Wednesday, November 8th-

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Good day everyone I hope this blog post finds you well and in good spirits. As promised, I said I would let you know about my longtime friend HS Jeri Harris. She posted on the page for a while, off and on when I was away, on vacation, or just needed a break for a day or two. A couple of months ago I asked you on the page to pray for her. They had found a mass on her lung. It was cancer, and it took almost 2.4 months to get there and to where she is today. Chemo 3 hours once a day, five days a week for radiation for the next 6 weeks. Her spirits have been amazing, she has been so positive thus far. Thank you, for your continued prayers for her and her sister and husband as they all three embark on this huge health challenge with her. Also, my brother has settled into rehab and is doing well. Thank you, Father! I know the Lord will never put more on me than I can handle, but, I will say that at times, so many times throughout my life my cup was low and even empty, and I still poured from that empty cup only to make my own self sick I’m learning that doesn’t work, ever. And it only took me 67 years to figure that out. I am slow I guess.

I told you that I am seeking employment after all these years, and I have to get a resume together. Thank goodness my daughter-in-law can and will help me there. I would not know where to start today on building a resume. I have found a job I think I would like at my dermatologist’s office of all things. I’m not sure I am the right age for them but, 4 days per week, 8 hours a day! I’ll be 68 on December 28th, and I’ve not worked outside the home in years, so this will be a challenge for me. But, this is a must at this time in my life, sadly today everything has gone up, from food to gas, to power bills, wow, EVERYTHING has gone up up up and our pay doesn’t. I know God provides all of our needs, but He also expects us to do our part by working for what we need if we still can. For the past several years my SS and this blog made me enough to live on but just enough to maintain. I did share that since my Oh So Shabby By Debbie Reynolds FB page, and that blog was hacked, and I had to start all over it just died here. But, there were over 300,000 followers on that page, and now FB has a locked down on posts and no longer allows enough people to see our post to allow it to grow like that again. It is okay, it must be time for me to get out and about and find that new job, a new adventure for myself. I’m not the first 68 YO who needed to go back to work now, and I bet I will not be the last.

On a much lighter note, the weather has been amazing this week here in Alabama, in the low 70s, with a wonderful breeze. But, much-needed rain is on its way, and cooler temperatures will follow. I wish you all a blessed Wednesday. God bless, be well, and I will see you all soon. Good Lord willing.

19 thoughts on “Wednesday, November 8th-”

  1. Praying for you Debbie. I worked in a dentist office for years with gals my age. Then suddenly we were bought out and in came the young crew. The older ones quit or were soon fired. They let me stay until I retired at age 67 last October. The young ones were great. So much fun to work with and I remember being worried it would be hard but it wasn’t! My husband is 69 and still has to work. Things cost so very much these days, like you said. Love from the MS Gulf Coast, Debra

  2. Glad to hear your friend is keeping her spirits up! My husband went through 7 mis. of treatments and it was a very hard time.. We were also isolated from family and friends due to his extremely low immune system. Praying she continues to do well and and stays positive!!

  3. Finally, saw one of your posts on FB and came here to catch up with your posts. Good luck with your job search and pray you find just the perfect one for you. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  4. You are right about everything keeps going up in prices, Debbie. I hope your job search will be successful in what works best for you! I just turned 72 a couple of weeks ago and can’t imagine having to get a job.
    I hate that your friend, Jeri, is having to go through such hard cancer treatments! I will pray for her and her family.
    Keeping you all in my thoughts and thoughts. Love, Susan

    1. I hope it will be successful too, only God knows at this point. I worked the same job section 8 housing for years as a district manager. Then after my MS diagnosis I took early retirement and kept my grands. All three of them are grown up now the oldest in college the other 2 HS. I see Jackson once a week and on weekends. But, honestly I need something for me and to help me with money. As I said things just keep going up and I don’t have that kind of money, and never have I get by but it’s really because harder and stressful to count every penny each month.So, if a job is in my future God will open doors for that job. Have a blessed day

  5. Debbie, I like yourself need a job. I don’t draw that much and appreciate what I do get. Everything has gone sky high and people are having a hard time getting what they need.

    I worked for the Board of Elections and have to say I absolutely loved it. The pay wasn’t bad because I was allowed to work every day if early voting and Election Day. I’m 70 years old and can still get around and go.

    I’m praying that this job will be in God’s Will and Plan just for you. I love you my friend. 🙏🏻❤️

  6. Oh, Debbie, I pray you get the job God has for you. He always supplies. When I retired at 63, I had to get a part-time job. I worked at the Shelby County Courthouse until the state started laying off! But God has supplied all my needs without getting another job. I pray God will supply yours. Continuing to pray with you and for Jeri and her family and also for your brother. God bless.

  7. Debbie, it’s always so good to hear from you on your blog and I love your fb posts too. Fir your friend: “Keep the faith, Jeri.”
    Debbie, I hope you find a job that you find tolerable with wonderful coworkers 🤗✨️💝

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