Well, September has arrived!

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Hello, my Facebook and Blog friends. It has been a while. I do hope you are all doing well. Where do I begin? 68 is looking at me hard. I am not sure why some of us at that age are still going strong and some of us slow down, some way down. The last I posted on FB I was asking for prayers for a miracle for my longtime friend of 40 plus years Jeri. She had also posted for me in my absence on the Facebook page. Well, her Doctor dropped the ball and it was one month before she was able to get to that Pulmonary Doctor, and she had to fight to get there. It is sad that our medical workers just seem to not care anymore. Or you are blessed and have one that stays on top of your issues. She was not that blessed God love her. She did get in yesterday to the one her twin sister goes to. She loved him and he told her, he was pretty sure it was cancer but they could not of course come up with a plan until they knew what type of cancer. They will do the biopsy tomorrow Thursday, Sept 7th.

I don’t know about you guys but Summer went by fast and it was an odd Summer here as well. I did not get to enjoy myself like I usually do. Terry AKA Mama Katt and I are still walking, however, she has been under the weather off and on all Summer and was not able to walk much of this Summer. Remember her in your prayers as well. As far as it goes for me, I went for my yearly physical last week all my blood work was normal. Just high cholesterol and triglycerides. Nothing another drug can’t fix, right??? I’ve had high cholesterol and triglycerides since I was in my 30’s I have also had a heart cath and there were no signs of any issues then, now who knows? I’ve spent much of my Summer here in the house redoing things and just chilling. I don’t care to get out and go all the time like I once did. Funny how things can change as we age huh? From the foods we once liked to the places we once enjoyed, that no longer work as well for us. Aging is a process and we all face it if we are blessed to be here until we get older, even old.

Some of us age better than others. My youngest granddaughter Charlie was in the hospital for about 10 days with a blood infection from what they think was a bug bite. It was the same week Jackson my 3-year-old grandson started daycare, and I had to take him as his Mother was with Charlie in the hospital, and my son tried to keep working as much as he could. Jackson had a time and me leaving him there at daycare with him hysterical was no easy task let me tell you. It ripped my heart out. I was grateful it was only 4 hours per day and only 3 days per week. Charlie is home and back in school. Jackson still has his days when he cries just for a bit for Mommy but the teacher says he comes around fast and adjusts well.

Well, I have babbled on and on about me, my kids, my grands, my Summer so I am going to head out with this. I do not know if I will return to At Home With Debbie any time soon folks. Forgive me, please. I am just going through some changes and I am trying to roll with them daily. Be well, my friends, and much love.


20 thoughts on “Well, September has arrived!”

  1. Debbie, I love your blogs! You are so honest and describe events so well. Blessings of good health for Charlie, Jeri, and Mama Katt/Teri 💖 Sending you encouragement and Atta Girl!

  2. Good to catch up a bit on what’s been going in with you and yours! 😢 Sorry to hear about little Charlie ~ such a busy world, new things and odd things, happening all around, so much going on and tough for a little one stuck in a hospital, and a Mama too!
    Would be tough on a Grammy (like us), to have to drop off a “little” at daycare ~ too!
    Seems the older we get the harder it is to do some things ~ physically, as well as emotionally!
    Yes, Priorities do change as we age too.
    We see some who are still going strong at 70, 80, and even 85, but that is not a majority I am sure. It is hard to accept that we are unable to accomplish as much as we used to, but each day is truly a gift! And, you are still a young’un! 😊
    I see quotes that say something like ~
    “I love a day at home with no stress, no conflicts, no noise and just a good book” (or something similar) and I think to myself ~ now there is a kindred soul.
    Miss hearing more from you too ~ maybe in a week or so I will have a few uninterrupted hours/days and will get in touch!
    Wish that could include a glass of lemonade or tea, out on the porch ~ 🤗 ~ but realize that’s just wishful thinking! Until then ~ Prayers for you, my friend, as well as those dear to you ~
    Sending Hugs💗🙏

  3. It’s so good to see a post from you. Praying for all of you. I hope Gid touches each of you and blessed you with good health and happiness. It is strange how things change asxee get older. I find myself doing the same. God Bless

  4. I don’t know what changes you are going through, but aging isn’t for weak. My heart is with you. My summer was spent mostly inside, now I am trying to weed through all my stuff and get my house ready to sell, while it is still a such a hot market for sellers here. They say as soon as you list it is sold in less than two weeks for asking price. I hope that is accurate. I inherited the house my father built, and really would like to keep it. But it is too big and too much maintenance for my income. .

  5. We will all miss you very much. Jut like we miss Mama Katts.. I know the feeling of aging. I will be 84 next month and I too am slowing down. Be safe. Stay healthy. <3

  6. Nice to see you here Debbie and I can SO relate to what you are saying. Enjoy the moments and don’t stress… we’re here when you feel like sharing. 🙂

  7. So glad to see you are still able to go and do. I hope Jeri gets a good report after her biopsy. I thought about you and Terry on Monday and looked specifically for posts from you both. Let her know that she and you are missed . Enjoy your grands; mine grew up much too fast! ❤

  8. I’ve been feeling the same. Some days it takes everything just to get dressed. The holidays are coming and I hope it boosts my mood. Hang in there girl……you’re not alone!

    Much love and hugs!

  9. God Bless You Debbie! It maybe time for some needed rest. God has a way to make us “Be Still” I will be Praying for your dear friend and you🙏🏻

  10. You do you as best you can, the rest will survive. Things change, & sometimes it takes time for things to settle into a better pattern. We are not only aging with changes, but the world is doing a real number on anyone paying attention. The ebb, & flow will come around, sooner I hope! Bless you in your basket of life goodies, look for the silver lining in all things.

  11. Keeping your all in prayers! It really has been an unusual year even for myself. So grateful for our faithful and unchanging God.

  12. So sorry life has been hard for you as well as your friends, Debbie. I understand completely. I just had knee surgery last Thursday and am trying to get my mobility back. Makes you sad and yet grateful that we are able to get to old age when so many arr denied that that gift. Praying things will take a turn for the better for you very soon! So glad to see you here again! ❤️❤️

  13. Good to hear from you. Summer sure is going by way to fast. Fall will be here soon! Thank you for the updates on you and your friends! Keeping you all in my prayers! Stay in touch. 💓🙏💓🙏

  14. Dear Debbie,
    So nice to see your update. I’m sorry for all the challenging news and happy to see you and Mama Kat are still walking when possible. Prayers for you both 🙏 ❤️ Yes, aging is certainly not for sissies! Celebrating 1 yr tom last chemo! Yay! I am grateful Lord. Trying to get through ALL my parents/ancestors belongings now at our little home. And hope to be employed soon, as we need more $$, don’t we all. Take care Debbie and family. Much love to you. God bless. 🙏💕

  15. Hello Debbie,
    I have missed you being on your page and have been praying 🙏🏻 for you, your friend and Terry / aka Katt. I’m so thankful that y’all still get together and walk and fellowship. I for one have missed the blog and your posts. With that being said, you must do what makes you happy and comfortable. FB had gotten to be a pain in your side along with many others. If you can
    get on your regular page and let us hear from you should you decide not to come back, we can still have communication with each other.

    I’m so thankful that Jackson has you as his
    Nana. I’m thankful that Charlie is well. That’s a scary situation. Many prayers for you and your family. I love you my dear and sweet friend. ❤️🙏🏻❤️

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