The Letter from 1963

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The Letter 1963-

The letter had arrived from Charleston SC, on a November day in 1963. I rushed to get the mail and there it was. I was 8 at that time and it was a letter from my Aunt Louise. She was my dad’s oldest sister. It was official, she and my Uncle were coming for a week during the Christmas Holidays.

She was a bit bossy and blunt, but she loved me a lot and I, her. I only got to see her about 2 times a year at best when I was younger. As I jumped up and down at the table, for Mom to read every word out loud my mind was already racing. Wow, in two weeks she would be here. She always came in with a bang, suitcases, and clothes, like a movie star, in a kid’s eye and some adults!

To a kid that lived in a small neighborhood and small town, seeing someone that carried themselves like a movie star was fun and exciting, to say the least. I remembered another great part of their visit, they took my bed, and I got to sleep on the sofa! I loved that, it was like being away from home, fun, and something different for a week, that little change was good too I loved it. And in 1963, we did not get a lot of different things or changes! It was school, home, homework, dinner, then bed. Weekends were cleaning the room, cartoons, or playing on the front porch with the girl next door, and one vacation a year, that is when we went to see Aunt Lousie in South Carolina, that was almost as fun as Christmas, but there was something special about Christmas, you know that!

I was anxiously counting the days until her arrival and it had finally arrived, she would be at my home when I woke up in the Morning. They usually got there around 6:00 AM and ALWAYS had a dozen fresh Krispy Kreme Donuts of all kinds, that was a treat for me because we just lived simply when I was a child nothing over the top and she, well she was over the top trust me on that, and I wanted to be just like her when I grew up, Jackie O’ look-alike class all the way. It was the only day I did not mind getting up before 6 AM, except Christmas morning, of course. I got up very early that morning before they even arrived I heard my Mother in the Kitchen making coffee. I was sitting at the Kitchen table wide awake and ready.

When the door swings open and in she strolls, with some of her bags, hair all done, makeup just so, beautiful rings, pencil skirt, and blouse as snowy and crisp as it could be, even while traveling, and oh I was in awe as that six-year-old little girl in a small town middle America had the best guest ever.

The days went by way too fast for me and we were getting to the end of her trip we had laughed so much and I got to stay up late each night, it was the only time I think my Mom let me stay up past 10 when my Aunt was in town. I felt like I was an adult too and that was even fun. lol, I was wondering when she and I were going to take that annual shopping trip, oh yes, the one we always took each time she came to visit just her and me.

Yep, just she and I would go shopping and it was all for me and all about me, I tell you with a new baby brother and all the attention on him this trip was even more special this year. I loved the attention that 6-year-old little girl didn’t. Don’t get me wrong I was not the spoiled brat you may be thinking. I got this 2 times a year from someone other than my Mother, I looked up to her I loved and admired her. It was a privilege for me, and I enjoyed it and I appreciated it as much if not more than any 6-year-old could believe me. She had the best taste and would buy me dresses, shoes, socks, slips, PJs you name it. We ate out, something we did not do a lot of in our home when I was 6 maybe once a month.

My favorite thing this Winter trip was my white “go-go boots” I thought I was all that and a box of rocks, ladies. Do you remember those white go-go boots? For this little 6-year-old from Alabama, I hit the big time! It was Christmas and just 3 days before. And a surprise on Christmas Day from her I had no idea about a white coat, a beautiful long coat fit for a little princess in my eyes. I never knew that my parents had fallen on some hard times, kids didn’t know those things back then and they should not have. But, My Aunt Louise did, and that is why she took care of my needs until next Summer when we would visit her for a week of heavenly bliss. She did this for me and for her baby brother they were very close. When I became an adult I learned of their story and why they had been so close all those years. It was a sad story but, they took it and made it positive for sure.

My Aunt Louise lost her husband early on in her years and something happened to her. She no longer had that Star charisma. And it went on for years, she moved back to Alabama after my Uncles death. But, the lady I once knew was gone, she had lost her partner, her one true love and it took away that special spark she had. This mailbox pictured on this post was one that she gave me years ago when she moved from her home in Charleston to Alabama. The one she sent the long waited-for letters from to me in Alabama.

