What an afternoon it was!

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On Tuesday afternoon here in my small town I sit out for the post office to mail off the Easter pillow cover winners their items. On my way, in this once again small town, with its 2 lane road and speed limit of 45 miles an hour. I count six police cars as they fly past me going in the opposite direction. I immediately thought to myself, oh my goodness something really bad has happened. I continued on my way doing the speed limit as was the car in front of me when all of a sudden I look through my rear view mirror and what did I see? but a white car coming up on me very very fast with oncoming traffic I thought to myself what am I gonna do when they got so close in less that 2 seconds I quickly veered off the road into a Gulley and the car doing at least 120 flew past as it flew past with oncoming Tracie!! I happen to notice it was a new car and half of it on the passenger side was dented or gone. Then I hear sirens still off the road in the gully. I look up through my side window and I see the police and then I look forward , this all happened in like a split second. I look forward and I see the car that just flew last me hit another car and causing it to smash into another car, both cars that I could see were totaled.. The car running from the officers that caused the accidents and ran a few off the 2 lane road loses control, flips in the air, falls on its roof and skids across the 2 lane road. You can see the white marks on the road in the photos I took once I got back in the road and closer to the scene. I didn’t know if they were going to be gunshots or gun fires. You never really know when something so chaotic takes place right before your eyes. I only snapped pictures of the first officers that arrived on the same and a firetruck and an ambulance was headed in another direction and got caught up in the wrath but it ended up they were needed for the two people that were hurt that were hit by the perpetrators come to find out they had been chased high-speed chase through three different counties until they wound up in my little town doing 120 to 130 mph as clocked by the police it was on our nightly news and there are sat. It was awful I thought OK I’m 68 driving 45 in a small town , just going to the post office. It’s scary folks it’s really scary. We need Jesus with us every second of every day. Just thought I’d share. I know you’ve been through something like that or you know someone who has but it’s scary. No gunfire is shot thank God. There were two young men and a new white stolen car that had ran across on a high-speed chase through the three counties. Actually, neither of them were injured. I didn’t get to get a picture of that car. It was like a pancake. The two cars that were involved or two elderly people and they were both hurt in each car. I was just praying for them and so thankful that I wasn’t involved in the accident just seeing it was unnerving enough I don’t think I want to go back to that Post Office anytime in the near future I think I’ll go in the opposite direction, we just never know

27 thoughts on “What an afternoon it was!”

  1. Sweet Friend……..
    Giving Thanks to God for taking care of you and lifting healing prayers for the injured
    Love you, huge hug

  2. Sweet Friend…….
    Thanking God for taking care of you and lifting healing prayers for the injured
    Love you, huge hugs

  3. I think you were put there safely out of harm’s way to pray for those involved 🙏 We are where we are supposed to be,and delays for whatever reason are to keep us where we are needed. Bless you!

  4. Oh my! Glad you weren’t hurt and no one had to lose their life over this. We never know what is going to be around the corner when we go out!

  5. Yes, we were in a similar situation last year leaving a concert! Two young men in a stolen car, free wheeling 100 MI an hour with police close behind and trying to block them off. Don’t know what possesses anyone to do this. We got caught in the middle, I ducked in case bullets were going to fly.

  6. Oh my goodness, how scary! Things can happen so fast and be life changing. So thankful you’re ok.

  7. Wow! That is scary, Debbie! Glad you are okay and the officers were able to capture the criminals! Never know what will happen when we leave our homes,

  8. Debbie, I’m so thankful you saw the car coming and were able to get off the road. We never know what a day will bring. I’m thankful you were not hurt.

  9. Ohmygosh Debbie, this scared me as I was reading it. I am so thankful that you weren’t hit or involved in this accident. Thank the Good Lord Jesus for keeping you safe. I love you my dear friend 🙏🏻❤️

  10. So thankful you were not hurt. What a frightening situation! Praying for those innocent people 🙏😳

  11. Oh my gosh, Debbie !!!! So thankful that you’re ok !!!! I see stuff like this all the time in the news but in our small town it seems to be pretty rare. But when it does happen and one is in the midst of it is terrible !!! I’ll be praying for those injured by no fault of their own 🙏🏻

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