Learning to handle life’s stresses at 62!

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Good evening everyone, I wanted to thank you all for the prayers this week. I have been in a lot of pain most of the week and it all eased up yesterday. I have had issues before from my gallbladder. Several years back they found one very small polyp, last week another one. I have stomach issues have since I can remember.

Why, you ask is Debbie sharing this information and where is she going with it? Ok, incase you didn’t know from some of my post, I suffer from anxiety and panic disorder. Those of you that read my story know some of the things from my childhood as it was written in my book, the one I never could finish but came so close. I have learned in life that it is not the event, issues at hand or circumstances but how you handle them. 

I am awful at that a total failure when it comes to letting go of things that have help me in bondage. Yes, so many things I have let go of but there are things from my past that cut me to my very core and while I have forgiven I still have a time handling stress in a productive way. My struggles are not exclusive so many of you can relate and it can be a living Hell! 

This is one of the reasons I do what I do in sharing positive, beautiful thoughts, photos, for each of you on my FB page. I try to share things here on the blog as well and it seems that I often shut down when trying to express my feelings. Tonight, I wanted to thank you. Each of you that follow the FB page and tell me how I inspire you, please know that you do the very same for me. I have learned that giving of yourself when you are stuck, hurting, or just feeling like you need to give of yourself helps you in so many ways. 

But, there has to be balance and it has taken me 5 decades to realize that, can you believe that. I’m starting to wonder if my gallbladder is the inflammation in my body caused by that word I loathe, STRESS! Remember it’s not a bad word but, it’s all in how we handle it. There are so many things I ant to do in my life and my minds races at where to go next. So, when I get all in a tither I have to slow down a bit and regroup. Sometimes that is hard for my type personality that thinks all things have to be perfect at all times. 

I was sitting here this afternoon thinking, Lord, it is time for me to move change scenery, change things. But, then my next thought was wherever would I go, what is  it that I really want. In 12 days I’ll be 63 and I need a change, I crave it. I’m praying that through therapy I will learn how to handle stress in a positive way for the first time in my whole life. I chose therapy at this time on my life because we all have stress right? But, I never learned or had the tools to handle it in a productive way and it has really caught up with me. I’m learning that  I can breath and say no and not let it eat me alive with guilt that I said no to someone. I’m writing this  tonight because I want all of you to know me, the real me behind the post. The person pleaser, no matter what I am to please. But, when I decided that it was taking it awful toll on me a few years back, the way I handled it was through anger at times that only made things worse. I know that is not productive nor the way I want to be or come across ever to anyone if it can be helped.  I also know that so many of you can relate to what I’m saying. I think this therapy is going well and I made the right decision at this time in my life for me.

Over the years so many of you have said take care of you, Debbie. I read it, I heard it but, I didn’t apply it. I am living alone for the first time in my life at 62. Mr Shabby gone and my youngest moved out earlier this year, I didn’t prepare well for the financial part of this time in my life, I always thought I had time, well hey time has a way of knocking on your door faster than we ever thought.  So, I am learning to adjust to that, one day at a time. Things have a way of working out with time and the good Lord, I believe that God has this and He hears and sees all my tears prayers and cried for help not just for myself but for so many along my path in this journey.

I wish you all a blessed Christmas, and a Happy New Year. again each of you mean the world to me. Also know that I keep asking you to come to the blogspot here and check on our ads because it helps pay for and keep it running, and I get to see what ads work best and which ones do not.

Love to all,



32 thoughts on “Learning to handle life’s stresses at 62!”

  1. Hi Debbie, I have so enjoyed all your posts and photos! Hope it will make you feel a bit better about your gallbladder surgery if I say that I too had the surgery done over two years ago and so glad I did! I had gallstones and always had upset stomach and pain prior to my surgery. After the surgery I did have a bit of pain in my right side which radiated to my back. I began using a nutritional protocol (you may have seen my posts about how I love it) and my pain went away. It contains a pre and probiotics which help with total digestive health. I’ve never felt better!
    Best wishes for your speedy recovery- it really is a simple procedure. Take Care! Brenda

