Pushing Through Life With A Smile.

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Good afternoon everyone, it has been a little bit since I last connected with you to let you know that we were not sure about gallbladder surgery since my ultrasound showed it was fine!

Again, it did show a slightly enlarged liver and it said fatty infiltrated liver. My last Gastroenterologist of many years just let me fall through the cracks, sadly. I do have a new one lined up with very good reviews and he comes highly recommended. I see him this coming Tuesday and doubt I will know anything that day, maybe his opinion.

I refuse to just be brushed aside like my health is not important and I do not matter. I do matter, my health matters, as does each of you. I’m pretty certain that many or at the very least several of you have been through this. I know my sweet Mother did and they never found what caused her pain, ever. We have the right to another opinion and I am taking mine. Many prayers going up for me over the last 5 years. it seems it has been one thing after another.

I want to continue to thank you, each one of you who has mentioned me in your prayers for my health issues from time to time. I know it could be so much worse and I am grateful for each day and I know that God will reveal this problem, or heal it, I have Faith in Him. We have had some beautiful weather here in the South unseasonably warm with Sunshine and that alone makes me feel better. Funny how as we age the little things make us happy, those same things we took for granted years ago. Like the smell of fresh cut grass, and the Birds singing in the AM on a beautiful morning.

Many of you email me and write to me in private messages on Oh So Shabby By Debbie Reynolds letting me know you appreciate me and what I do each day on the page. I have let if fall away a bit during the Holidays, but that will pick up. I didn’t always feel my best, no excuse I know but it is the truth. My heart still has the desire to share inspiration, love, peace, joy, and faith even when I am struggling with those things myself.

Giving is such a blessing to me and I enjoy helping in every way I can. I’m only 63 and I feel like I have so much more to give, to share, to show the world. I’ve been praying a lot over my health and finances over the last few months and I feel a breakthrough coming.

“My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health to one’s whole body.”

Isaiah 53:5

“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

Deuteronomy 7:15 —

I struggle like many here reading this with keeping in the word, studying the word, and living it daily as well. Sin is in each of us, and we sin daily. I am not perfect, I have a past, and I have issues that need to be resolved in my life, like so many. But, I can assure I am always working on myself, my life, my feelings, and my fears and trying to make things better for me and everyone around me. Thank you, dear FB friends and family on FB I wish you all the best New Year you have ever had.



21 thoughts on “Pushing Through Life With A Smile.”

  1. Debbie, I had gallbladder issues in my early 40s. None of the tests showed anything, but my nurse practioner, who is amazing, by the way! Sent me for a hydascan. If you havent had that done request it. I didn’t have gall stones. I had sludge, which doesn’t show up any other way but through doing this hydascan. It is non-invasive, but a different way to watch the bile drain from the gallbladder. Best of luck to you!

    1. Marcel, the ultrasound showed no sludge or stones, I hope that your surgery served you well. I am not speaking against Nurse Practitioners, one of my dearest friends is one. But, I do feel they need to get the Doctors input. Im my case they did not.

  2. Debbie, you bring so much joy to all of us that follow you! It troubles my heart to know you are in pain all the time but maybe you are finally on the right track and can get some relief. We all love you so much and look forward to your posts, blogs and pictures! I will continue to pray for you!

    1. Geri, thank you so much. The pain is better it has eased and I am seeing my new Dr. this Tuesday/ I pray he has some idea what might be going on and we get to the bottom of this very soon.
      Thank you, for your kind words they mean the world to me.

  3. Dear Debbie,

    Your posts have given me so much happiness and joy during my own struggles with lupus, cancer, and stomach issues.
    God is watching over you and is our ultimate healer! I’ve been in the valley before, and have had Dr.s tell me all kinds of horrific news…but, each time my faith has brought me through, and the Dr.s just are amazed. You see, the enemy just wants us to focus on the Earthly answers and not rely on our heavenly Lord God!
    I will keep you close in prayer! Keep the faith! God is Good!

    1. Cindy, You keep up with your Faith and show the Doctors there is a God that loves his children and watches over them. So glad to hear that through all your trials you stood on His word and believed He was carrying you. God bless you, always.

  4. I just want to tell you mean to me. Your posts always make me feel better and I truly wish I could pay this back to you. You are in our heavenly Fathers hands and he will be with you until this is over. Such an impressive lady with really great post that have helped me more all the time. God bless you and you family. Will still be praying for you until we get you through this.

  5. Dearest Debbie,
    Thinking of you as you are going through some not so good days of hurting. Praying for great results and that your pain will be eliminated permanently. Hoping for better days ahead. Blessings for good health.

  6. I’m praying that the door will be opened wide for you to find the help you need! Bless your heart, you’ve been through so many health issue. I will continue to pray that you will continue in your faith and trust in Father God! You certainly have many praying for you so be at peace and rest! Love you sweet Debbie!🙏🙏❤️

    1. Thank you, Susan. I have been through a few but, more if what they said had been right but thank God the Doctors were wrong. Im realizing I said in today’s world we must be our own advocate.
      Love you, Susan.

  7. You are truly a careing and love soul and yes God has so much more for you to do just trust in him and lay your cares and worries at his feet and walk away as the sand falls off your feet as you walk on the beach so will all cares for he has removed all that you have left. Bless you Debbie.

  8. Debbie, I had trouble with my gallbladder for a couple years , ultrasound and MRI showed all normal. Finally had a HIDA Scan, this will tell them how it is functioning. Mine showed it was not functioning this they finally took out my gallbladder. After recovery, I feel a 100% better. Still cannot eat very spicy food or greasy but could not before with the gallbladder and those types of foods are good for you anyway. Just wanted to let you know to ask to have this test done. Praying you get some answers soon.

  9. I hope they find the reason for your pain. I too know how it feels to be let down by a doctor. My Gastro said I fell through the cracks with my hernia. Now 80% if my stomach is in my chest.
    Stay strong and be an advocate for yourself. Love and hugs. Feel better.

  10. God bless you Debbie keep fighting, the Lord is with you in the mist of the storm. He will not let the waters overtake you!! Isaiah 40:31 is one of my favorite scriptures, I have meditated on it endlessly at times also Is 41:10…He is going to deliver you from this and your testimony will be used for His glory.. you’re still in my prayers ❤🙏

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