Trusting My Journey-

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Hello to all, it is Saturday afternoon and my oldest Grandson and I just got in from the pool. It’s hot out there but oddly enough there is a nice breeze for this time of year in the South. Most of you that follow the FB page may have read that I am taking a break for a few days from the page. Partly because of the Algorithm with FB and the fact that each day we can see they allow about 180 of our over 12,000-page followers to see our post.

While we love all of you, and we truly do you know the page would not exist without you. We are growing weary of this, as so many pages are. I think part of it is my post have been off, I have been off. Allow me to explain, ok. You see, ever since last October when my bottom bridge broke and I had it replaced to the tune of over 8,000 and some help for two Angel friends it has not fit right. I’ve been back and been back, and to remove it since it is the whole bottom would be a huge ordeal HUGE since my BP spikes so under the anesthesia to stroke level each time I have to endure it. Why? I have no idea but many medications and I am not friends!!

I have really given it to God, I am down by about 20 lbs since the start of this I eat very little, but I am sure some of it is because my stomach has shrunk. Then there is the issue with my right eye, the one I had cataract surgery on 4 years ago and they gave me the wrong lens, then right after COVID I had to go over the weekend to the eye foundation here in Birmingham. My retina had detached some and the gel had broken free and floats around making it hard to see at times. That surgery to remove the gel is not a simple one and can cause blindness, oh me! So, you see, I do not have life-threatening illnesses, I am blessed but, right now I have this aging issues that do at times keep me from enjoying myself like I would otherwise.

When I get on my cell to post or my laptop the light from it will cause my right eye to almost close. I’ve kept my time online to a minimum for about the last 8 months or so. But, like so many of you I think we are all there and FB has become less and less interesting for so many. I do not like being told what I like, or what I need to see, I do not know about you but when I joined FB 11 years ago we could see what we wanted to, but not today. They pick what THEY want you to see. I had been saying this for a while and now have some of you PM me and saying it is true they do pick and choose for us I never see your post ever. I am not going to blame it all on FB, I know that I have not been up to par in my post to you each day. It seems like each day I wake up it’s filled with this or that, and time gets away, another age thing I think..

I knew one day if I was blessed enough to live to get older it would hit me, and darn if it hasn’t. I work on myself, try to walk, exercise, eat right when I eat, get enough rest, and do many of the things in life that I enjoy. But, I can not put my finger on it something is missing, maybe it is depression, but again I do not know. I do know that as we age depression can be a factor. One would think I’d be on top of the world with Mr. Shabby getting his life together after all the years of addiction, not to mention my precious new grandson. But, I will not lie, there are days not every day but some days that I just want to stay home and not be bothered by anything. Those are the days I usually push harder and maybe I should just let it flow. I am not on medication but a BP and something to help me sleep at night, that is it. Nothing for depression and I don’t even know if that is what it is. I just wanted to touch base with the ones that follow the blog, and let you know that I am just taking time to chill for a few days, pray, and let the Lord guide me. I am trusting Him, and my Journey!

Please remember Jeff and Matt Murray in your prayers, my friend David, their dad passed away from lung cancer Friday Morning, it is a sad time for them and all who cared about David.

RIP my friend.

Love to all,


24 thoughts on “Trusting My Journey-”

  1. Debbie, I had that eye surgery September 2020. If was not as bad as I thought it would be. I had to do the face down positioning. That was the hardest part. Prayers for you and quick healing.

  2. Oh, Debbie, I have been praying for you. I will be 76 in October and I do take something for anxiety. Your feelings are the same as mine. I am now a caregiver for my husband. He is in bed most of the time. I pray daily for the Lord to give me strength to do what I can. I don’t want to get short or say things I shouldn’t, but it is hard sometimes. I have a sister that has had strokes in both her eyes and she can’t see to read or paint like she once did. I have a younger sister that I have been taking to the doctor at Grandview. She has no one else except my granddaughter cleans her house once a month. Please know that I pray for you daily.
    Love and prayers,

    Mary Hicks

    1. Mary, God bless you sweetheart, you and I have never met in person, although we live so close to each other. I hear you and I can relate to so much that you are saying. Hand in there, I’ll remember you in my thoughts and my prayers. Love and (((hugs)))

  3. I look forward everyday to seeing your posts. You have the right approach with God. Stay true and look for the joy God has put in every day just for you.
    Love you
    Linda Boomer

  4. I listen to this video on You Tube all the time its called Let Go and Trust God over coming Worry Insprirational and Motivational Video and also one called Give it to God it really helped me this last month as i struggled with some kind of horrible rash that covered my body with debilitating burn and itch………37 straight nights with 1 or 2 hrs sleep has left me exhausted ,worried but now i know i had a biopsy and blood work and its all normal so i dont have any autoimmune disease so thats a blessing but i still have the rash and itch and they just dont know what it is.So on to the next meds i feel like a lab rat………but i will believe its just for a season and God will bring me through it and i hope when you listen to some of these videos i hope it sooths your soul and know God Loves You

    1. Bev, that is good news no autoimmune issues they can be so trying. I hope that is rash
      and itching go away soon my friend and you are back feeling awesome!! I have some things like that I get daily sent to my email, my Verse of the day, then Greg Laurie, and I enjoy them each morning before I even get out of the bed. Love to you, have a great day.

