Pay Attention To Your Surroundings At All Times

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This AM I am going back to the Doctor, it has been 2 weeks today that I was there and still have fluid in my ears, and a very sore throat. I just keep pushing along. I was at my PT job yesterday when I got a text to not unlock the door for anyone. Apparently someone that once rented office space in the large building was angry and threatened to do harm to that building, the building I was in alone. Scared the living daylights out of me, but, I was able to get out safely with no issues, but it made me think about people that get into situations due to no fault of their own and do not make it out safely. That could have just as easily been me. I have to thank God, for He alone is worthy and He is the one that got me out safely.

That at this time is all I can allow, but, I will say this, please be aware of your surroundings at all times, no matter where you are. I have been here for almost 7 years and there is always a first time for everything. Praise The Lord I had outside contacts and all went well. It is not just sad but, scary that people seem to have lost their minds! They need God, a purpose in life, God gives us purpose each day he gives us breath!



37 thoughts on “Pay Attention To Your Surroundings At All Times”

  1. Glad you are safe… Some would say you were lucky, I choose to think it was another ‘God Thing’, and God has plans for you girlfriend! 💕 c

  2. Goodness! Sounds scarey! I am so glad you are ok! Yes, be aware of your surroundings; a good 1st step is to stay off the phone when we are walking.

  3. Wow. That is scary. We used to office in a building that was 80% empty and I never felt safe. I hate that feeling. Glad you got out safely.

  4. Oh my word! Thank God you were able to get out safely!! What a scare that had to have been! I always try to pay attention, have my keys in hand and lock the car doors once I’m in the car when I am shopping, particularly when it’s dark or there are only a few people around. So glad you are okay!! 💕💕

  5. Thank God you are safe. I was nearly carjacked years ago and I was looking down at the ground unaware of the man walking towards me. I said the same thing as you are saying today…BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS!!! Again, thank God you are okay.

  6. Oh my gosh, Debbie! Thankful you are okay and Father and His angels kept you safe! I try to watch around me as where I live has gotten very bad with predators! Never thought I’d see it in my area, but it is here! Take care and stay safe!
    Hope you are feeling better soon. Sounds like you need something to build your immune system up again! Love and sweet blessings! Off to church now!❤️🙌🙏 Know that you are in my prayer!

    1. Susan, thank you, my precious friend. I went back to the doctor today got more shots and medication still had a bacterial infection. It had settled in my throat and both ears. I pray this is it and I am well soon, I am really ready to feel good again.

  7. Oh Debbie, I am so thankful that someone warned you and you were able to get out. Hard telling what they may have done and to the wrong person. I agree with you, people need God and stop being so mean and hateful. I can’t believe all of the ill willed things that are taking place in our towns and all of the killing for something as little as $1.00. People have way too much time on their hands and have idle minds. Thank you God for keeping our friend safe and protecting her. Please touch her body and make her well from the illness she is enduring and bless her. Please be with her and help her during the changes that she’s going through and protect her heart. Love you

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