    1. Thank you, Brenda for that information. At 63 I’m sure there will be some discomfort and pain. I know that it can cause issues with digesting protein and others foods. I also know working for a Master Herbalist for a few years at her shop that high Lipase is important to take where there is no gallbladder it acts in ways that the gallbladder did by breaking down protein. I’m torn but I know I have to have the surgery and get it out it has caused me to much grief not to do so. I am glad to hear that you feel better and that you have found ways to improve your health. I take a probiotic now and a digestive enzyme to help process the digestion since it is sluggish from my gallbladder not working at its best. I’m certain it would have been worse had I not have been. Happy New Year to you, from me may 2019 be your best year yet~

  2. Oh my, your story describes my life. I have MS and 99% sure it is caused by stress. This time of year is the worst for me. I am 57 and still can’t decide on what I want to do in life. Where to go and what to do? Time sure does fly by, yesterday we were 30. You’re never alone.

    1. I was diagnosed with MS in 2004, Pam. I can totally relate. I want to sell my home and move somewhere small, cheaper, and less to keep up. That much I know for sure. After I get this gallbladder surgery behind me heal and Spring gets here, woohoo. I’m going to start looking and put mine on the market unless I win the lottery and I don’t play so! Anyway, I never really feel alone I know that when we do not know how to handle stress in a more positive way sickness does happen. Merry Christmas to you, from me.

  3. I am sorry that you have to go through all this. God is the potter, and we are the clay! Until we go through the fire, we will be a weak piece of pottery. God is strengthening His vessel as the tests of fire are brought upon you. You will become a stronger and more beautiful vessel for His use as you have faith in His awesome power! Merry Christmas! Love in Christ, Joni

    1. Joni, I pray you are right. His word tells us this is so. I feel like many I’m sure.That I have been in the potter’s wheel for so long now. I feel for sure some of us are just destined to have test to share with those that are about to face them. I don’t know, it might possibly be some of the ways of this journey I have chosen.. I took some wrong paths and it has taken a toll on me and time, years to pay the toll and catch up. That’s how it seems as I look back on my life at times. All the while still giving God the glory.
      Merry Christmas to you, from me.

  4. Hello Debbie – I am a New follower, but have also had my gallbladder out and such an “easy” procedure and back shopping in two day!! I recommend this for you! You are right, life has a way of handing us stresses, and some we cannot control. We just have to keep the faith and grow through the experiences. But, pain is one thing that you can sometimes control, and I am SOOO glad I had this done. Here is to better health and happiness in 2019. Merry Christmas and keep spreading the “Love”.

    1. Jeanette, thank you. You’re right so many things beyond our control. I think having this gallbladder out will be a positive move for me I have had attacks for years on and off, it’s time.
      Welcome to the blog and thank you for following along with the FB page. Merry Christmas to you, from me

  5. Debbie thank you so much with sharing so much with us. I see what you are going through and it makes me really think through some of the stress. I have in my life right now I know that we canget through with out help. I try to listen to God for answers He always answers but some times I just don’t seem to be able to follow what he is saying even though I know that he is right.
    My prayers are with you. Hope you have s wonderful Christmas. Hon bless you

    1. Thank you, Donna. God is the best counselor for sure. I guess I felt that maybe it was time for me to just talk to another women and get some perspective and input on things that have taken place in my life. She has been a great source of inspiration to me and it comes from a non bias person which is truly important to me. Merry Christmas to you, from me.

  6. thank you Debbie for giving me a better look into your heart I will always be your friend but most of all I want you to be happy.I wish you all the best and with God you can get everything you have always wanted and so much more God bless you with health and happiness along with your wildest dreams my friend in Jesus name we pray amen!

  7. I can so relate. Lost my job of 22 years to the younger generation and also did not plan well financially. Hubs will retire soon as well and then we will really struggle. God is good and has always provided. No reason to believe He will stop now. Stress can kill us so hoping to use my love for primitive doll making to help us along. I pray for you and hope your health improves. This will help the stress and anxiety. Merry Christmas

    1. Susie, it sounds like you really do have a plan. I wish you the very best with your doll making. You are right God will supply our needs that is His promise to us. Merry Christmas to you, from me.

