My Wednesday Musings-

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Good afternoon my friends, I hope all is well with each one of you. If it isn’t then I pray you know that God is never far away, and He hears your cries. I’ve sure been bending His ear a lot the last few months. As most of you know I have not been posting on Facebook much, and took a couple of weeks off. There are reasons for that. I shared one of the reasons on Facebook Monday. I had truly gotten so sick of their control. They were coming at us on Facebook with fact check on photos of flowers of all things? Then Google, oh ugh, has done nothing but play games with my blog partner and I. They remove the ads, then site us, they they put them back 2 weeks later. Why? We can never get them to respond, ever.

I want to share this with you once again, YES, there are times the blog makes money. We encourage you to check out our advertisers, IF you are looking for that item advertised on the blog, please. But, in no way does the blog ever make the kind of money for anyone to live on, trust me. It makes or made from time to time enough for us to pay for the hosting yearly, that’s 300.00 or so. SOME and only SOME of the items we turn around and giveaway monthly. But for the most part we pay 99% of the giveaways out of my pocket. You have to reach 100.00 each month to get paid, so to let you know, we got paid 5 times in 2021, the other 7 we didn’t make that quota, and that is set my Google not us.

Now, one of the main reasons I have stopped posting is that I can not see well from that same eye I had cataract surgery on over 5 years ago. You see, fluid got behind it during that surgery and now I will need another surgery to remove that fluid, oh me! I am not totally sure what that surgery is called, but they put you to sleep, or they are me. I have not scheduled it as of yet but I need to ASAP. I am so tired of that blob covering my site in my right eye,and with a large cataract on my left eye, it’s just hard to see well. I’ll admit after what I have been through with this eye I am scared to have them touch the other eye. Sometimes I have to stop watching TV at night because even with my glasses on all I see is a blurry screen. I wish I had never had the surgery to be honest, and took my chances, surly they would not have been any worse than what I’ve gone through the last few years off and on, now on most all of the time.

I tell you getting older is no easy task, its Mammogram time, OBGYN time again, my insurance company says it is time for a yearly evaluation. I do not like answering all those questions on the phone, but I do each year. The one have you fallen in the last 6 months, well my answer was always NO. This year might be a yes.. Mr. Shabby and I were messing around and I acted like I was going to kick box him, we were playing, and lost my balance slipped on a rug on the hardwood floor, then this past Saturday, my 30 lb cat got between my legs in the bathroom as I was putting trash in the trash can, I stepped on his tail he screamed. So, I moved quickly and he tripped me up, and over into the tub I went. So, is that falling? Or is that a NO, lol I was tripped up, then I slid on a slippery rug. Im grasping for straws here aren’t I?? lol. Geez, falling, bad eyes, then I have lost so much of my hair, it was always fine, but now, oh so thin, and I mean thin!! I felt it was so bad that I bought a wig, yep, I did!!!! I can not decide,if I like it or not. It’s past my shoulders, close to my natural color. Maybe I just need to shave my head and start all over with what comes back.. It’s tough getting older isn’t it ladies? I’m not one to have any facial work done, it’s not my thing, I have friends that do it on a regular and I see nothing wrong with it if they like it. I do like some hair on my head ladies and I have really struggled with that. I know you ladies can relate if you are in my shoes and have that issue. I’ll have to share some photos of me with the wig on, and without it. But, it will be here, NOT on Facebook, ever. I want to let you all know I do plan to post daily on Facebook again, it just may not be as much as we used to do with Janyce out too, ok. Remember, if you come to the blog to enter for our giveaways, or read my ramblings, check to see if there are any ads that you are interested in for me, will you? Have a blessed Wednesday night, and let me hear from you in the comments.

Love to all,


23 thoughts on “My Wednesday Musings-”

  1. Oh my Goodness! I read your story and I see so many things I have gone thru myself. Im sorry hope things get better❤️🙏🏻. Stay safe. I always love to her from you.

  2. Dear Debbie,
    I’m sorry that you’re going through so many things. The older I get the more pains I feel. I’m praying that your body will heal and feel better soon. My hair is thinning out too and breaking off. My knee and leg hurts so bad. I’m not having trouble with my eye but do know others who are. I’m praying for you my sweet friend. I can’t wait to see your wigs and know you will be beautiful.
    I love the basket and greenery in it. Best of luck to the winner.

