m here alone too. Always had my husband to keep me together in rough times. He’s been gone for almost 9 years and here I am, just me. My kids call to check on me but it’s not the same. I just want to hug them. I’m 77 and have health issues and I’m scared. Been doing a lot of praying mostly for my kids and the country/world. I know God is in control and all in his time but I sure pray he puts his hand on this sooner than later. Love and blessings to you!

    1. Barbara, I understand it is not the same, you are right. I find myself playing inline like scrabble, etc in the afternoons to calm me once I have settled down from my usually busy day here. I know you miss your husband, having someone there is much nicer when they are supportive. We will get through this together and be stronger for it, by the grace of God. We are here for you day or night, just click on and share away. I will respond as soon as I see it an others will too.

  7. Prayers and love. I understand where you are. Living alone is better than living an uncomfortable life with the wrong person. God gives you peace and well being for the time you need it. He will never leave you.

  8. Thanks for posting and sharing, prayers for you and your family. I am keeping busy also. Staying home , working in yard .

  9. Beautiful post, Debbie. Times such as these are meant for introspection. God bless you. Stay strong. Praying for your family member.

        1. You are so right, Debbie. WE need to get right with our God. We need to pray and love and just let go of things that do not matter. May God bless you and all of us in this time of struggle. We will get through this with God’s help and kindness to each other.

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