  8. What a beautiful thing you shared today. Stress is something we all deal with and the world keeps throwing at us. The feeling many of us have that we NEED to be perfect; perfect friends, perfect parents, perfect Christians, perfect in everyway. God never intended us to be perfect, that is why Jesus came! We will never be perfect in this lifetime, we must wait until we all meet again in Heaven.
    The beauty that you share every day for us to see and love, is a form of reaching out and giving each of us a hug everyday. We in turn will pray for you, and hug you back with our hearts. You are a blessing and we love you for that. God Bless you and hold you in his loving arms and give you the Peace you are longing for! All we can ask for is Peace, and when we lay it all down at His feet, that is what we have been promised. Amen.

    1. Elaine, what beautiful words of truth. Thank you, for your prayers for me I appreciate each and every one. Little things pop up in life and we have to take care of them and ourselves. I always want to be a positive influence to everyone I meet. Merry Christmas to you, from me.

  9. I have spent my life looking in the mirror figuring out what I need to change within myself. A lot of things I’ve been successful at but have back slid a lot. Like you, I’m a people pleaser, to the point most days the only person not happy in my life is myself. It’s an every day struggle. I wish you luck with your therapy. Let me leave you with a bible verse I repeat multiple times a day. Psalm 91:2 I will say of the Lord, he is my refuge and ny fortress; my God in him I will trust.” And girl let me just say, you are gorgeous. I can only hope I look as good as you at 62.

    1. Tracye, thank you for the verse, God’s words can penetrate our hearts like nothing else. I might have a battle before me but, if I do not work through this there will always be a battle within me. Thank you, for your kind words. I’ve try to look my best at all ages in my life.. Merry Christmas to you, from me. I pray you start pleasing Tracye! 🙂

  10. Debbie, I hate that you are in such pain! I found out how stress can affect our bodies last February and it has been ‘hell’ for me too! I started doing meditation and a diet to clean the gut! It has helped so much! So happy you have found a good therapist! I will continue to pray healing for you and for your angels to surround you and keep anyone from taking your energy! May you have a wonderful and blessed Merry Christmas! And a healing new year in all aspects of your life and your families!❤️

    1. Susan, I feel as though I know you. I’ve read your comments for years now on the FB page. Please know this and I mean it. Many times your sweet, thoughtful and always kind comments have made my day. Merry Christmas to you, from me my precious FB friend.

  11. Thank you for sharing your story. You have always been such an inspiration, in my life. Your uplifting posts are a bright spot in every day. I have high anxiety and don’t manage stress well either. It takes a toll. Prayers for you in every way. May God heal you body, mind and soul. Merry Christmas !

    1. Tandi,you are correct stress can kill you. I am learning to handle stress better, and it is a hard process let me tell you. I;ve been this way for 62 years. But, I have faith that all will go well. God has my back. Merry Christmas to you, from me. I will be praying that you too find ways to handle stress in a more productive way.

  12. Thank you, Debbie, for sharing. Being vulnerable is challenging. The best to you in therapy, and I would encourage you to be as honest as you can be, not holding anything back. The therapist has heard it all. Nothing you say will shock them or cause them to reject you. <3

    1. Vonnie, thank you my friend. Oh, I am I realize that honesty is truly the best policy and I have been that with her. I like her and I think we will do well together. Merry Christmas to you,from me.

  13. Thank you for your story. You encouraged me to do my best. I think you are wise and beautiful. May God bring you good health, peace, and happiness. Hugs and kisses. Love, Holly.

  14. Thank you Debbie for sharing your soul with us. I feel like we’re sisters of a sort…if not besties!! I know we all live you. I am learning from your story as well. I am praying your gall bladder issues are resolved quickly! ♥️♥️♥️

    1. Thank you, Jane. It has settled down a lot. So, I had been under a gallbladder attack for longer than usual. My best guess STRESS! The ultrasound showed another polyp, so 2 now. Some say they do not cause symptoms unless they block the gallbladder wall. Mine they say was not blocked. So, we shall see what the Surgeon has to allow after looking at the test results and listening to me. Merry Christmas to you, from me.

  15. Thank you for your courage in sharing your struggle Debbie. Your page has brought much Peace and pleasure for me. Thank you for sharing beauty with us and I Pray for your peace, health and happiness.

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