  3. Honestly,Debbie, you need to write a book! You have a talent at writing! I understand the falling from being tripped! I’ve done it a few time! About the the hair loss, if you haven’t already, double up on the B vitamins and get some organic mushroom supplements. It will help so much! I’ve been loosing hair for at least two months after I had that ugly virus! The hair loss isn’t as bad now, but it will take at least a month to see results. I get the mushroom supplements from Stonehenge Health. I just started my second month on them! They are safe for us who need to be gluten free and organic. Also,iodine from Mary Ruth’s. All of these you can get on Amazon. I even have been using Mary Ruth’s prenatal vitamins because they are so full of good vitamins. Also, collagen powder helps. Garden of Life has a good one. I hope this gives you some ideas for your hair loss!
    And, FB has been a big problem for a lot of people. They need to leave you a lone! Have a blessed day! Love ya, Susan

    1. Thank you,Susan. I have done all the above and do all bu the Iodine. With the 1/2 thyroid I am not to take that for some reason. I am trying to love this wig, they have come a LONG LONG way, but time will tell. I use Nature’s Sunshine and Dr Josh Axe products. All though my Dr said I was not absorbing things well so he put me on sublingual vitamins. So far I do have more energy and I have put 8 of the 10 lbs I lost to that rotten illness. I will say that my hair did start falling out again after I got better from that. Oh, I also use the Kertoin, and yes that is how they spell it, serum in my hair every night. I have prayed for my hair to return, and tried so many things, right now I guess I am ok with what is, God has left it this way for a reason. Love you sweet friend.

      1. Debbie, I’ve heard about the Kerotin and was curious as to whether that would work on the hair loss. I think it may take longer for some women to have hair coming back than it does for others. It’s been a very slow process for me. I’m glad to know you have tried all the things to stop, or at least slow down the hair loss. I’m praying your hair starts coming back good and strong! Love you too sweet friend.

        1. It has stopped abnormal hair loss for sure, Susan. I have been using it for 6 months now. It is an uphill battle for some, I think I might be one of them, but I’ve not given up.

  4. I agree! Growing old is not for the faint of heart!! I, too, am struggling with very thin hair that is getting thinner every day!! The arthritis in my right knee is severe. What fun! Lol!! Hang in there, Debbie!

  5. Hope your eyes are better. Unfortunately, I too am in the same boat with eyes. I have my tear duc surgery tomorrow, they are putting me to sleep. Be careful cuz! Thinking of you & love you!

  6. Debbie I have so many of your same problems!! I have fallen inside and outside usually tripping over raised concrete or missing a step. I have ended up severely bruised and scraped by gravel, and black eye after falling face first into a fence. I haven’t fallen in a year because I am extremely careful now and don’t rush anywhere. I wish you the very best with the eye surgery when you have it. I also have lost half my hair and am considering a wig or topper. Please keep us updated on your wig experience. It’s so deflating as my hair was my crowning glory. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏

  7. Oh Debbie I can sympathize with you. Growing old isn’t for the weak at heart. It has been more trouble than it’s worth. I too have diminished vision. Mine is from macular degeneration, the dry kind they can do nothing for but I still take my Ared2 religiously hoping to not progress any further. You hair loss could be associated with you Thyroid condition. I have Graves Disease, and had my Thyroid removed two years ago. Before it started I had nice thick hair. Now it is really thin. There are shampoos that will help it. Ask your beautician to get you one. The ones she gets are much better than over the counter ones. They cost a little more but you use so much less, it is worth the cost. As far as tell them whether you fell or not. I personally don’t think it’s the kind of fall they are looking for, but if you tell them you will then have to explain it all, so it really is up to you what you say. Hang in there and just enjoy life as much as you can.

  8. Debbie, Thank you for sharing your heart and your struggles! One of my daughters and I had our mammograms this morning. So thankful we had great results. Life is hard sometimes keeping up these earthly bodies! I too don’t do any facial enhancement…just not me…although I don’t love how I am aging.
    I am sorry that you fell…oh my and falling in the tub…ouch!! Thankful, for your sweet and encouraging messages. Be blessed and refreshed in Jesus!

  9. Oh, I can surely relate to thinning hair!! I don’t know how I could have any left with all that is in my brush and on the floor and also in the shower drain!! I would love for you to share photos with your wig. I pray for things get better for you Debbie. I will try harder to try and remember to check your ads. Love and prayers for you. Thank you for sharing this with us.🙏🏼🙋💖

  10. The basket and plant is very pretty and will brighten up any room. Prayer for you and for better health.

  11. Hi Debbie, I’m sorry you’re having so many health problems, I can relate. Yes, that would be considered a fall…in the tub. Be careful, we don’t want you to break anything.

    1. Well, I need to tell that to my cat, his snuck up on me, and 30 pounds between my feet tripped me up. But, yes a fall is a fall. No, we don’t want any broken bones for sure, thank you, Cheryl. You said you could relate, I guess most, well some for sure 65 and older sure can. Have a wonderful evening.

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