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Summer 1961; Flowers for the gas tank!

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The innocence of a child is amazing, isn’t it? I recall one day as I stayed with my precious Grandmother while my mama worked. It was another warm sunny day and I am and have always been an outdoor kinda gal. So, after my breakfast out the back door, I went, at 6 years old. The tulips were in full bloom and they are one of my very favorites to this day. The flowers, of course, were from the Eskews garden the beautiful one the gardener took care of for the elderly couple I told you about in one of my recent stories. Grandmother, oh, I could hear her voice, Debbie Ann, don’t go bothering the Eskews today, and stay out of those flowers ok? ok, I replied, and I had every intention of doing what she asked, I really did.

But, as I got out into her backyard Eskew’s beautiful fountain and flower garden with the birdhouses and feeders was an oasis a true place that called to me at 6 years old. So, I doodled across the small alley big enough for one car and I was there HEAVEN! That’s what it felt like with the soothing sounds of the water, and the aroma of flowers of all kinds blooming. The birds singing I mean who could resist? Not me I can tell you that much.

As I walked through the yard there was a tap on the picture window where Mrs. Eskew would sit most of the day in her wheelchair, reading, or looking at her beautiful flower garden, perhaps watching the birds I don’t know but that was her favorite spot. She waved so sweetly at me as if to say it’s yours all of it enjoy it too.

So, I did. I had not gotten started down the paver path when I heard Grandmother calling me, so off I ran back across the small alley and up the stairs, my little short legs ran as fast as they could. When I got in she said come wash up, let me comb your hair we are going with Mr. Noorwood to the grocery store. Remember in my first story, Mr. Norwood was my grandmother’s neighbor they shared a duplex two homes in one large home with separate entries. Since grandmother did not drive we went with him to many places. I do not recall the full day but, I remember us stopping for lunch at one of my favorite places. After eating my lunch I asked for dessert. I think my grandmother must have been short of money because she never said no often. That day it was a no, period. I acted out because I was a brat I guess in some way and an only child only granddaughter and used to getting the things I asked for which by the way was not much or often. Mr. Noorwood had grandsons and he was a quiet man but, he had a look that would scare the life right out of you, well it did me. haha!

My grandmother told me later when we got home that I acted ugly in front of Mr. Norwood and when I got up from my nap I would go over and tell him I was sorry about saying but I want the dessert when I was told no. As I lay there in bed I thought to my little self, hey, Mr. Norwood gave me that look, which was not bad I just did not understand his looks it seemed mean to me but looking back it was more of a, she said no and that’s ok. When I woke up grandmother told me that when we go with Mr. Norwood she likes to pay her way and help him with the gas so that was why I did not get my dessert, she wanted me to understand even at 6 when I went out with them, no was no, and there was always a good reason it was not just her refusing me. Southern people, we have to explain everything.

So, after waking up I was out the door once again across that alley to my favorite place at that time in the whole world, the Eskews. I looked towards the picture window but Mr. nor Mrs. Eskew was not there. I skipped around a little, took off my flip flops, and put my feet in the pond, the pond that once held huge koi fish that I loved to try to catch with my hands, on me. lol, that same pond Mr. Eskew turned into a clean water pond with the fountain in it for me to wade in as it gets hot in the South in the Summer months. We did not have air conditioning, but they did. He was so kind to me, truly kind in every way!

Well, after a few minutes, I thought I have to go tell Mr. Noorwood I am sorry I acted out when I didn’t get my way at lunch as grandmother told me to do. I thought, poor grandmother if she did not have to help buy gas we could get dessert. That is a 6-year-old logic in 1961. Now I know that you put gas in your car at a certain place but what I did not know was that gas was all that made them run. I thought hmmm I am going to pick some of these beautiful flowers and take them to Mr. Norwood when I tell him I was sorry I thought, that would be great, yes that is what I will do. I picked the ones I wanted and all my little hands could hold.

Off I went back across that small alley and as I started up the stairs I saw Mr. Norwoods car sitting in its spot. I recall thinking what if I put some of these flowers in Mr. Norwood’s gas tank, we could go more and she would not have to pay for gas. “What was I thinking?” I was just 6 and that is like a 3-year-old in today’s world if you think about it. I had seen where the gas went at the back of the car, they, of course, did not lock then, and half the time has no gas cap, wonder how the gas didn’t evaporate? lol Anyway, yes, I did, I did it. I crammed a handful of flowers in that gas tank as far as I could get them in his tank. Then I took him and the others with a sweet apology. Wonder what happened when I surprised Mr. Norwood with the rest of the flowers and told him about the ones I put in the tank of his car? Stay tuned, I’ll share it within a few days or so.

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