  5. Dear Debbie,
    Thank you for sharing with us. I’m sorry you’re feeling this way and honestly feel like there are a lot of others who feel the same way. I hope you will enjoy being away from FB and rest and spend time with family like you’re getting to do. You are in my thoughts and prayers every day. We know that we’re blessed and yet at times the road is hard to bear. We lift our eyes and voices to God and ask for help. God Bless you my sweet friend and I love you and your spirit.

    1. Amen, Elaine, being away right now has been good for me during this time of the death of my friend, David. Thank you, for being so supportive I appreciate you so much.

  6. Aging is definitely taking it’s toll on so many of us. But you have every right to be depressed. Your eye and your teeth are huge problems to deal with. And yes, Facebook is definitely upsetting and like you I am not seeing everyone I would like to see and seeing too many advertisements and don’t get me started on how Facebook treats the political view it doesn’t like. I stay on to see what is happening in the lives of my friends and relatives. I do urge you to see your doctor about your depression as talking with someone helps and medication definitely helps. If not for medication I wouldn’t be able to handle all of the losses of friends I have had in the past 3 years. I knew I would lose people as I aged but somehow I thought it was years away and now I see it happening several times a month. I am struggling with the death of my very best friend last month and life ahead without her by my side. I hope you will continue to be on Facebook as I love the uplifting posts you share each day.

    1. Sandra, when I allow myself to think about FB, and what they are doing to us by silencing our post, VOICES it makes me so sick to my stomach. How we ever got here and have allowed the media and social media to dictate to us is beyond me.. I wish you a blessed week..

  7. Oh, Debbie, I i do understand. I’ve been going through some similar things. I am so blessed in so many ways, but I feel myself lacking the effort to do what I’ve always done. This need for quietness and self reflection? I feel, at least in my case, its a time when God is going in deep and doing some refining.
    He lives you and His desire us to prosper and bless you in every way. Jyst trust Him and relax into Him in the process.

    1. Melly, I love what you just said and I so agree, He is going in deep on me right now. I nad caly He is the Potter and wow, things are being shaken up and I know it is Him working in me. Have a blessed week, and I’ll be praying for you. As Women and Children of God we need to encourage and pray for one another not tear each other down. I have seen way too much tearing down of women by women to last me the rest of my life, build each other up, love your sisters. God Bless you, have a wonderful week.

  8. Debbie all of us need our times to recuperate from daily stresses and when health issues occur – even moreso! Step back when needed, deep breathe and take loving care of you!
    I read but haven’t commented for quite awhile but felt like I needed to say this.
    Love and hugs and prayers you will be ok.

  9. I just happened to check my emails just now and saw yours right off! I pray your problems with your eye and dental work will be resolved soon! I can’t imagine not being able to eat whatever I want to eat!
    This might get a little long so please forgive me if it does. I have a dear friend that is like a mom to me that had to go nursing home in physical therapy because she has two small fractures right above her tail bone and was a little malnourished from not eating enough protein. She was isolated for her first week there and now can have visitors. So I went to visit with her today and she is in really good spirits!🙌 While there one of the patients kept crying out for help because she is in a lot of pain.😢 And two of her friends have fallen and fractured a hip or shattered a knee from falling! Now she is eighty seven and in pretty good health before this happened to her. While there I shared with her about reading Hebrews 3 and how many times I’ve read this and today the last few sentences really jumped out at me! I pray for those dear people there and the care givers! And their families!! Also, I pray I never have to experience anything like those folks are going through. So thankful I have my health! Only issues are at times the eczema, but it is very mild now! Stay well and try not to give FB a thought and get some rest!
    I believe in you sending out emails to your followers is awesome! Fb can’t enter fear with that! Love you sweet friend!🙏🙏❤️🌷

    1. Love you, Susan. Your sweet friend that is like a mama to you will be in my prayers. I know I am just 65 and I pray for a long long life. That is why I do all I can for my health. I am so blessed and maybe I need to sit quietly more often and just talk more and more to the Lord. Have a wonderful evening and a wonderful Sunday, my sweet friend.

      1. Thank you sweet friend and have a peaceful, relaxing Sunday! I agree with Jayce about stepping back and take deep breaths and relax!🙏😊💓

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