Watering the Ivy on my front porch yesterday I saw the mailbox that hangs at my front door as it once did her front door many many years ago. I could see the Letters she would write in my mind. And the fun we had all those years ago. The anticipation I had with each and every visit until she lost her love. All I have left of her is this mailbox and a lifetime of wonderful memories. I’d not take anything for this old mailbox. It is a reminder of such easy, fun, and good times in my life and that one person that made life a lot more special for me. Growing up in the ’50s and ’60s was a wonderful time for me. Having someone that took time for you was even more amazing as a child, I will cherish that forever. I am blessed!

This mailbox hangs on my front porch to the right of our Front door to this very day.

35 thoughts on “The Letter from 1963”

  1. I love this so very much!! Life in the 50’s and 60’s were so much fun!! I had Aunts that I loved and so many wonderful memories of visiting them. My heart aches for young people today who won’t experience the memories like this!!

  2. Made me think of my sister-in-law, Joleen. I was about 4 years old, & my brother had married, after coming back from Korea. They stayed at our house for a matter of weeks, Joleen was a jazzy girl, who could drive! And they had a yellow convertible, & Joleen was blond with a great tan! Now I did have 7 older sisters, but none as jazzy as Joleen, she had make-up, & lots of bangle jewelry.

  3. What wonderful memories you have of times spent with your dear aunt. Yes, you were blessed to have her in your life. 💕

  4. Dear Debbie,
    I love your memory of your special Auntie. ♥️ She took special care of you and you had such a lovely bond. Her memory is so blessed.
    Love, Vonnie

  5. Such a wonderful memory Debbie of your sweet aunt and all she did for you. When I was little my Aunt Kate bought me pretty dresses, I remember a little pair of frilly white gloves she bought for me, she was so kind. I come from a family of 8 children, we didn’t have much in the way of material possessions but we were blessed with Godly parents who always took care of us.

  6. My Aunt Ruth was the only sister to three brothers. She adored my Dad and the other two. She had a simple round metal charm engraved for all her nieces with our names on it one Christmas. No one remembers that gift…but me. I still have it pinned on an antique pin cushion. I was 9 and the year was 1963. Those small kindnesses can mean the world to some and it certainly did to me. I love your story about your aunt..I smiled all the way through the reading of your memories…thank you for spurring on my taking a walk down memory lane!!

  7. Oh Debbie, I love this story!! I had one such family member who I loved see when he would come visit us. It was my dad’s father, my only living grandparent that I knew. We didn’t go anywhere and he didn’t pay attention to me. I loved him so and always hated to see him leave.

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us. Love you my sweet and dear friend. ❤️❤️❤️

    1. I really loved this story. I myself have similar memories of my Aunt Betty from California. Reading this brought them all back, and what a special time they were.
      All in the wide eye innocence of a child! Thank you for sharing!
      Debbie Withrow

  8. I love this story I have read it before. Always brings back memories of my Aunt who just knew how to make you feel so special but I had two unfortunately they are both gone. I love the old mailbox. Material things are just that but it will bring back loving Memories ❤️. Thanks Debbie for reposting. Love ya 🧡

  9. Thank you for sharing an Aunt so close to your heart and that ole’ mail box. I loved this….It
    reminds me of this ole’ Hymn song….

    Precious memories, unseen angels
    Sent from somewhere to my soul
    How they linger, ever near me
    And the sacred past unfolds
    Precious memories how they linger
    How they ever flood my soul
    In the stillness, of the midnight
    Precious sacred scenes unfold

  10. Oh, Debbie, I have read this before, but it just hit me today as one of the most blessed memories for you. I had some wonderful aunts growing up, but only have one left. My Mom ‘s sister, Aunt Nadine Carlisle, lived in Pensacola for many years. She would have us down every summer! She now lives in Newport, NC with her daughter. Don’t get to see her as often as I would like. Me and my four sisters love her so much. Thanks for sharing this lovely story. God bless.

  11. What a wonderful story, Debbie. Thanks for sharing. It brought back my own memories of growing up in the 50s and 60s. If only we had appreciated then what a special time that was. I’m glad you have something so special of your aunt’s to remember her and the special bond you shared. 💕💕

    1. I know, but, as children we like, today sometimes live in the moment. I am not sure that we understand the moment of such precious memories until that moment has passed, or we get older and see the beauty in so many moments and things. Have a blessed evening.

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